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Maj. Gen. Mixon

Courtesy Audio | 5th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | Date: 06.16.2007

Talks to an NPR reporter in Washington, D.C., about the bombing of the Golden Mosque in Samarra, the homemade bombs that were used and how terrorists' weapons are getting into Iraq.


Brig. Gen. Bednarek

Courtesy Audio | 5th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | Date: 05.26.2007

Talks to an ABC Radio reporter in New York, N.Y., about spending Memorial Day away from home, how he spent his Memorial Day and the importance of Memorial Day to him.


Cav Roundup 102

Audio by Staff Sgt. Stephen Roach | 7th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | Date: 04.17.2007

This edition features stories on Operation Yukon River, a truck bomber being detained, ten suspected terrorists being detained and the progress of the Iraqi leaders course facility construction. Hosted by Sgt....


Iraqi Swat Team Trains

Audio by Sgt. 1st Class Samantha Stryker | 5th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | Date: 04.03.2007

Package about special Iraqi Police groups, SWAT and Tactical Strike Teams, training with military and civilian experts on police tactics and procedures. Produced by Sgt. Samantha Szesciorka.


Boot on the Ground 96

Audio by Sgt. 1st Class Samantha Stryker | 5th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | Date: 04.02.2007

Package about infantry Soldiers air-dropping into Baqubah during the night. Produced by Spc. Samantha Szesciorka.