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Lt. Col. Keaveny

Courtesy Audio | 4th Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division Public Affairs | Date: 11.02.2007

Talks to a ABC Radio reporter in New york, N.Y., about the progress of operations in his area of responsibility, the significance of Sunni and Shiite unity, the progress of Iraqi security forces and the...


Maj. Gen. Mixon

Courtesy Audio | 115th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | Date: 08.22.2007

Talks to an NPR reporter about a helicopter crash in which 14 U.S. Soldiers were killed, a suicide truck bombing and the level of enemy activity in the Diyala province.


Maj. Gen. Mixon

Courtesy Audio | 115th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | Date: 08.22.2007

Talks to a USA Today reporter about Operation Lightning Hammer in the Diyala province and the makeup of the insurgent population in the area.


Maj. Gen. Mixon

Courtesy Audio | 115th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | Date: 08.22.2007

Talks to a Salem Radio reporter in Irving, Texas, about Operation Lightning Hammer in the Diyala province, the makeup of the insurgent population and troop morale.


Maj. Gen. Mixon

Courtesy Audio | 115th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | Date: 08.22.2007

Talks to an ABC Radio reporter about a helicopter crash in which 14 U.S. Soldiers were killed, Operation Lighting Hammer in the Diyala province and the progress of the provincial government in Diyala.