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A meteor seen flying over Russia on Feb. 15 at 3:20: 26 UTC impacted Chelyabinsk.

February 15, 2013

Russia Meteor Not Linked to Asteroid Flyby

Preliminary information indicates that a meteor in Chelyabinsk, Russia, is not related to asteroid 2012 DA14, which is flying by Earth safely today.

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This animated set of three images depicts asteroid 2012 DA14 as it was seen on Feb. 14, 2013

February 14, 2013

Near-Earth Asteroid Makes Preview Appearance

Asteroid 2012 DA14, set to make its closest approach to Earth on Feb. 15, is captured in early images from Australia.

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Diagram depicting the passage of asteroid 2012 DA14 through the Earth-moon system on Feb. 15, 2013.

February 13, 2013

NASA to Chronicle Close Earth Flyby of Asteroid

NASA Television will provide commentary starting at 11 a.m. PST (2 p.m. EST) on Friday, Feb. 15, during the close, but safe, flyby of a small near-Earth asteroid named 2012 DA14.

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This artist concept features NASA's Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity rover

February 13, 2013

National Space Club Honors Mars Curiosity

The National Space Club will honor NASA's Curiosity/Mars Science Laboratory team with three awards, including the prestigious Dr. Robert H. Goddard Memorial Trophy.

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Sun glint off a sea ice lead in an otherwise heavily ridged ice pack, Canada Basin (Arctic Ocean).

February 13, 2013

Study Sheds New Light on Arctic Sea Ice Volume Losses

New research by scientists from NASA and other agencies shows Arctic sea ice volume declined 36 percent in the autumn and nine percent in the winter over the last decade.

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NASA's MAVEN spacecraft recently completed assembly and has started environmental testing.

February 13, 2013

NASA's MAVEN Mission Completes Assembly

NASA's next mission to Mars, MAVEN, has completed spacecraft assembly and begun environmental testing.

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This artist's concept shows the Euclid spacecraft.

February 12, 2013

JPL to Lead U.S. Science Team for Dark Energy Mission

The European Space Agency has selected three NASA-nominated science teams to participate in their planned Euclid mission, including one led by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

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Variations in total water storage from normal, in millimeters, in the Tigris and Euphrates river basins

February 12, 2013

NASA Satellites Find Freshwater Losses in Middle East

A new study from a pair of gravity-measuring NASA satellites finds that large parts of the arid Middle East region lost freshwater reserves rapidly during the past decade.

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A shiny-looking Martian rock is visible in this image

February 11, 2013

Mars Rock Takes Unusual Form

On Mars, as on Earth, sometimes things can take on an unusual appearance. A case in point is a shiny-looking rock seen in a recent image from NASA's Curiosity Mars rover.

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Curiosity's First Sample Drilling

February 9, 2013

NASA Curiosity Rover Collects First Martian Bedrock Sample

NASA's Curiosity rover has, for the first time, used a drill carried at the end of its robotic arm to bore into a flat, veiny rock on Mars and collect a sample from its interior.

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