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Postdoctoral Programs
Seminar Series

The JPL Postdoc Seminar Series is sponsored by the University Research Affairs office. Speakers are current postdocs at JPL who give a one-hour presentation on their current research activities. There can be up to two seminars each month. If you are interested in giving a talk, please contact Rowena Kloepfer.

Upcoming Seminars
Speaker Date Location Time
Suniti Sanghavi 02/21/2013 180-101 12:00 - 1:00
Yingdi Liu 03/07/2013 180-101 12:00 - 1:00
Roberto Assef 03/21/2013 167-151 12:00 - 1:00
Carl Borgentun 04/04/2013 167-151 12:00 - 1:00
Estelle Deau 04/18/2013 180-101 12:00 - 1:00
Morgan Cable 05/02/2013 180-101 12:00 - 1:00
Kaniska Mallick 05/16/2013 180-101 12:00 - 1:00
Chaitali Parashare 05/30/2013 180-101 12:00 - 1:00
Tony Mroczkowski 06/13/2013 167-151 12:00 - 1:00
Tami McDunn 06/27/2013 167-151 12:00 - 1:00
Jo-Hsin Chen 07/11/2013 167-151 12:00 - 1:00

Seminar Archive
Speaker Presentation
Arthur Congdon Light Bending and Dark Matter: Gravitational Lensing as a Probe of Galaxy Structure (PDF, 2.81 MB)
Andrea Urban Star Formation (PDF, 17.41 MB)
Ali Vanderveld Testing gravity on cosmological scales with weak lensing (PDF, 4.25 MB)
Shanshan Yu Laboratory Terahertz Spectroscopy of Gaseous Molecules and Ions for Herschel, SOFIA and ALMA (Power Point, 10.26 MB)
Nicholas Chapman Quiescent High-Mass Cores in Orion (PDF, 3.82 MB)
Tim Cassidy The EnceladusTorus: Saturn’s Vaporous Ring (PDF, 991 KB)
Jennifer Benson Mars' North and South Polar Hood Clouds (Power Point, 6.85 MB)
Eric Cady Design and Verification of External Occulters for Direct Imaging of Extrasolar Planets (PDF, 21.13 MB)
Kyle Stewart Observing the End of 'Cold Flows': Orbiting Circum-galactic Gas as a Signature of Cosmological Accretion (PDF, 2.37 MB)
Guillaume Kirgis Ozone Long-Term Variability Observed at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii, and Table Mountain Facility, California: Transport and Steps of Recovery (PDF, 3.26 MB)
Petr Kuchynka Determining Asteroid Masses from Planetary Range: A Short Course in Parameter Estimation (PPTX, 4.16 MB)
Kristjan Stone Quasiparticle Tunneling Measurements on an Illuminated Quantum Capacitance Detector Array (PPTX, 15.58 MB)
My-Linh Truong-Loi Soil moisture and biomass retrieval over forest areas using low frequency polarimetricSAR data (PDF, 3.73 MB)





Program Administrator: Rowena Kloepfer
Site Manager: Brian Knosp
Webmaster: Clayton Dilks
JPL Clearance: CL# 09-2712