

Scientists Find Ancient Microbes in Antarctic Lake
Scientists from NASA and other institutions have found bacteria beneath the icy surface of a remote Antarctic lake, expanding our knowledge of life in extreme environments.
Read more (Dec. 3)

Ice Sheet Loss at Both Poles Increasing, Study Finds
An international team of experts has combined satellite and aircraft data to produce the most comprehensive assessment to date of ice sheet losses in Greenland and Antarctica.
Read more (Nov. 29)

NASA Study Could Improve Hurricane Strength Forecasts
Forecasters could be able to predict how intense tropical cyclones like Hurricane Sandy will be by analyzing relative-humidity levels within their large-scale environments.
Read more (Nov. 28)

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Explore Earth satellites in 3D
"Eyes on the Earth" is a 3-D visualization experience that lets users "fly along" with NASA's fleet of Earth science missions and observe climate data from a global perspective in an immersive, real-time environment.
View interactive | Global Climate Change site


NASA's Terra Spacecraft Captures Russian Volcano Eruption
Plosky Tolbachik volcano, in Russia's far eastern Kamchatka peninsula, erupted on Nov. 27, 2012 for the first time in 35 years, sending clouds of ash almost 10,000 feet into the sky. This image was acquired by NASA's Terra spacecraft.
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Earth Observing Missions

Active Cavity Irradiance Monitor Satellite
Monitors total sun energy that reaches Earth.
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Atmospheric Infrared Sounder on Aqua satellite
Measures air and surface temperature, clouds, humidity.
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Microwave Limb Sounder on Aura satellite
Improves understanding of ozone and precursors.
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Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer on Aura satellite
Observes ozone and gases in the troposphere, the part of atmosphere where we live.
Instrument home page

Revealing the inner secrets of clouds.
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Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment
Measures Earth's gravitational field.
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Ocean Surface Topography Mission/Jason 2
A follow-on to Jason 1, this mission charts sea level, and its data will help improve climate and weather forecasts.
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Measures ocean level changes and El Niño.
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Quick Scatterometer
Measures ocean surface winds.
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Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer on Terra satellite
Takes high-resolution images, global and local.
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Multi-angle Imaging Spectro-Radiometer on Terra satellite
Images Earth and aerosols from nine angles.
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Shuttle Radar Topography Mission
Acquired the most complete near global mapping of Earth's topography.
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