Marketing, Technology • December 03, 2012

Inbound Marketing For Lawyers

By Sterling McKinley

Inbound marketing focuses on earning, not buying, a person’s attention, which is done through social media and engaging content, such as blogs, podcasts and white papers.

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Reference Library • November 30, 2012

What Does Your Conference Room Say About You?

By Jill Nelson

Here are three tips you can apply to your practice to make a great impression.

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Featured • November 28, 2012

Small Firm Innovation Returns to @ABAJournal #Blawg100

By Gwynne Monahan

I’m not one to take things for granted, so just because you make the list one year doesn’t mean you’ll make the it the next year, too. I merely conduct this chorus though. These people make it sing!

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Technology • November 27, 2012

#MILOfest Rewires the Brain

By Tomasz Stasiuk

It’s like a TED for Mac lawyers!

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Reference Library, Technology • November 21, 2012

Lawyers Finally Realizing Importance of Social Media…But Is It Too Little, Too Late?

By Carolyn Elefant

While I’m glad that lawyers are finally realizing that they’re behind the curve, my concern is that they won’t take the time to use social media so that they can understand it firsthand.

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Marketing, Technology • November 19, 2012

A Lawyer on Every Smartphone

By Sterling McKinley

Is your website optimized for smartphone users?

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Reference Library, Technology • November 16, 2012

Important Webinar: #CloudComputing & Disaster Preparedness #Sandy

By Gwynne Monahan

Natural disasters happen. Life is disrupted, but your law practice doesn’t have to be. Cloud computing helps law firms continue doing business through the disaster.

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Reference Library • November 14, 2012

Are Virtual Law Firms Gaining Traction?

By Carolyn Elefant

The good news is that consumers have the ability to access lawyers. The flip side is that there’s no way to determine whether the advice offered is accurate or relevant. I predict…

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Marketing • November 12, 2012

Changes in Online Searching Behavior and What Does That Mean for Your Website and Marketing Yourself

By Monica Goyal

What we found almost from the beginning was that some people were going to Google asking “complete” questions, and Google was directing them to our frequently asked questions or to our blog.

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Reference Library • November 09, 2012

Four Things I Learned from Hurricane #Sandy

By Joseph Bahgat

Irene came around about a year after I’d taken my law practice paperless. Fast forward about 14 months to #Sandy, and over the past few days I’ve learned a lot.

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