Rep. Henry Cuellar

Rep. Henry Cuellar


Rep. Henry Cuellar is a member of the U.S. Appropriations Committee, Blue Dog Coalition, Vice Chair of the Steering & Policy Committee, & Sen. Whip.

Washington D.C./Laredo, TX ·

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  1. Today I was appointed to the House Appropriations Subcom. on Homeland Sec and State and Foreign Relations. Read more-

  2. Over 100 participants heard from federal agencies yesterday on grant opportunities. Let’s bring our dollars back home

  3. Teachers: Check out this opportunity to spend a week in DC and learn tools to bring back to your classroom --

  4. HHS: Medicare spending growth has slowed down; ACA keeps Medicare premiums low for seniors &improves qlty of healthcare

  5. 155K added in Dec; 34th cnscutive month of prvt sector job growth –Dems & GOP working together will aid in continued economic progress

  6. Honored to be appointed to House Appropriations Com, which oversees the Fed budget, allowing me to be a stronger advocate for middle class

  7. Treasury unloads last holdings in AIG & continues to wind down TARP w profit. To date > 90% of TARP has been recovered


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