What Kind of Politician Votes Against a Hurricane Relief Bill?

Associated Press

Delivering on the first of two parts in a controversial federal aid package, the House of Representatives passed a $9.7 billion Hurricane Sandy relief bill Friday by a large margin — 354 to 67. And yet, we can't help but ask: Who are those 67 jerks?

By David Wagner

7:01 PM ET

Today in Research

You Won't Believe How Many Americans Are Falling Asleep at the Wheel

Discovered: Scary numbers about sleeping while driving; our moon might get its own moon; decoding the malware genome; fighting HIV with HIV. 


By Jen Doll

6:53 PM ET

The 2012 Word of the Year: Hashtag

In a final vote of 118 to 99 in a runoff against marriage equality (winner of "Most Likely to Succeed"), at the annual Word of the Year event held by the American Dialect Society, hashtag took it home.


By Richard Lawson

6:51 PM ET

The Call Sheet

'The Big Bang Theory' Is the New 'Friends'

Today in show business news: CBS has an ever-growing monster hit on its hands, Anna Faris heads to the small screen, and Bates Motel is not what you think it is. 


By Esther Zuckerman

6:45 PM ET

The Fake Oscar Leak That Broke a Potential Nominee's Heart

The Oscar people have had plenty of trouble with the technology behind their nominations this year, but the Academy did not leak one of the nominees in the costume design category, a spokesperson told The Atlantic Wire late Friday.


By David Wagner

6:22 PM ET

Today in Research

The FDA's Food Contamination Rules Were Disgustingly Out of Date

After much delay, and much not-so-secret disgust, the Food and Drug Administration came out with rules aimed at curbing food-borne illness Friday. Here's how the proposed new rules will affect what you eat... finally.


By Esther Zuckerman

6:10 PM ET

Chart of the Day

Why Vinyl Is Doing So Well Again

Blame it on hipsters? This chart from Digital Music News shows how vinyl hit another "modern-era record" in 2012, selling 4.6 million units, according to data from Nielsen Soundscan.


By Alexander Abad-Santos

6:08 PM ET

We Salute the First Baby Senator

Every day The Atlantic Wire highlights the video clips that truly earn your five minutes (or less) of attention.


By J.K. Trotter

6:06 PM ET

Get Ready for the Great Chuck Hagel Confirmation Fight of 2013

After weeks of speculation and before weeks of heated partisan bickering over his appointee's controversial record, President Obama will nominate former Nebraska Senator Chuck Hagel as Secretary of Defense "as early as Monday."


By Esther Zuckerman

5:49 PM ET

The Spoiler-Free Guide to Season 3 of 'Downton Abbey'

We've been eagerly awaiting Sunday's premiere, consuming the media build-up in its entirety while also hoping to stay free from too many clues — they've already aired the entire third "series" over there.


By Elspeth Reeve

5:35 PM ET

Dick Armey Sticks His FreedomWorks Payback to Glenn Beck

The former head of the Tea Party group said FreedomWorks paid Beck about $1 million to say "nice things" about it, and that it got a negative return on that investment, in an interview — with the liberal group Media Matters, of all places.


By Alexander Abad-Santos

5:05 PM ET

Look Who's Already in Trouble Over the Steubenville Rape Case

Steubenville High's famed football coach may resign as soon as Monday, and the recent graduate whose shocking video confession was leaked by hackers who took the case national may be in trouble with his college.


By Rebecca Greenfield

4:40 PM ET

The Death of E-Readers Is All Your Fault

As Amazon and Barnes & Noble are quickly discovering this year, the highbrow ideal all too often gives way to the mass-market realities. From tablets to TV shows and everything in between, the most high-minded of ideas for cultural consumption always seem to devolve toward mindless entertainment.


By Rebecca Greenfield

4:35 PM ET

Why Is Hulu CEO Jason Kilar Finally Leaving?

After flirting with Marissa Mayer's Yahoo job, the Silicon Valley star, who fought bitterly with the media conglomerates he helped make relevant online, has announced his departure.


By Richard Lawson

4:25 PM ET

Let's All Watch Joe Biden's Reality Show!

Yet another one of those silly petitions has popped up in the White House's online "We the People" suggestion box, though this one actual entertainment value. You see, the people now want a Joe Biden reality show. Yes! Let's make some pitches.


New Editor at 'New York Observer' Has Family Ties and Maybe Ambitious Hand

Ken Kurson is a political consultant, longtime professional associate of Rudy Giuliani and close friend of Jared Kushner, who owns the paper, and his father Charles.


By Alexander Abad-Santos

3:41 PM ET

North Korea Has Got Tabloid Fever Over Kim Jong-un's Baby

Reports are criss-crossing the usually hush-hush country nation that Kim Jong-un's wife may have given birth to a future supreme leader. Not that anything's been confirmed, because this is North Korea, after all.


By Richard Lawson

3:23 PM ET

What We Watched

'Buckwild': MTV Invents Another of Its Rare Species

The show rings remarkably false — even for an MTV reality show, even for the supposed successor to Jersey Shore — especially in contrast to the show's supposed mission, which is to shed a light on backwoods kids who just don't give a good god darn.


By J.K. Trotter

3:10 PM ET

Drunk Pilot Nearly Re-Enacted the Movie 'Flight' Before He Was Arrested

An arrest at the Minneapolis airport certainly is reminiscent of the Denzel Washington film: a 48-year-old American Eagle pilot was detained after he took a Breathalyzer test.


By Elspeth Reeve

2:54 PM ET

In Praise of Hostage Taking

Hostage-takers, in most movies, are bad guys. So it's curious conservatives are fully embracing the liberal talking point that House Republicans took the U.S. economy hostage during the debt limit fight of 2011, and plan to make hostage-taking the cause célèbre before the U.S. defaults in March.


By David Wagner

2:20 PM ET

R. Kelly's New Song About the Newtown Children Is Still Kind of Creepy

We're sure R. Kelly meant well. But his new tribute song for the children of Newtown, Connecticut... well, it just can't help but bring back all kinds of icky memories about his history with minors.


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