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Free exchange


Stocking stuffers

Our holiday gift guide

Dec 21st 2012, 22:15 by M.C.K. | WASHINGTON

LOOKING for some last-minute stocking stuffers? We at Free exchange have a few suggestions for books on economics and finance that are both readable and informative:

Lords of Finance by Liaquat Ahamed

This magisterial history of the interwar financial system is required reading for anyone who wants to understand the euro crisis, or central banking more generally. Mr Ahamed brilliantly describes the key issues of war reparations, currency manipulation, and the bubbles of the 1920s. He also recreates the people and debates of the time with vivid descriptions, even if they only appear for a few paragraphs. As is so often the case, decisions were determined by personality clashes as much as theoretical discourse. Many of the questions remain relevant to today’s world. Should central bankers care about bubbles? What causes hyperinflation? How should creditors treat nations with enormous sovereign debts? Can an international monetary system survive if some countries cheat? What are the consequences of an overvalued exchange rate? What is the best response to a banking crisis?

The Volatility Machine by Michael Pettis

Mr Pettis is best known for his writings on China and the euro area. But before he moved to Beijing he was a sovereign credit analyst who specialised in Latin American debt. This book was written in the early 2000s and brings to bear Mr Pettis’s considerable historical knowledge of financial crises as well as his own experience from the 1980s and 1990s. His thesis is that the booms and busts of small economies can be explained by changes in the liquidity of large economies, rather than changes in local conditions. There is also a fascinating appendix that describes bonds as packages of options. While it may strike some readers as excessively theoretical, Mr Pettis uses this framework to reach some intriguing conclusions about the best (and worst) ways to restructure bad debts. Even though it was written more than ten years ago, the book is very helpful for understanding the origins of the euro crisis, as well as what policy fixes are most likely to prove successful.

Manias, Panics, and Crashes 4th edition (or 6th edition) by Charles Kindleberger (and Robert Aliber).

One of the reasons so many people were unprepared for the recent crisis was that they were insufficiently familiar with the history of previous booms and busts. Fortunately for us, Charles Kindleberger spent his life trying to understand why crises have occurred so often. Unusually for an economist, he also wrote in clear, accessible prose. His masterpiece has been updated five times since the first edition was published in 1978. The fifth and sixth editions were written after Mr Kindleberger’s death in 2003. There is much to recommend the sixth edition, which was extensively rewritten to accommodate the events of the past few years. Putting the 2000s credit boom and accompanying surge in real estate prices into historical context is certainly valuable. But the older versions are, in some ways, more impressive precisely because they were not written in the aftermath of the worst crisis since the Depression. Either volume is sure to be appreciated by economics enthusiasts.

Liar’s Poker by Michael Lewis

Michael Lewis’s first book describes his time at Salomon Brothers during the firm’s heyday. Despite being set in the 1980s, a close reading of Liar’s Poker is still one of the best ways to learn about the culture of the trading floor (and Ivy League campus recruiting, for that matter). Greg Smith’s claim that Goldman Sachs views many of its clients as “muppets” seems relatively tame compared to some of the things in this entertaining memoir, such as when Mr Lewis sells bonds to an unsophisticated client at a price he believes to be far above fair value. Investors who remembered that episode may have been more cautious about buying securitised products in the 2000s. As it happens, Liar’s Poker includes an excellent history on the origins of the mortgage-backed security, which was invented by legendary Salomon bond trader Lewis Ranieri.

This is a reasonably short list, so readers should feel free to submit additional book ideas in the comments. What would you recommend?

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Shock Exchange

Den of Thieves, House of Morgan and Predator's Ball are three excellent books on finance and economics. However, the must read for the 2012 holiday season is SHOCK EXCHANGE How Inner-City Kids From Brooklyn Predicted the Great Recession and the Pain Ahead. The book examines the market and U.S. economy through the eyes of the New York Shock Exchange, a financial literacy program in Brooklyn, NY. SHOCK EXCHANGE is available online, and in print at Greenlight Bookstore, Word Bookstore and St. Mark's Bookshop.


John Maynard Keynes by Hyman Minsky

This Time is Different: 800 Years of Financial Folly by Kenneth Rogoff and Carmen Reinhart

Boomerang by Michael Lewis


"Lords of Finance" has been also published in French as
"Les seigneurs de la financela crise de 1929 : les banquiers qui ont ruiné le monde"


Consumption vs. Investment
Keynes vs. Hayek
They both "sing" Christmas carols to make their point.

This Time Is Different
Carment M. Reinhart and Kenneth S. Rogroff

A Financial History of Western Europe
Charles Kindleberger

Merry Christmas all!


MrRFox in reply to hedgefundguy

OK, HFG - but IMO folks ought to read 'Den of Thieves', and then ask themselves one question -

Has anything changed in the last 25 years, except that now the prosecutors are in the pockets of the felons?


Michael Lewis’s first book describes his time at Salomon Brothers during the firm’s heyday. Despite being set in the 1980s, a close reading of Liar’s Poker is still one of the best ways to learn about the culture of the trading floor (and Ivy League campus recruiting, for that matter). Greg Smith’s claim that Goldman Sachs views many of its clients as “muppets” seems relatively tame compared to some of the things in this entertaining memoir, such as when Mr Lewis sells bonds to an unsophisticated client at a price he believes to be far above fair value. Investors who remembered that episode may have been more cautious about buying securitised products in the 2000s. As it happens, Liar’s Poker includes an excellent history on the origins of the mortgage-backed security, which was invented by legendary Salomon bond trader Lewis Ranieri.This is a reasonably short list, so readers should feel free to submit additional book ideas in the comments. What would you recommend?Louis Vuitton Belts

Gordon L

Extreme Money by Satyajit Das.

I read his earlier book Traders Guns and Money and found it both informative and entertaining. Das literally wrote the book on Credit Default Swaps -that is a technical textbook on their design and use- so it was hilarious when he denounced them (prior to the GFC) in TGM. It will be interesting to get his take on our current pickle in this more recent book.

Also if you are going to recommend Liar's Poker then you ought also recommend FIASCO by Frank Partnoy as there is very little to distinguish the two books: both are ex-investment bankers who denounce their profession after leaving it.


Margin of Safety- Seth Klarman :)

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