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Free online issue

Volume 31, No 2
February 2017

ISSN: 0950-9240
EISSN: 1476-5527

2015 Impact Factor 2.833*
30/63 Peripheral Vascular Disease

Editors: Michael Stowasser, Sunil Nadar & Daichi Shimbo

*2015 Journal Citation Reports® Science Edition (Thomson Reuters, 2016)


Special Issue on Dietary and Lifestyle Factors in Hypertension

Dietary and lifestyle interventions are commonly recommended as an initial strategy or as an adjunct to antihypertensive medication to control blood pressure. Several complementary and alternative approaches also show promise as effective therapies for hypertension. The current special edition of the Journal of Human Hypertension focuses on dietary and lifestyle factors as well as complementary and alternative approaches to hypertension. The findings of these studies inform whether these non-pharmacologic approaches have important clinical effects on blood pressure and hypertension control.

Special Issue on Biomarkers

Biomarkers can serve surrogate endpoints, diagnostic and staging tools, prognostic indicators and for monitoring responses to treatment. The current special edition of the Journal of Human Hypertension focusses on the use of biomarkers in the evaluation of various hypertension-related states. The high quality studies reported herein demonstrate the ability of a selection of biomarkers to inform on potential pathogenetic mechanisms and predicting cardiovascular outcomes and responses to therapeutic interventions with the potential for future incorporation into clinical practice.

Special Issue on Epidemiology

The April 2016 issue of the Journal of Human Hypertension is a special issue on Epidemiological studies in Hypertension. Epidemiology is often referred to as the basic science of public health, as it gives us insight into the impact a particular condition has on the health of a particular population. It helps us plan health related projects and helps us manage our resources so that we can target those at greatest need. Clinicians, on the other hand, occasionally feel that epidemiology is not relevant to their day to day clinical practice. However, they don't realise that results extrapolated from population based epidemiological studies form the basis of how we manage individual patients. Epidemiology is more than just incidence and prevalence values as they also help us understand what is considered "normal" or a "normal variant". This issue has a wide range of epidemiology studies that include studies in indigenous populations and special age groups (adolescents) and also a set of normal values according to age groups in children.

Thank you

The success of a journal is determined to a large degree by the quality and dedication of reviewers. Editors and Editorial Board members are recognized for their efforts, but the invaluable input of voluntary reviewers is often overlooked. At Journal of Human Hypertension, we appreciate that reviewing manuscripts can be demanding and time-consuming, especially with typically overcrowded agendas. With this in mind, we wish to recognize the Journal of Human Hypertension reviewers for their efforts. Many thanks to all our reviewers for their support and input!
We would also like to reward the top 10 reviewers with a years free online subscription to Nature.
Please see the full list of reviewers.

The INTERMAP Study. This study has coordinated, on an international scale, the work of scientists exploring the striking variations in blood pressure between populations and individuals. Find out more by reading articles relevant to INTERMAP.