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  1. Photo: The dog in the photo is driving a car. He's been trained to do that.

Trainers in New Zealand are determined to show how smart dogs are, even though they're in animal shelters. The idea is to find good homes for more shelter dogs.

Watch the video at this link:

Like this post if you believe what you see, and SHARE it with your friends.
  2. Recent Posts by Others on FOX31 KDVR.comSee All
    • When having to give a blood test when the police think you are driving while under the influence ("stoned") are the ppl pulled over going to have to wait for a licensed person to draw the blood? Is it going to be a new training and certification for police officers? Or are they going to have someone with them at all times? I'm not giving my blood until I see a certification to do so...
      1 · 3 hours ago
    • Diane Robinson
       Don't forget to stop in and join our group MILE HIGH SCENESTERS developed my myself and my partners Kristen Conroy Harding, Christopher Thomas and Lizz Lincoln! This is a GREAT organization whose mission is to raise money for needy school music programs, conduct ongoing musical instrument drive, and provide a platform for youth musicians to showcase their talent. Our first event December 1 at Herman's Hideaway was very successful and everyone was pretty blown away at some of the GREAT young talent featured! Our next event is in early March and will feature a High School Battle of the Bands - all schools in the Mile High Area are eligible!! We are doing some really cool stuff here and we want your support and involvement in the future of our local music scene! DETAILS forthcoming on the March event very shortly!!!!!!/groups/scenesters/
      6 hours ago
    •  Dylan Redwine Missing from La Plata County in Colorado
      8 hours ago
    • Bronco Morgan
      Well apparently in the state of colorado it is legal to talk on the phone while driving but not text (new that) but if you touch your phone in any way it is considered sending data (texting) and if an officer happens to notice a phone or something that looks like a phone in your car near your hand he can give you a ticket for texting while driving , then tell the judge it appeared he was texting and that is all the proof needed. Just thought I would share my experience of having to spend 2 days in court and pay $125 for having my cell phone in the cup holder of my armrest when driving past a speed trap on santafe.
      9 hours ago
  3. Photo: CU released thousands of emails Wednesday releated to Aurora theater shooting suspect James Holmes.

They reveal the university's realization who the suspect was, and even a mention of a brief romance he had with a fellow grad student at the school.

Follow this link to read about the emails:
  4. RecommendationsSee All
    • Lynn Reynolds
      any updates to the UFO story?
      11 · about a week ago
    • Monica Paczkowski
      about 3 weeks ago
    • Fitz Greg
      about 3 weeks ago
    • Mike Cortmann
      Comment about Fox 31 triple checking their sources before posting photos on the web or on their shows= very funny. During Waldo Canyon Fire, I recall seeing an Aero Union Air Tanker buzzing a house during a fire, not a bad photo except Aero Union went out of business in 2011 and the fire that plane was fighting was from 2010 and in California.
      about a month ago
  5. Photo: The Century 16 theaters in Aurora will reopen Jan. 17 it was announced Wednesday.

See details, and a letter from the CEO of the company here:

They're offering free movies for the community for three days during the reopening. Will you go?
  6. LikesSee All
  7. Photo: A new social networking site promises to offer women the opportunity to get free breast implants.

So who's actually paying for the surgeries? Click here to find out:

Does this seem like a legitimate business model, or does it seem sleazy?
  8. Photo: This state senator wants to end the early sunsets and allow daylights saving time to last all year in Colorado.

Read his reasoning:

Would you be on board with him on this issue?
  9. Photo: A Colorado Springs couple was found guilty of animal cruelty Tuesday for the treatment of their would-be sacrificial lamb.

Find out exactly what they did to the animal:

The couple claims they were persecuted for their religious beliefs and will appeal. Can you see their side of the argument?
  10. Photo: This photo shows an incredibly kind wrestler allowing himself to be pinned by a middle schooler with severe cerebral palsy.

Watch the video of Jared Steven's heart-warming wrestling match:

LIKE this post to support Jared's fighting spirit as well as the compassion and understanding of his opponent.
  11. Photo: Officials at the US-Mexico border arrested a Mexican national living in Aurora with $52,000 in undeclared cash this week.

You're not going to believe where he had it hidden:

Is this further evidence that Mexican cartels may be trying to set up shop in Colorado ahead of marijuana becoming fully legal?
  12. A new study says "Seinfeld" is the best sitcom of all time.

    Parente says it's "Cheers"

    What's your vote?
    Photo: A new study says "Seinfeld" is the best sitcom of all time.

Parente says it's "Cheers"

What's your vote?
  13. Photo: A man shot his girlfriend this week over a disagreement about the AMC television show "The Walking Dead."

Find out how the argument escalated:
  14. Photo: In now illegal to smoke along the Pearl Street Mall in Boulder.

Find out how easily the measure passed & how much you can now be fined if you're caught lighting up:

Advocates say this ban falls in line with the city’s support for healthy living. Others call it an over-reach. What do you think?
  15. Photo: We hope you're waking up in time to see this beautiful sunrise.

Hoping it brings good news to Fern Lake Fire evacuees, many of whom will soon be allowed to return:

LIKE this post to send good vibes their way.
  16. Photo: A nice surprise for a family in Loveland after they get their dog back that spent 44 days in the Colorado mountains.

See "Mocha's" story here:

Do you have a lost pet story with a surprise ending?
  17. Photo: The text message just turned 20 years old. It's now the number 1 way teens use to communicate with each other. LOL

There are all kinds of interesting facts about text messaging in the story at this link:

What do you like most about texting? LIKE this post if you've spent time texting today.
  18. Photo: Looks like the Century16 theater in Aurora is putting up a mural on their main sign. 

What do you think it is? We have calls to the theater to find out if it's a memorial to the mass shooting this summer or just a mural for the theater. Check out the link below for the latest information. 

Hit SHARE to spread the word... 

  19. Photo: Hit LIKE if you have gotten a flu shot yet. COMMENT if you haven't or don't want too. 

The CDC says flu season is ramping up early this year. 

  20. Photo: Disney On Ice presents Dare to Dream! 
Hurry tickets are going fast! Get yours today! Playing only this Thursday, Dec. 6 – Sunday, Dec. 9 at Pepsi Center.

Click this link to order tickets
  21. Photo: BREAKING NEWS: Aurora police have arrested a man they say is responsible for a series of sex assaults and one attempted sex assault. 

Police released the suspect's photo in case there are more victims out there who have not yet come forward but recognize his face. 

Hit SHARE to spread the word... 

  22. Photo: This 9-year-old girl lost 65 pounds and is now sharing her story in an effort to fight childhood obesity.

Find out how Breanna Bond lost the weight and see photos of her transformation:

LIKE this post to support other children battling obesity.
  23. Photo: This group of ministers thinks the firing of Jon Embree is evidence of systemic racism at the University of Colorado.

Read their full argument and their call for Embree to be rehired:

Do you think there is any validity to their argument? How do you think CU should respond?
  24. Photo: Have you been enjoying the seasonably-warm temperatures? Get your fill today, because the cold is about to come roaring back.

Read about the 3 cold fronts, snow and arctic blast headed Colorado's way:

LIKE this post if you're ready for the return of Winter.
  25. Hot trends, celebrity dish, great ideas for your home and family. And above all, an hour of fun with good friends! Join us "EVERYDAY," on Fox 31 at 10:00 a.m.
    Page: 33,433 like this
  26. Photo: Both of these boys were left in a running car by their mom near Grand Junction for 90 minutes last week. Now they're both dead.

Read the mother's side of the story:

Police say they're not sure if they will press criminal charges. Should they?
  27. Photo: This was the front page of the NY Post today after a man was pushed to his death in front of a subway train Monday.

Watch video of the altercation that led to this man getting pushed:

Do you think this photo is too graphic to be put on a front page, considering this man died moments after it was taken?
  28. Photo: BREAKING NEWS: A car hit a mother and her three children as they were crossing a street in Aurora. The mother and one of her children were trapped under the car. 

Police say the driver, an off-duty officer and a third person helped lift the car and pull the woman out.
  29. Photo: Loveland Ski Area got 1.5 inches of snow today. 

Click LIKE if you think Colorado needs more snow! 

A snow storm is headed our way. Check out the forecast here:
  30. Photo: Union Station in Denver closed today to begin a renovation project. This photo from the Denver Union Station Project Authority shows what the redevelopment will look like. 

What do you think about these plans? 

  31. Photo: A photo posted online Monday shows George Zimmerman with blood on his nose and lips. His attorneys say it was taken the night unarmed teen Trayvon Martin was killed in Sanford, Florida.

Does this change your opinion about what happened that night? 

  32. Photo: Police say these 2 men fired shots in an Aurora bank before escaping  with an undisclosed amount of money.

Find out the schools that were placed on lock down during the ensuing police investigation:

SHARE this post to help authorities bring these men to justice.
  33. Photo: Bob Costas pushed for an increase in gun control during the "Sunday Night Football" halftime show last night.

Read Costas' comments referencing the Chief's Jovan Belcher, who shot & killed himself & his girlfriend:

Do you agree with Costas? Was a football game an appropriate place for his monologue? Follow the link above to vote in our poll.
  34. Photo: The man in the middle is an evangelical Christian who pretended to be gay for a year and said it led him to question his faith.

Read about his experience of coming out and the blatant hatred he said he experienced:

Do you think this was noble, important work, or do you think this man was wrong to lie to his family and the gay community?
  35. Photo: A police officer was shot trying to make an arrest inside this northwest Denver sports bar last night.

Find out what the man was wanted for and how the arrest turned into a gunfight:

Have you been noticing an increase in bad behavior at sports bars recently?
  36. Photo: Police are searching for a serial rapist in Aurora.

Find out the areas that have been put on alert here:

SHARE this post to spread the word and help police track this suspect down.
  37. Photo: Colorado is one of 5 states planning to add hours to the school day.

Find out how many hours will be added, what students will do with them & how this will be paid for:

Is this a good decision?
  38. Photo: BREAKING NEWS: Broncos beat Buccaneers 31-23 to clinch AFC West title. 


Hit LIKE if you are a Broncos fan!
  39. Photo: Pope Benedict XVI will be joining the Twitterverse on Monday when he launches his own Twitter account. 

Read about it here: 

LIKE this post if you will be following the Pope on Twitter. 

Do you think it's a good idea for the Pope to be tweeting? 

(Photo Courtesy: Andreas Solaro/AFP/Getty Images)
  40. Photo: Hit LIKE if you think it's a beautiful day in Colorado for a Broncos game! 

Tune into FOX31 Denver at 1 p.m. for special pre-game coverage and online here:

Stay tuned to FOX31 Denver for kickoff at 2:05 p.m. 

(Photo courtesy: Doug Pensinger/Getty Images)
  41. Photo: Moms that belong to Stroller Stride workout groups were told to get out of several Denver city parks because they didn't have permits. 

The women already pay property taxes to maintain the city parks. They feel they shouldn't have to pay to use the parks for their pre and post-natal workout groups. 

Read the story here: 

LIKE this post if you think the city should let the Stroller Stride groups workout without a permit. Comment if you think otherwise.
  42. Photo: Attorneys argue that although the recreational use of marijuana has been legalized in some states, it’s still illegal in the workplace.

However, union workers are fighting for their right to smoke marijuana legally off-duty. 

Read about the debate here: 

LIKE this post if you think companies should be o.k. with their employees smoking legally off-duty? Comment if you think there should be a zero-tolerance policy at work.
  43. Photo: Police say the suspect involved in yesterday's murder-suicide attack at Casper College in Wyoming killed his own father, who was a professor at the college. 

Chris Krumm, 25, stabbed his father and his father's girlfriend to death before taking his own life while a class was in session. 

Find out what happened here:
  44. Photo: Police said Jovan Belcher, a fourth-year linebacker of the Kansas City Chiefs shot and killed his girlfriend this morning before taking his own life at the team facility. 

Belcher shot himself in front of GM Scott Pioli and coach Romeo Crennel. He and his girlfriend had a three-month-old child.

Read the story here:

(Photo Courtesy: Charles LeClaire-US PRESSWIRE)
  45. Photo: Over 1,000 evacuation notices were sent out this morning after strong winds fueled the Fern Lake Fire burning in Estes Park. 

One cabin was lost in the fire, and a Type I Incident Management team has been ordered to help battle the flames. 

Find out which areas have been evacuated here: 

SHARE this story to help inform others who might be affected by the fire.
  46. Photo: Our set is all decorated for Christmas thanks to some beautiful poinsettias. 

Hit LIKE if you decorate your house for Christmas too!
  47. Photo: Video appears to show twins fighting for space in the womb. 

Check out the video here:

Hit LIKE if you have a sibling you've ever bickered with.
  48. Photo: FOX31 lit the lights at the Denver Botanic Gardens tonight for their Blossoms of Light display. 

Hit LIKE if you plan to go to the Gardens this December.



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