
Support Open Medicine

Peer-reviewed medical research - most of which has been paid for with public funds - has greater impact when it is widely and freely available. Your donation to Open Medicine will make high-quality medical research freely and immediately available to everyone who can access the Internet.


Support An Independent Perspective

Your gift will help maintain the Journal's independence from a medical association or commercial publisher. This independence safeguards the objectivity of our editors and minimizes the influence of commercial interests or political agendas. Open Medicine does not accept pharmaceutical or medical device advertising.

Please support Open Medicine with a one-time or monthly donation. Your donation -- large or small -- will help us make important medical knowledge freely and immediately available to as many people as possible.

We need your support today.

Working with the Public Knowledge Project

The Public Knowledge Project is a research initiative dedicated to 
improving the scholarly and public quality of research. It operates 
through a partnership among the Faculty of Education at the 
University of British Columbia, the Simon Fraser University Library, 
and the Canadian Centre for Studies in Publishing at Simon Fraser 
University. It seeks to improve the scholarly and public quality of 
academic research through the development of innovative online 

PKP has developed free, open source software for the management, 
publishing, and indexing of journals and conferences. The partnership 
brings together faculty members, librarians, and graduate students 
dedicated to exploring whether and how new technologies can be used 
to improve the professional and public value of scholarly research.

The open access general medical journal Open Medicine demonstrates 
the contribution which open access, in all of its various economic 
models, can make to scholarly traditions of editorial independence, 
intellectual integrity, and academic freedom.

This new journal demonstrates how open source publishing and 
management software such as PKP’s Open Journal Systems enables new 
journals to more readily protect the academic freedom of faculty 
members. This publishing platform enables Open Medicine to provide 
high quality health information and discourse free of undue 
commercial and political influence. It is an active site of research 
and development in the Public Knowledge Project’s commitment to 
advancing the scholarly and public quality of academic publishing on 
a global scale.

How to Give

You can give by cheque or online.

Donate By Cheque:

Make send your cheque, payable to “University of British Columbia”, at the address below. Please do not send cash through the mail.

Open Medicine
C/o Stephanie Forgacs
Director of Development
Faculty of Education
University of British Columbia
Vancouver V6T 1Z4
Phone: 604-822-0566

Thank You for Supporting Open Medicine!

ISSN 1911-2092