The Fix: Master Archives

Tom Coburn: I wouldn't vote to confirm Hagel

Tom Coburn: I wouldn't vote to confirm Hagel

Sen. Tom Coburm (R-Okla.) would not vote to confirm former Nebraska Republican senator Chuck Hagel if President Obama nominates him to become secretary of defense, Coburn said on Sunday morning.

Coburn said on CBS News's "Face The Nation," that Hagel lacks "the experience to manage a large orginization like the Pentagon." And without delving into specifics, the senator said that some of the positions Hagel has taken are also problematic.

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Durbin: There's 'still a chasm' in cliff talks

Durbin: There's 'still a chasm' in cliff talks

The Senate's second-ranking Democrat said on Sunday morning that there is substantial daylight between Democratic and Republican leaders in the ongoing negotiations over the "fiscal cliff," but stopped short of saying a deal could not get done.

"I think there still is a chasm there," Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) said on CBS News's "Face The Nation." "There is work to be done and not that much time left."

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Schumer: Odds of cliff deal slightly better than 50/50

Schumer: Odds of cliff deal slightly better than 50/50

The Senate's third-ranking Democrat said on Sunday that the odds of striking a deal to avert the "fiscal cliff" are a bit better than even, as he cautioned that there have been "no breakthroughs" yet in the talks between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (Nev.) and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.).

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Lindsey Graham: 'Exceedingly good' chance of getting small cliff deal done

Lindsey Graham: 'Exceedingly good' chance of getting small cliff deal done

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said on Sunday morning that he believes the odds are quite good that Senate can pass a narrow measure to avert the "fiscal cliff" and prevent taxes from rising for most Americans.

Graham said on "Fox News Sunday" that the odds are "exceedingly good" a deal can get done. "I don't think people want to go over the cliff," he said. Graham added that such an outcome would be a "political victory" for President Obama.

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Obama defends Chuck Hagel

Obama defends Chuck Hagel

President Obama defended former Nebraska Republican senator Chuck Hagel in an interview that aired on Sunday morning, praising the man reportedly under consideration to be the next secretary of defense.

"Not that I see," Obama said in an interview on NBC News's "Meet The Press" when asked by host David Gregory is there is anything that would disqualify the former senator from running the Defense Department. "I've served with Chuck Hagel. I know him. He is a patriot. He is somebody who has done extraordinary work both in the United States Senate. Somebody who served this country with valor in Vietnam. And is somebody who's currently serving on my intelligence advisory board and doing an outstanding job."

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Obama: Gun control 'not something I will be putting off'

Obama: Gun control 'not something I will be putting off'

President Obama reiterated his commitment to passing new gun control measures in an interview broadcast on Sunday morning, saying he would like to get such legislation done in the first year of his second term. He also expressed skepticism about a proposal to put more armed guards in schools across the country.

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Obama: 'One way or another, we'll get through' cliff standoff

Obama: 'One way or another, we'll get through' cliff standoff

President Obama expressed confidence in an interview broadcast Sunday morning that lawmakers can prevent taxes from going up for most Americans, either by striking a deal to avert the "fiscal cliff" before Jan. 1, or by returning immediately with a renewed effort in the new Congress if no deal is reached.

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Obama 'modestly optimistic' deal can be reached to avert 'fiscal cliff'

Obama 'modestly optimistic' deal can be reached to avert 'fiscal cliff'

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How Newtown changed Americans' views on guns (and how it didn't)

What Senate Democrats' support for Ed Markey means

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How Newtown changed Americans' views on guns (and how it didn't)

How Newtown changed Americans' views on guns (and how it didn't)

The Newtown shootings two weeks ago sparked an intense reaction across the country, and public opinion polls captured major changes in the way the public interprets such events and how strict gun laws should be, but only minor shifts in support for specific policies. Here is a rundown of what public views changed, and what didn't, after the shootings.

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What Senate Democrats' support for Ed Markey means

What Senate Democrats' support for Ed Markey means

Veteran Massachusetts Democratic Rep. Ed Markey's announcement Thursday that he will run in the likely 2013 special election for Democratic Sen. John Kerry's seat made him the first major candidate to throw his hat in the ring. A day later, Kerry, the Senate Democrats' campaign arm and the late senator Ted Kennedy's widow, Vicki Kennedy, all offered him their support.

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