An invitation to social sites to integrate with Google Analytics

Wednesday, December 07, 2011 | 10:30 AM

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Every day, millions of people share and engage with content online. But most sharing doesn’t happen on the site where it was published, it happens throughout the social web. Marketers and publishers are looking for a comprehensive view of all interactions with their content - on and off their site - and so we’re working hard to make this happen.

To enable our customers to discover who’s sharing, voting and bookmarking their content on the social web, cross-network measurement needs to become easier. So today we’re inviting social networks and platforms to integrate their activity streams with Google Analytics. Through these integrations, marketers and publishers will be able to discover off-site engagement, optimize their engagement within each social community, and measure the impact of each social channel and its associated digital investment.

Any network can integrate their streams - like +1, votes, and comments - into the Google Analytics social reports, which will be fully available next year to the many marketers, publishers, and websites that are using Google Analytics for free.

To make integration easy for social networks and platforms we’ve created a social data hub - it’s based on widely deployed, open web standards such as ActivityStreams and PubsubHubbub. A number of partners are already working with us to improve measurement of social actions - including Delicious, Digg, Diigo, Gigya, LiveFyre, ReadItLater, Reddit, TypePad, Vkontakte, and of course, Google+, Blogger and Google Groups.

We’ll have more to share next year, so keep reading the blog or follow us on twitter @googleanalytics for updates. If you’re a social network or platform interested to learn about integrating with Google Analytics you can visit our developer site where you’ll find more information.

Phil Mui, Group Product Manager & Ilya Grigorik, Engineering Manager, Google Analytics


soulshaker said...

Why won't Youtube integrate with this??? Seems obvious to me...

Link Worx Seo said...

I just read a about a social media tool being provided by SEOmoz. It appears that being able to measure social media engagements is coming along well. Within the next year there are going to be tons of ways to measure social media activity directly and indirectly from all these social media websites. Looking forward to the updates and changes.

Melanie Baker said...

@soulshaker - We're just getting started. It's one of the many channels we're looking into. :)

Muffin said...

How about the social networks in other countries? Such as QQ, RenRen, and Kaixin in China? Will they be included?

Uluğ R. Sungur said...

We are talking about a social data hub and Facebook & Twitter & LinkedIn are not included.

Are you ok guys?!

SocialBugs said...

I posted a link for this article at I'm looking forward to future updates so, I can keep my members informed!

KVSSNRao said...

There is no reason why anybody should hate their own products, colleagues and partners. Also they are sure of their policies to maintain content relevance also. Google has its own screens for the content on its crowd platforms. On Knol, only useful and relevant content came up. Rest got buried even without one page view. Full marks to Google people for their ranking ability and their efforts improve the algorithms

Shielababes said...

How about merging my analytics account with my twitter?

google said...

I am still dont understand.. hufff

Ali Munandar said...

thanks for sharing

Club Online Sumedang said...


Danny Brown said...

Congratulations to the Livefyre team for being invited. Great product, and the next generation of truly social comments.