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Kerry Kennedy


Breaking Our National Silence on Gun Control

Posted: 12/19/2012 5:11 pm

Late last night, the National Rifle Association (NRA) released their long-awaited response to the massacre in Newtown, Connecticut that left 20 children and 6 school officials dead. As the nation's attention remains focused on the aftermath of this tragedy, many of us wondered how the NRA justified its silence. They said they were waiting for a full investigation of what happened.

In four days after the shootings, before the NRA broke its silence, here are just a few of the details that this ongoing investigation uncovered:

  • That from the moment he shot through the doors of Sandy Hook Elementary, Adam Lanza needed just ten minutes to unleash at least three 30-round magazines and hundreds of rounds of ammunition.
  • That each one of the 20 child victims, all 1st graders, were either six or seven years old.
  • That each child was shot multiple times, some struck by as many as 11 bullets.
  • That the gun that delivered those bullets was an AR-15, the best-selling rifle in America, and the same model allegedly used by James Holmes and Jacob Roberts to open fire in a Colorado movie theater last summer and an Oregon shopping mall last week.

Which of these details finally convinced the NRA that it was time to release a statement? Which of these questions, when still unanswered, left them wondering whether they could wait this out, hiding in the shadows until the cries for change passed them by?

The gun lobby hid for these last four days because they've seen this play out before. They've seen the nation go through this cycle of horror and inaction over and over again, and it has made them bolder.

They stayed silent in July 2012, and watched as support for gun ownership actually rose following the massacre in Aurora. They stayed silent and watched as the number of deaths by mass shooting doubled after the Assault Weapons Ban was lifted in 2004. They stayed silent as the number of victims grew to the point that now 87% of the children killed by guns in the 23 wealthiest nations in the world are American children.

A civilian weapon, Adam Lanza's AR-15 was nearly identical to the military's M16, a rifle for which the army required 103 hours of basic training. His mother was able to purchase it legally and bring it home without any safety training. We keep our children off the battlefield and then invite its rifles into their schools.

I was four years old when we lost my uncle President John F. Kennedy to a man with a gun. I was eight years old when we lost my father Robert Kennedy the same way. I can't begin to know what these days have been like for the families of Newtown. But I know that for loved ones left behind, some wounds may be healed by time, but there are others for which there is no cure but to take action.

Of the twelve deadliest shootings in American history, half of them have occurred in just the last five years. Make these the last American children to die by an assault weapon. We must permanently reinstate the Assault Weapons Ban and the restrictions on high capacity magazines.

As my father said after the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., victim of yet another act of gun violence: "Whenever a person's life is taken by another unnecessarily -- whether it is done in the name of the law or in the defiance of law, by one man or a gang, in cold blood or in passion, in an attack of violence or in response to violence -- whenever we tear at the fabric of life which another man has painfully and clumsily woven for himself and his children, the whole world is degraded."

Late last night, the National Rifle Association (NRA) released their long-awaited response to the massacre in Newtown, Connecticut that left 20 children and 6 school officials dead. As the nation's at...
Late last night, the National Rifle Association (NRA) released their long-awaited response to the massacre in Newtown, Connecticut that left 20 children and 6 school officials dead. As the nation's at...
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Jayne Lyn Stahl
2 hours ago ( 8:33 PM)
Amen, and heartfelt thanks for writing this.
3 hours ago ( 7:18 PM)
The term truth is frequently a point of contention because it denotes reality. Arguably, the United States is the greatest nation in the world. That view derived from outstanding attributes that exists in only a few, if any other nations in totality.
Included in these attributes is manufacture and export of some of the most devastating killing systems in the world. Including but not limited to trained black arts specialists. Military hardware manufactured by an industrial machine that exists almost entirely for the purpose of promoting through congressional influences, manufacturing and exporting mass killings systems.
However, there is a problem in an expanding mindset that maintains insensitivity towards the welfare of its citizens, regardless of locale, national origin or socio economic status.
The national greatness as seen in the eyes of the rest of the world is not without costs in the effects that greatness has on its own citizens. Unlike previous years when nations, specifically the United States was separated by vast oceans, vast weapons of mass destructions can just as easily be detonated elsewhere and affected here. Likewise, the mindset that perpetuates superior killing of others also has it supporters and practitioners in the midst of the citizens of this great nation.
In addition, mass killing is a daily way of life in many places such as Chicago, Newark, and other places. Many young children of color whose life is no less valuable than others are victims. Where is the national outcry for justice and change ?
6 hours ago ( 4:45 PM)
Even if we were successful in banning assault weapons, there are still a wide variety of other weapons available to criminals or mental patients. The killer in Connecticut violated numerous laws legislated to "stop" his actions, unsuccessfully. Might I suggest instead, harden any school, government building, etc. the public has access to by simply having a "sally port" set up at each entrance. This allows an individual to enter one door, and prior to actually going through the second door leading into the facility, that person can be observed and his/her identification checked prior to "buzzing" them in. You might also add a metal detector that would check for hidden weapons. Additionally, install heavy duty door locks on every door to a classroom or other room used by students to prevent an "active shooter" from accessing these rooms. Of course all glass must be Lexan or some other type of bullet proof/bash proof material. Each room should also have an emergency alarm that can be activated during any emergency. It would seem that these simple facility changes would make more sense than legislating new laws that don't accomplish anything or by tampering with one of our Bill of Rights. I think everyone could get behind these suggestions. And the cost? Substantially less than the cost of any of our children.
3 hours ago ( 7:10 PM)
We don't have enough prisons in America. Let's turn our schools into lock-down facilities, too. THAT'LL help make learning fun. .
7 hours ago ( 3:45 PM)
According to the UNODC Homicide Statistics (http://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/data-and-analysis/homicide.html) "In 2011, there were 12,664 homicides. In 8,583 of those cases, firearms were the cause, and 6,220 of those firearms were handguns" This compares to "48 in Japan, 8 Great Britain, 34 Switzerland, 52 Canada, 21 Sweden.
Maybe it is time the USA looked beyond its borders and wonder what these other countries are doing right and get around to following their lead instead of perpetuating this senseless massacre of your own.
World leader... Yeah, right!
7 hours ago ( 3:35 PM)
every 53 minutes, an INNOCENT victim is killed by a drunk driver. this sounds like a bioligical weapon to me, but i don't see anyone going after that? more people die because of drunk drivers than guns, and those people who are killed by drunk drivers are just as innocent as those children. every day, multiple INNOCENT people die from alcohol, and these shootings rarely happen. MOST gun violence occurs with guns obtained illegaly, so gun control won't stop that.
also, we give mentally ill people alcohol. they can buy it, so can alcoholics. nothing stops them from buying it. there's no restrictions AT ALL. and they go out and kill people day in and day out. i don't hear any one speaking against this weapon.
people these days are all about taking rights from law abiding citizens, and giving more rights to criminals. it is rediculous. alcohol kils, but it should be legal for good citizens. so should guns.
but i'm all for alcohol and gun control, prohibition NEVER works in America. NEVER.
7 hours ago ( 3:35 PM)
"Taking action" isn't a cure if the action is idiotic and ineffective.
7 hours ago ( 3:33 PM)
My brother lost his life to a knife. He had just sold his firearm the week before he was murdered. If only he had it with him that deadly night so long ago he would most likely be with us this Christmas.
7 hours ago ( 3:19 PM)
Time to require psychologists to start registering their patients and alerting local authorities to search their homes for guns, knives and explosives.
7 hours ago ( 2:54 PM)
the anger hasn't even started yet, this has been a nation in shock and mourning...NRA lobbyist americans with common sense are coming after YOU! enough!
7 hours ago ( 2:54 PM)
Something must be done about this. Let’s start by making all ammunition a controlled substance, like a drug. I don’t know of anyone who has died from marijuana, but over 11,000 died from firearms last year. Which should be more regulated? In the US, you can no longer get a decongestant from the drugstore without showing ID and signing for it. Why not do the same for ammunition and limit it to a finite number of rounds per month? A real-time, national online database could instantly flag felons and abusers. If enthusiasts really want to shoot assault weapons, let them RENT one at the target range.

Standards change as time goes on. Incandescent lightbulbs are being phased out as compact flurescents become the norm. Eventually they will be phased out as LEDs become the norm. Much more efficient and cost effective. Why not do the same and EVOLVE ammunition into a safer product and legislate metal bullets illegal for handguns? For general protection, at close range where handguns are generally used, a rubber, plastic or composite bullet might be just as effective at knocking down and incapacitating assailants, but less lethal; less likely to cause irreparable harm in cases of accidents. Innocent bystanders a hundred feet away might be injured by flying bullets but not killed. Police and law enforcement should still have access to metal bullets, but are they necessary for civilian handguns? Over time, the "legacy" ammunition would work its way out of circulation.
my DAD is my HERO !!!
8 hours ago ( 2:44 PM)
Thank-you Kerry........ your Father was a big influence in my life.. and his courage and compassion should be a symbol of all those who want to act towards others with human decency.... politics today the person is more worried about the soundbite.. then what it means to be a American.. and always do your best.. even if you fail.. at least you tried.. RFK was that example what we can do when we dream ..and make a difference..
Politics: an honorable profession.... RFK
8 hours ago ( 2:32 PM)
"Adam Lanza's AR-15 was nearly identical to the military's M16...."

That statement is demonstrably untrue and is unnecessary to her argument. An M16 is really a machine gun.
8 hours ago ( 2:29 PM)
The only thing I have to say to all pro gun people is that they pray they never see their child's body destroyed by the bullets of an AR-15 rifle.
Brian Bender
Please prove your assertion. Thanks!
8 hours ago ( 2:24 PM)
"Today, we need a nation of Minutemen, citizens who are not only prepared to take arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as the basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom."

-- John F. Kennedy

John F. Kennedy was an NRA member.
Happy Flowers and Puppies and Stuff
9 hours ago ( 1:43 PM)
"Assault weapon" is a nonsensical term you statists made up to carve a boundary around the guns whose very existence frightens you. As such, you are entirely ignorant of the fact that northwards of 3 million owners of AR-15s have never used them in any criminal capacity.

And the shooter would have benefited from "Safety training" in the same way the 9/11 hijackers would have benefited from learning how to land airplanes.
7 hours ago ( 3:44 PM)
Does this make you feel better about owning guns?
6 hours ago ( 3:54 PM)
"I was going to go do a mass shooting, but this safety training taught me pointing guns are people is dangerous. Good thing I didn't go through with my plan." - No One Ever.