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Typhon speaks

Enthusiastic consent is smart; a rebuttal to Paul Elam

Typhonblue, who some people argue should change her name to Typhonred, offers a different perspective on Paul Elam’s interpretation of the concept of “enthusiastic consent.” We have to concede, some of her points make us smile.

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A young couple in bed with the woman looking anxious
Feminism, Feminist Lies

You weren’t raped. Join the club.

“You weren’t raped. You’re a whore. Join the Club.” So says former college girl JudgyBitch, while noting how infantalizing of women and brutalizing to real victims the phony Jezebel notion of “Rape Culture” is.

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Princess Bride and her knight / wedding
Chivalry, Misandric Culture

Do you want chivalry or equality? Yes?

Thinker, writer, published author, advertising creative and opinionated humanist Mark Trueblood asks a salient question: did you want equality, or did you want chivalry? Apparently some people want it both ways.

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Enthusiastic consent

Enthusiastic stupidity

Sometimes it is very difficult to describe feminist ideas without an unfortunate reliance on cliches. Really, some of their ideas take the cake, stink up the room and give new meaning to the word stupid. Especially this one.

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bumblebee in close up
Government Tyranny

Sleeping Beauty and her rapist?

Try to imagine you are so stupid that you don’t know if the person you are having sex with is your boyfriend. Now try to imagine you are too stupid to know if you are conscious or unconscious. The Wooly Bumblebee will have no patience for you.

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AVfM Radio

AVfM Radio: N.O.W. says hello sailor!

The National Organization for Women have finally stirred themselves to address the growing successes of the Men’s Right’s Movement, but they’ve cruelly slandered the intelligence and judgement of SPLC writer Art Goldwag, and that’s just wrong.

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Rape Liar
False Rape Culture, Government Tyranny, Misandric Culture

Pussy pass is above the law

From AVfM European News Director, Lucian Vâlsan, comes a story of a Romanian man’s brush with the false allegation machine. This one ended in fortunate circumstances, but as Vâlsan tells us, it could have been much worse.

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Misandric Culture

Dawn Raid music – now that’s entertainment!

Aaradhna has a message for a man who might wander into the bed of another woman. She will go Lorena Bobbitt on you. It’s good for a laugh, till you consider what a psychopathic scumbag that really shows her to be.

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love and hate tattoos

Debate: Is feminism hate?

It was first asked “Has Feminism gone too far?” When haters shut down that debate, it became “Is feminism hate?” Eric Duckman, a Feminist named Danielle Paradis, and Girl Writes What get the long-awaited debate going.

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time for questions
A Voice For Men, Miscellaneous

Questions, questions, questions….

Questions, questions and more questions. Loads of them. Skeptic is doing all the asking. You get to answer any way you want. But you better come up with something quick. He is already eyeing the remote control.

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A Voice For Men, Activism, Men's Rights

Not the standard interview

Erika Jarvis of the Toronto Standard conducted an interview with AVfM publisher Paul Elam about the activism conducted from this website and about why he became involved in the men’s movement to being with. The reviews are mixed.

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AVfM Radio

AVFM News and Activism: Colonel Absconder

Tonight on A Voice for Men News and Activism, James Huff and Robert O’Hara welcome guest Colonel Absconder, a relatively new but promising MRA Youtuber. Other news and activism stories will be featured.

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Activism, Men's Rights

Messaging and “moderation” in the men’s community

Is moderation of tone necessary to the men’s movement? Maybe for some people. For others, not so much. But, AVfM Managing Editor Dean Esmay argues, knowing what you’re for is as important as what you’re against.

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World Ecomy Crash
Feminist Governance, Feminist Lies

Gaps, damned gaps and statistics

The problem with governance based on lies is that it requires an increasing amount of obfuscation to maintain the myths, and the money. Jim Muldoon points to this problem with a breakdown of the Australian wage gap myth. The deception grows like a tumor.

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Short Updates

Information means power

AVFM European News Director Lucian Vâlsan brings an encouraging report of his efforts in a Hungarian language anti-feminist publication with a striking name. He also reminds us of the importance of gathering knowledge. We agree.

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Police car
Feminist Governance, Government Tyranny

Police handcuffed by DV policy

Benjamin Barr is a police officer with 28 years of experience in the field protecting our society from criminals. Sadly, he now finds himself in the position of trying to protect society from some of its own laws.

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Monday Morning
A Voice For Men

Monday Roundup: First of 2013

First Monday roundup of the new year. Because we suspect a lot of you are just returning from the holidays, we’re covering more than just the last week. Hold onto your hats, cowpokes, we’ve had us quite a steer ride!

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Beautiful indian brunette woman portrait
Misandric Culture

A passage from India

Anil Sharma has responded to the request from AVfM to hear from Indian men and women about the state of misandry in that nation. Unfortunately we are reminded of one of life’s most enduring and reliable truisms: Be careful what you ask for. This shit is upsetting.

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scalpel in surgeon's hand
Feminist Violence

U.N. calls for circumcision ban — for females only.

The U.N. once again steps up to address the problems of the world. Well, the female world that is. This time it is addressing the genital mutilation of female infants across the planet. Their take on boys? Cut away.

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Selling out

To GMP Re: Erika Jarvis

Even in a capitalist, free enterprise system, it is often good form and good business to offer some assistance to your competitors. In that spirit Paul Elam presents a letter of recommendation to the Good Men Project.

Archi avatar

Don’t Nigggerise Me! A Perspective on Misandry

UK men's advocate Archi Desai has a bracing, disturbing look at what prejudice and bigotry and hatred and self-hate look like, from the unique perspective that can only come from decades of anti-racism activism.

Erica Jarvis

The crucifixion of Erika Jarvis

Erica Jarvis, an aspiring feature writer in Canada, decided to do a piece on AVfM after the protests at the University of Toronto led to violence and controversy. She did a good job, and now she is paying the price for it, perhaps at the expense of her ever being a feature writer.

A young couple in bed with the woman looking anxious

You weren’t raped. Join the club.

"You weren't raped. You're a whore. Join the Club." So says former college girl JudgyBitch, while noting how infantalizing of women and brutalizing to real victims the phony Jezebel notion of "Rape Culture" is.


Answering a Schoolgirl’s Questions

Some time ago I was contacted by a journalism student...

Enthusiastic consent

Enthusiastic stupidity

Sometimes it is very difficult to describe feminist ideas without an unfortunate reliance on cliches. Really, some of their ideas take the cake, stink up the room and give new meaning to the word stupid. Especially this one.