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Morning Bell

Uproar Over Bloated Sandy Aid Package

The bill is so loaded with pork projects that officials from New York and New Jersey should consider directing their anger at the Obama Administration, which is hijacking the aid meant for their constituents. Read More



Jim DeMint, Heritage's Next President

Senator Jim DeMint will join Heritage in January, then succeed Ed Feulner as president in April. Read More


Don't Miss

Taxes to Rise on Most American Workers

Representative Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) called it “a happy start to a new year.” That probably tells you all you need to know about the fiscal cliff deal that passed the House last night. Read More



54th Terror Plot Foiled

In late November, brothers Raees Alam Qazi and Sheheryar Alam Qazi were arrested and charged with conspiring to detonate a weapon of mass destruction and to provide material support to terrorists. Read More


Red Tape Rising

The 10 Worst Regulations of 2012

During 2012, virtually every aspect of American life, from caloric intake to dishwasher efficiency, was subjected to government meddling. Read More


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From the Foundry Blog

Jan 08

Security, Alliance, and the Japanese Political Landscape

The Heritage Foundation's Lehrman Auditorium
Co-hosted by Project 2049 The United States and Japan continue to share interests in regional security and stability. The U.S.-Japan alliance is ever more important as North Korea continues to pose threats to the region and China increases its military strength and aggressively presses its own inte…
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Heritage Highlights

  • 2012 Index of Economic Freedom 2012 Index of Economic Freedom

    For over a decade, The Wall Street Journal and The Heritage Foundation have tracked the march of economic freedom around the world with the influential Index of Economic Freedom.

  • See the Big Picture on Family Trends See the Big Picture on Family Trends

    For charts and stats on the importace of marriage, fatherhood and religion, go first to FamilyFacts.org - the definitive online resource backed up by data from the US Census and other leading sources. Download, print and use this cutting-edge research in your sphere of influence.

  • Red Tape Rising: Three Years of Obama Regulations Red Tape Rising: Three Years of Obama Regulations

    During the first three years of the Obama Administration, 106 new major federal regulations added more than $46 billion per year in new costs for Americans.

  • Saving the American Dream Saving the American Dream

    Saving the American Dream is the one plan that will balance America's budget—once and for all. From entitlements to tax reform to government spending, it tackles the big problems. Together, we can change the status quo in Washington.