Real-time data for front-line doers

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For people who get it done.

We’re not for the back-office analyst. Our real-time data tools are built for your website's front-line, get-your-hands-dirty, action-focused people. Chartbeat is for doers.

Next: Beautiful Insight

people across all sites

We translate complexity into simplicity.

You’re not a data scientist.* That’s cool. We have plenty.

They transform the intricacies of your site’s real-time data into simple, beautiful insight.

No impenetrable reports or piles of numbers. Just what you need in an instantly gettable way — the instant you need it.

Next: Adapt & Transform

* Oh, you are a data scientist? We’re always looking to meet geeks of any kind.

Act when it matters.

That’s the whole point of real-time data: It only matters if you can use it when it matters.

That's what transforms businesses from thinking in traditional historical-based predictions to reacting to the by-the-second social web.

Join them! Try us free for 30 days

Our revolutionary real time clients

  • Billboard
  • EA
  • Redbull
  • Starbucks
  • Foursquare
  • Obama
  • Time

Next: Environment of Data

It's all about being an audience know-it-all.

Know what your audience is doing between the clicks:

  • How long they've been actively engaged
  • If they’re reading, writing, or idle
  • How far they’ve scrolled down your page

You'll know if they're from — like you! So you can talk to them like you know them... because now you do.

Next: Signature Services

  • You are currently idle on this page
  • You've scrolled pixels

Signature Services

Big-time publisher? Meet Chartbeat Publishing.

The artist formerly known as Newsbeat is the first of our Signature Services, providing insight tools built exclusively for content creators and managers.

It's real-time article and reader data put directly in the hands of writers and editors for the first time.

Find out more

Coming Soon

  • Chartbeat Shops

    Marketers and merchandisers, meet your match.

  • Chartbeat Games

    Game designers, measure fun not funnels.