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Army Today - Sept. 11


Army Today - Sept. 11

Courtesy Video | Army Broadcasting | Date: 09.11.2012

This edition features a story on the Utah National Guard building housing and office space in anticipation of Soldier influx View Video

Minuteman Report: Utah Guardsmen Build Stuctures in Afghnistan


Minuteman Report: Utah Guardsmen Build Stuctures in Afghnistan

Video by Tech. Sgt. Charles Givens and Tech. Sgt. Matt Schwartz | Air National Guard Training and Education Center/TV | Date: 09.06.2012

National Guardsmen from Utah help build structures at Forward Operating Base Lighting in the Pukitya Province with the help from the Afghan National Army. The structures are being built to prepare for the U.S.... View Video

Relief promised for military homeowners


Relief promised for military homeowners

Courtesy Video | Pentagon Channel | Date: 06.25.2012

There's new help promising significant relief for some military homeowners who are underwater on their mortgage and have received PCS orders. View Video

188th Engineer Company (Vertical) shingles at Camp Gilbert C. Grafton


188th Engineer Company (Vertical) shingles at Camp Gilbert C. Grafton

Video by Sgt. Jonathan Haugen | North Dakota National Guard Public Affairs | Date: 06.23.2012

The 188th Engineer Company (Vertical) Rear Detachment Soldiers shingle the roof of a housing unit at Camp Gilbert C. Grafton, N.D. Publication or commercial use of this material requires release by a U.S. Army... View Video

Federal agencies fight for housing fairness for troops


Federal agencies fight for housing fairness for troops

Courtesy Video | Pentagon Channel | Date: 06.22.2012

Defense leaders say the Defense Department and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau work to make sure servicemembers who receive PCS orders are treated fairly by mortgage companies. View Video