


December 14th Webinar: Mobile App Privacy Legal Enforcement Begins – Are Your Apps Compliant?

This Friday, December 14th, TRUSTe is hosting a webinar on the Enforcement of Mobile App Privacy Law. TRUSTe experts Saira Nayak, Director of Policy, and Joanne Furtsch, Director of Product Policy, will share what it means to be compliant with the CalOPPA Act and whether your company is in danger. If your company has a mobile app, or a mobile website, it may be at risk of significant monetary penalties ($2,500 per app download) and negative media coverage. The law may still apply even if your company is not based in California, or if you only offer free apps.

On October 30th the California Attorney General’s office gave a 30 day notice before they were going to start actively enforcing the Online Privacy Protection Act (CalOPPA). On December 6th, they announced their first lawsuit which charges Delta Airlines for neglecting to comply.
We can help you:

  •  Learn about CalOPPA and what it means for your company
  •  Learn best practices for developing and implementing a mobile privacy strategy
  •  Find solutions to help your organization avoid costly mis-haps

Webinar stream starts at 10:00 AM PST, and lasts only 45 minutes. You may reserve your webinar seat at this link https://www4.gotomeeting.com/register/463830223
