Your Sunday Hymn: People Look East

This carol is perhaps my favorite Advent hymn – there are so may wonderful choral versions of it. This one’s particularly enjoyable:


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Saturday Movie Matinee: Heaven Help Us

Yesterday’s massacre, the worst school shooting in Connecticut’s history, is a somber reminder of how fleeting life can be and how vulnerable we all are to senseless evil. This fiend was certainly evil to have been able to do such a thing, but as Ace points out - also pathetic. It was likely his pathetic inadequacies that inspired his evil and that should be conspicuously noted because that’s not how murderous psychos like him want to be remembered. He wasn’t a powerful dark force who went down in a blaze of glory – he was a loser and a coward who managed to slaughter a roomful of defenseless toddlers.

ABC News: Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting: Why Did Adam Lanza Snap?

A child describes how a teacher pulled him into a classroom as bullets whizzed by his head:

Never ones to let a crisis go to waste, lefties immediately politicized the tragedy – before the bodies were even cold….

Twitchy: Execrable ghoul David Frum mocks victims of Conn. school shooting; Update: Eric Boehlert, Piers Morgan join in; Update: Michael Moore swoops in; Update: Celebrity ghouls crawl out

Twitchy: Anti-gun vulture Michael Moore swoops in, says NRA hates freedom, wants children dead

John Hayward, Human Events: “If I might make a suggestion to everyone trying to politicize this event: there are a lot of innocent people dead right now, a lot of families suffering unspeakable pain and grief, who should know that we’re all thinking of them right now, not trying to fit them like puzzle pieces into arguments that we’ve been having with each other for decades.”

A little pick-me up via Buzzfeed: 26 Moments That Restored Our Faith In Humanity This Year:

Sometimes you need a reminder that people can do wonderful things.

Via Oversight and Reform: SEC & the JOBS Act: Just Do Your Job:

Why has outgoing Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Mary Shapiro blocked a bipartisan law to make it easier for American entrepreneurs, innovators and small businesses to access capital? It’s not pretty: private emails show Shapiro has delayed action on the bipartisan JOBS Act “crowdfunding” reform because she is concerned about her legacy…and, sadly, worried about what a liberal lobbyist things of her. Meanwhile, the economy – and this bipartisan, common-sense, pro-jobs plan – remain stuck. What’s more important to Shapiro and the SEC: her selfish legacy or the American job creators crying out for capital to grow and hire?

Lee Doren: Hank Johnson FAIL!! M-Word?!:

PJTV: A Debt that Will Live In Infamy: America’s Ticking Debt Bomb:

Is the growing federal debt a looming attack similar to Pearl Harbor? Will Obamanomics lead to the empowerment of the rich and poor, at the expense of the middle class? Find out on this Trifecta.

Whittle: “I no longer see a pathway where the ruination of this nation can be attributed to incompetence or even rank stupidity. There’s no other explanation left to me now that it’s not a deliberate attempt to destroy this economy…”

How we’re all feeling about the horrific Connecticut school shooting set to music:

Beethoven, Symphony No 7, II Karajan, Berliner Phil:

Mozart – Requiem:

Chaffetz: State Dept Hiding Benghazi Survivors (Video)

Congressman Jason Chaffetz went on the Greta Van Susteren Show, last night with his complaint that the State Department is shielding Americans who survived the deadly attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, from media exposure and congressional inquiry.

As was reported by Breitbart’s Big Peace, “many people forget that there were Americans who survived the Benghazi attack, some of whom were badly injured and are still recovering.”

“My understanding is that we still have some people in the hospital. I’d like to visit with them and wish them nothing but the best but the State Department has seen it unfit for me to know who those people are—or even how many there are,” Rep. Chaffetz said. “I don’t know who they are. I don’t know where they live. I don’t know what state they’re from. I don’t even know how many there are. It doesn’t seem right to me.”

John Lilyea of This Ain’t Hell reported:

I’ve said before that I know someone who is stationed at Landstuhl Hospital in Germany and was in the operation room when casualties from the attack on the consulate in Benghazi arrived there from Libya. This person told me that there were more than 30 casualties that day and the staff at the hospital was pretty busy.

As Chaffetz told Greta, “it’s typical when have people killed in Iraq, Afghanistan, and whatnot, their names maybe are held for 48 hours, but we don’t know how many there are, we don’t know what states their from, we don’t know who these families are, and we would like to talk to them.”

Memo to the MSM: Yep, since Fox and the conservative media  is covering this story – you’re off the hook – it’s obviously not a legitimate story – carry on with your coverage of Ann Hathaway’s “devastating” panty-less upskirt scandal.

Video: The Union Goon Who Attacked Crowder Had Spewed Profanities at Him Earlier in the Day

Via FTR Radio, another exclusive video of the menacing mob behavior that eventually brought down the AFP tent.
Most of us have seen the attack on Steven Crowder by the union thug. This video shows the guy approaching Crowder about an hour before the punch while he was debating pro-union protesters in front of the tent. According to eye witness, Thomas La Duke of FTR Radio, this video provides strong evidence that the guy was looking for a fight…
Go to 1:57 to 3:30: (Language warning):
La Duke: “Note to MSM or anyone else. This is UNEDITED video so try to keep that spin to a minimum.”

Jay Carney: “We Would Deplore Acts of Violence at Union Protests”


Well, we finally have a condemnation of union violence from the White House! Sort of!

The Hill reports:

White House press secretary Jay Carney on Thursday responded to reports of violence at union rallies in Michigan earlier this week, as labor groups protested the passage of a “right-to-work” law.

Carney said he hadn’t discussed the reports with President Obama. ”I haven’t discussed reports like that with him, so I’m not sure if he’s aware of it, but we would deplore violence in any case,” Carney said Thursday.

Michigan State Police vowed to investigate all reported acts of violence during the protests, including one in which Fox News contributor Steven Crowder was attacked by labor protesters, according to the Lansing State Journal.

Note his use of the conditional – “we would deplore violence,” he stated, as if to say – not that anything “like that” has been proven (we sure haven’t seen verification of these reports on MSNBC or John Stewart,) in any case – as if to say – “hey,  we may yet be able to pin the blame on the tea partiers…”

And really. Does he really expect people to believe that the President, (who had just traveled to Michigan the day before to support the unionistas protesting the bill) isn’t “aware” of what’s going on there with his union allies?

His good pal,Richard Trumka claims he visits the White House 2-3 times a week, and has “conversations everyday with someone in the White House or in the administration.”


But no, Obama’s just too busy with the extraordinary demands of his office to countenance such small, piddling things as AFP’s destroyed tent, or Steven Crowder’s chipped tooth and gashed forehead…


Hat tip: Weasel Zippers

A “Saddened” Susan Rice Drops Out of Running for Secretary of State

United Nations Security Council Meets To Discuss North Korea's Recent Rocket Launch Attempt

She’s bowing out,  “saddened by the partisan politics surrounding her prospects”, NBC News reports:

Embattled U.N. envoy Susan Rice is dropping out of the running to be the next secretary of state after months of criticism over her Benghazi comments, she told NBC News on Thursday.

“If nominated, I am now convinced that the confirmation process would be lengthy, disruptive and costly – to you and to our most pressing national and international priorities,” Rice wrote in a letter to President Obama, saying she’s saddened by the partisan politics surrounding her prospects.

“That trade-off is simply not worth it to our country…Therefore, I respectfully request that you no longer consider my candidacy at this time,” she wrote in the letter obtained by NBC News.

Brian Williams will have an exclusive interview with Rice on tonight’s “Rock Center With Brian Williams” at 10p/9c.

Rice had been viewed as one of the front-runners to replace Hillary Clinton as the nation’s top foreign policy official.

She has been under intense fire from Republicans for initially characterizing the Sept. 11 assault on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, as a spur-of-the-moment response to a crude anti-Muslim film.

“What happened in Benghazi was in fact initially a spontaneous reaction to what had just transpired hours before in Cairo, almost a copycat of the demonstrations against our facility in Cairo, which were prompted, of course, by the video,” Rice said on NBC’s “Meet the Press” five days after the attack.

You know what’s really sad? That it’s considered “partisan politics” to call someone out for blatantly lying to the American people. It was, of course, well known by the time she went on the Sunday talk shows, on Sept 16, that there was no “copycat” demonstration in Benghazi on 9/11 and that it was an al Qaeda affiliated terrorist group that had  attacked  the compound.

And any anger she feels toward Republicans for her misfortune is misdirected. There is only one person she should be mad at for losing her the plum position of Sec. of State, and that’s the guy who sent her out there to lie on the Sunday talk shows like a ridiculous hack, making her ineligible for the job.



Who did not see this coming?

Dem Rep. Barbara Lee Plays Race Card On Susan Rice’s Withdrawal From Secretary Of State Nomination…

MSNBC Hack Andrea Mitchell First To Play The Race Card: Will Hurt GOP Because They “Forced A Woman Of Color Out”…


 Jonah Goldberg swings the mighty cluebat at race-hustling Dems:

And, because Rice is a black woman, well, bla, bla, bla. Racism! Sexism!

Never mind that Republicans haven’t had a white secretary of state since Lawrence Eagleburger concluded his term two decades ago. Never mind that Republicans appointed the first black secretary of state ever (Colin Powell) and the first black female secretary of state ever (Condoleezza Rice, arguably the star of the GOP convention in August). Also, never mind that Rice’s handling of Benghazi — and several other matters — can quite defensibly be dubbed incompetent

That doesn’t stop Democrats or liberal pundits from crying racism.

Linked by Michelle Malkin, thanks!

MSM: Go Away Conservative Media – We Have it Covered


Well they WOULD have it covered if conservatives weren’t constantly jumping in, politicizing stuff, making mountains out of molehills, and generally mucking things up with their silly, obnoxious conservative spin.

 Washington Post blogger, Erik Wemple explains why the media was justified in embargoing the Steven Crowder story:

… if folks are truly scandalized by the lack of generalized media outrage about Crowder’s treatment, they should take a second look at Crowder’s actions. Though he appears to have carried himself nobly while under attack, he’s gone buffoonish since then. He said on Twitter yesterday that this is “getting fun.” He challenged his assailant to a Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) fight. And he has generally sounded as if he’s enjoying this boost to his career prospects, in a way that his Halloween-candy-exposes-the-fraud-of-income-redistribution stunt did not.Given how Crowder has carried on, I, too, may well pass on the story of his beating, were I a network executive producer.

Of course, this is a standard applied only to conservatives – as Ace notes, Sandra Fluke also “engaged in a great deal of partisan political agitation with a strong component of self-promotion (hiring a PR firm, for example!)”

The media offered the same excuse for not covering Benghazi– Oh, we wanted to cover Benghazi, and would have covered it, but then Mitt Romney tried to raise it as an issue for us to cover, so we couldn’t of course cover it.

It’s important to note, here, that the conservative media did jump in right away and vigorously covered the Benghazi story, which had all the earmarks of a scandal, right from the beginning. The MSM used to be good at sniffing out scandals. But when there’s a hotly contested presidential race to win, and their Precious could be hurt by their reportage – not so much…

Ace continues…

Liberal sort of logic here, eh? If a conservative wants a genuinely newsworthy story covered (as Wemple admits this is, before these defend-the-media paragraphs), then the liberal media is required to shut that conservative out. The story becomes non-coverable simply because an important actor in it — a conservative — wishes it to be covered.

What liberals really want is for us to go back to the days before talk radio, and cable news, when their monopoly on the news business was complete. The  choice for conservatives apparently is to either shut up and wait for them to cover important stories (like Benghazi, or Fast and Furious) on their own (which presumably they’d do with the conservative media out of the way) – or we continue to shine a light on the stories we know they would embargo no matter what we did.

Because it’s not about us, at all. It’s about THEM and their need to spin stories that are helpful to their side, and ignore the ones that aren’t.

So cut the crap, Wemple.

Linked by Doug Ross, thanks!


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