The Last Word

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New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie walks to a meeting on Capitol Hill in Washington on Thursday. (Photo by J. Scott Applewhite/ AP Photo)

Ungrateful? Obama says yes on disaster relief, while Christie says no on healthcare

What happened to their friendship? Christie led New Jersey to be the 19th state to reject part of Obamacare Read More


Very Last Word: Lawrence O’Donnell dancing and Ari Melber singing

This is a first for the Very Last Word: exclusive footage of MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell dancing on the set of the Last Word Thursday. Also, Ari Melber sings. Read More

National Rifle Association Executive Vice President and CEO Wayne LaPierre speaks in Washington. (Photo by Alex Brandon/AP)

NRA says more guns could have saved Jovan Belcher’s girlfriend

NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre argues that Kasandra Perkins could have saved both her own life, and the life of Kansas City Chiefs linebacker Jovan Belcher, had she owned a gun to protect herself. LaPierre also goes after NBC sports anchor Bob Costas for his comments on gun control, stating that the gun culture in America is not dangerous. Read More

U.S. President Barack Obama pauses after he speaks while visiting members of a middle class family in their home to discuss his Administration's push to cut taxes for 98% of Americans in Falls Church in Fairfax County, Virginia. (Photo by Larry Downing/REUTERS)

First Word: Obama and Boehner at the negotiating table

Stories in tonight's rundown: House Speaker John Boehner says there has been zero progress in fiscal cliff talks. Plus, the Supreme Court decided to take up the marriage equality issue. Read More

Actor George Takei on MSNBC's "The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell" December 6, 2012

Very Last Word: George Takei on Trump and marriage equality

The Star Trek star George Takei said that Donald Trump was surprisingly open to hear his views on marriage equality. Read More


O’Donnell rewrites McConnell’s filibuster against his own bill

Mitch McConnell was for his bill before he was against it. Lawrence O’Donnell explained how the senator made history in the Rewrite. Read More

Senator DeMint announced today that he will resign from the Senate to become the president of the Heritage Foundation.  (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)

The company you keep: Meet DeMint’s new colleagues

Hardline conservative Jim DeMint announced Thursday that he would be stepping down from the Senate to run The Heritage Foundation. He'll join some rowdy company. Read More

A man holds a poster that reads 'I am the American Dream' as he as he joined other immigrants who gathered in front of L.A. City Hall November 8 2012. (Photo by Michael Nelson/ EPA)

This year, more Asians than Latinos–but overall, immigration is down

Pew's latest numbers show illegal immigration to the U.S. was down, ending a decade of increases. Asian immigration exceeded Hispanic immigration last year for the first time. Read More

Sen. Jim DeMint (Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images File)

First Word: Jim DeMint quits

The United Senate became a much saner place today after Sen. Jim DeMint announced his resignation from office to run the Heritage Foundation. Check out the stories shaping tonight's rundown. Read More

(Photo: Jason DeCrow/AP)

Stephen Colbert for Senate?

Almost immediately after Republican South Carolina Senator Jim DeMint released his resignation, an unverified "Stephen Colbert for U.S. Senate" Twitter account popped up. Read More


Very Last Word: Lawrence O’Donnell and ‘Gangnam Style’

MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell had some help in his pronunciation of "Gangnam Style" on Wednesday's Last Word. Digital producer Clare Kim was kind enough to coach him through it. Read More

File Photo: Senator Jim DeMint, R-SC, speaks during an address to the 39th Conservative Political Action Committee February 9, 2012 at a hotel in Washington, DC (Photo: Mandel NGAN/AFP/Getty Images)

Tea Party turmoil? Not so fast

Conservatives think Jim DeMint really could be more influential outside the Senate than in it. Read More

Bob Costas announcing an NFL game on October 23, 2011 (Photo by Tom Hauck/AP)

Bob Costas and Bill O’Reilly agree to disagree on gun control

Bob Costas went on FOX News host Bill O'Reilly's show Wednesday night to continue addressing the criticism over his remarks on gun control during Sunday night football's halftime show, and did not back down to O'Reilly about his personal choice to own and carry a gun. Read More

South Korean rapper PSY and former Sen. Alan Simpson (Sakchai Lalit/AP Photo; Alex Wong/Getty Images)

New realities, unreal polls, and a dancing Alan Simpson

A delightfully strange day. MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell explains the string of oddities and how they connect in the latest Rewrite. Read More

Children in Malawi seated at their new desks. (MSNBC/UNICEF)

K.I.N.D. Fund raises more than $4.6 million

In just 48 hours, viewers like you contributed another $80,000 to the K.I.N.D. Fund, which will enable us to deliver another 1,200 desks to classrooms. Read More

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) (Photo by Steve Pope / Getty Images)

Back to the future? Rubio and Ryan discover…George W. Bush

Marco Rubio and Paul Ryan spoke at the Jack Kemp Foundation Leadership Award Dinner and laid out their visions of a GOP future, but it sounds awfully like the GOP past. Read More

Actor George Takei (Jason Redmond/Reuters)

George Takei on fiscal cliff: ‘Tax me, please’

The Star Trek actor-turned Facebook sensation called on lawmakers to raise his taxes on wealthy individuals like him for the greater good of the country. Read More

Alan Simpson (YouTube)

Alan Simpson’s ‘Gangnam-style’ outreach

Former Wyoming Senator Alan Simpson dances to "Gangnam Style," part of a campaign to get young people involved in the fiscal cliff discussion in Congress. Read More

Rep. Paul Ryan spoke about the future of the Republican Party at the Kemp Award Dinner Tuesday. (AP Photo / J. Scott Applewhite)

First Word: Fiscal cliff talks frozen

As John Boehner and his House colleagues try -- so far, unsuccessfully - -to work out a fiscal cliff deal with President Obama, Rep. Paul Ryan and Sen. Marco Rubio spoke at the Kemp Award Dinner Tuesday about the future of the party. Read More


O’Donnell rewrites the Senate’s ‘day of shame’

MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell said legislators who voted against the treaty to protect the disabled "dishonored the United States Senate." Read More