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BIG Unveils Plans For Luxurious LEED GOLD Coconut Grove Condominiums With a (Literal) Twist

by , 12/07/12

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Mysterious Underwater "Crop Circles" Discovered Off the Coast of Japan

by , 12/07/12
filed under: Animals, Art, News, Water Issues

Yoji Ookata, Mystery Circle, puffer fish, crop circle, underwater design, Art, Animals, Water Issues, japan, deep-sea photography

More than 70 percent of our planet is covered with water, yet the oceans are still the most mysterious parts of the world. Earlier this year, deep-sea photographer and diver Yoji Ookata discovered something he had never seen in his 50 years documenting the underwater world off the coast of Japan: a beautiful circular structure on the sand, about 80 feet below sea level that was so accurately carved that it looks like a deep-sea crop circle.

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10 Architectural Gingerbread Creations from 2012 To Make You Salivate!

by , 12/07/12

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Get a Great Night's Sleep On an Ultra-Comfy, Sustainable Coco-Mat Mattress

by , 12/07/12

coco-mat, cocomat, coco mattress, eco mattress, sustainable mattress, green mattress, sustainable bed, eco bed, green bed, sustainable bed, sustainable bedding, eco bedding, coconut fiber mattress, natural mattress, natural fiber mattress, eco linen, sustainable linen, coc0-mat nyc, coco-mat new york, eco mattress topper, sustainable mattress topper, all natural mattress, all natural bed, all natural bedding, coco-mat soho, natural sleep products, layered mattress, all natural layered mattress

The average person sleeps around eight hours a night — which amounts to a third of your life spent in bed. But despite the amount of time that we find ourselves tucked under our covers, most of us don’t give much thought to the place we plant our bodies when night falls (or when a nap calls). While it’s well-known that getting enough sleep is vital to our health and our ability to function effectively, many of us don’t consider the fact that the quality of sleep we get also plays an important role. One way to improve your night’s sleep is to invest in a high-quality 100% natural mattress. One of our favorites here at Inhabitat is by Coco-Mat, a family-owned, eco-minded company producing sustainable beds designed for the deepest of slumbers. Each of their beds is made from multiple layers of natural materials that provide optimal, elastic support to the human body, without the use of metal springs. The eco-friendly company only utilizes natural materials from renewable sources, such as coco fiber, natural rubber, wool, cotton, sea weed, horsehair, silk, linen, wood and goose down (read: no toxic chemicals or retardants). Established in 1989, Coco-Mat has developed a global following – and they recently set up shop right in the heart of New York City!

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HotTug: A Floating Hot Tub and an Electric Motorboat All-in-One!

by , 12/07/12

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COP18 Climate Change Conference in Doha Ends in Colossal Failure

by , 12/07/12

COP18, global warming, climate change, emissions cuts, Hot Air, Kyoto Protocol, Doha, Qatar, greenhouse gases, loss and damage mechanism, environmental news

The 18th Conference of the Parties or COP18 ends today in colossal failure. Not only have the negotiations failed to produce any meaningful emissions cuts, but ‘Hot Air’ permits that allow countries like Poland and Russia to maintain their heavy industries may even result in more emissions. Talks have stalled for a host of reasons, though most developing nations blame rich countries like the United States, Canada and Japan for refusing to sign an interim successor agreement to the Kyoto Protocol that would bind them to emissions reductions.

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NASA Releases Amazing New Images of Earth at Night

by , 12/07/12
filed under: green technology, News

NASA, earth images, night images, NOAA, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, satellite, Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite, News, green technology

Scientists from NASA and NOAA just unveiled a series of breathtaking new images of our planet glowing at night. Thanks to high-res composite data acquired by a new sensor, the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) on the floating Suomi NPP satellite, we can get “day-night band” images sensitive enough to detect the light from a single ship in the sea. These beautiful cloud-free night images feature cities that never sleep, within a glowing planet that is nowhere as dark as we might have thought.

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GIVEAWAY: Get a Competitive Design Edge with This FREE Intro to Biomimicry Online Course ($99 Value)

by , 12/07/12

biomimicry,, ask nature,asknature, inspiration in nature, design ideas, design inspiration, green design, eco design, sustainable design, design tools, inspiration from nature

It’s no secret that design and architecture are highly competitive fields, and those in the industry often pay thousands on R&D, not to mention the money spent on all of the educational degrees they needed to get a job in the first place. But for many successful designers, the answers and inspiration that led to their breakthroughs were found not in a school textbook or through a research and development firm, but right within their own natural surroundings. Biomimicry, or the application of solutions found in nature to man-made technologies, has been responsible for many innovations such as velcro, airplanes and passive cooling, and has inspired numerous designers to connect the dots and come up with world-changing concepts. If you’re interested in learning how this relatively new methodology can give you a competitive edge, Biomimicry 3.8 is giving away its online Introduction to Biomimicry course to four lucky winners. Read on to see how you can get this $99 course for free.


(If you are not already a subscriber.) We’ll be announcing the winner in our weekly newsletter, so if you want to find out who won, you’ll need to receive it in order to claim your prize!

Tell us why you want to win this introduction to biomimicry course. Maybe you want to use it to gain an advantage over your competition or to simply become a better designer — let us know in the comments below. The deadline for this giveaway is December 31st. We’ll pick the comment we like best and announce the winner in our newsletter, so make sure you’re signed up!



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DAPstockholm's Energy-Efficient Villa Midgard is Nestled Into the Swedish Countryside

by , 12/07/12

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Fallen Industry Transforms Fallen Trees and Driftwood Into Beautiful New Pieces of Furniture

by , 12/07/12

fallen trees, fallen tree furniture, eco furniture, eco wood furniture, recycled tree furniture, fallen industry, green furniture

Fallen Industry‘s beautifully crafted furniture is built from 100% reclaimed fallen trees and salvaged NYC man-made industrial driftwood. The bases are forged from American-made or recycled steel parts whenever possible, then hand-brushed into a beautiful finish. The reclaimed wood gives the pieces a natural, organic feel, while the steel contrasts this with a robust modern, industrial look. This is reflected in the natural curves of the fallen trees and the urban driftwood, that still shows signs of holes and bolts from their former lives.

+ Fallen Industry 

The article above was submitted to us by an Inhabitat reader. Want to see your story on Inhabitat? Send us a tip by following this link. Remember to follow our instructions carefully to boost your chances of being chosen for publishing!



Aether & Hemera's Glowing LED Wheels Light Up the Night

by , 12/07/12

Aether and Hemera, POV, Persistence of Vision, led, light emitting diode, eco art, green art, lighting installation, sustainable design, green design

Aether and Hemera employed arrays of LEDs to build three giant kinetic POV (Persistence of Vision) lighting installations. These bright and lively wheels project ‘illusions’ of texts and patterns to the audience, harnessing the stroboscopic effect and the phenomenon where the human eye retains an image for a brief moment after it was actually seen. Attached to motor-powered blades, each LED is programmed to continually change color and intensity to form intricate patterns.

+ Aether & Hemera

The article above was submitted to us by an Inhabitat reader. Want to see your story on Inhabitat? Send us a tip by following this link. Remember to follow our instructions carefully to boost your chances of being chosen for publishing!


Barcode Room is a Space-saving Apartment That Can be Configured in Multiple Combinations

by , 12/07/12

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Bright Agrotech's Vertical Towers Make it Easy to Grow Vegetables At Home

by , 12/07/12

Bright Agrotech, vertical gardening, vertical system, hydroponics, CSA, small business farming, kickstarter, kickstarter campaign

Hailing from Wyoming, Nate Storey and Paul Bennick founded Bright Agrotech in 2009 to help revolutionize agriculture for small-business farmers and consumers. More recently, they’ve created  modular hydroponic towers and a dual purpose, vertical hydroponic kit which allows anyone to grow a vertical garden. The kit also allows local farmers to place mature towers full of living produce directly in peoples homes as part of a CSA subscription.

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Learn How To Maximize Your South-Facing Windows to Grow Food All Winter

by , 12/07/12

indoor winter gardening, growing peas, peas indoors, windowsill farming, growing food indoors

As I write this, I’m chewing on a spicy little arugula seedling that I grew from within the last couple of weeks. Considering that it’s -15C outside right now where I am, and there’s a good 3” of snow coating everything, I hadn’t expected to be chowing down on fresh greens unless I’d bought them from the grocery store, where they’ve been marked up exponentially as out-of-season luxuries. How did I manage to coax these sweethearts into growing, then? The answer is actually quite simple, and surprised me as well: south-facing windows.

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Evergreen Uprooted by Hurricane Sandy Reborn as Long Beach's Holiday Christmas Tree

by , 12/07/12
filed under: Inhabitat NYC

green design, eco design, sustainable design, Hurricane Sandy, Long Beach Township, Long Beach Township Tree, Rockefeller Center tree, Van WErt TreeImage: Skip Van Wert

Perhaps symbolic of how many New Yorkers are picking up the pieces after Hurricane Sandy, a spruce tree that was also toppled by the storm has been given new life as a beautiful holiday tree for Long Beach Township. Raised by the Van Wert family in North Beach Haven, the evergreen was hoped to someday become one of the trees used to light up Rockefeller Center. After Hurricane Sandy uprooted the tree, the Van Werts were saddened and disappointed but still knew that it was destined for more than just a wood chipper.

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WA Design's Solar-Powered Stinson Beach House Achieves Net-Zero Energy

WA Design's Solar-Powered Stinson Beach House Achieves Net-Zero Energy

The design team kept a focus on green objectives, using open-cell foam insulation, natural ventilation, and concrete floors. Their main focus was to create a south-sloping roof from…

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Shigeru Ban's Temporary Onagawa Housing is Made from Paper Tubes and Shipping Containers

Shigeru Ban's Temporary Onagawa Housing is Made from Paper Tubes and…

In March 2011, the town of Onagawa, Japan was devastated by a powerful earthquake. In the months that followed, Shigeru Ban Architects designed a temporary housing complex for…

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16 Ethical Gifts for Animal Lovers

16 Ethical Gifts for Animal Lovers

TweetShare on TumblrEmail Looking for a little seasonal inspiration when it comes to buying a gift for the animal lover in your life? We’ve tracked down some of the best…

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Kindergarten Principal Transforms an Outdated Airplane into an Amazing Classroom

Kindergarten Principal Transforms an Outdated Airplane into an Amazing…

TweetShare on TumblrEmail We were pretty astounded when we came across an airplane in Oregon that had been turned into a home, but it’s possible that this spectacular…

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20 Glittering Green Jewelry Gifts to Give This Holiday

20 Glittering Green Jewelry Gifts to Give This Holiday

TweetShare on TumblrEmail We’ve scoured dozens of online stores that offer sustainable, responsible and radiant jewelry and picked 20 of the best for you. From the…

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