Recent Press Releases

Dec 13 2012

Johnson Recognizes South Dakota National Guard

Washington, DC — U.S. Senator Tim Johnson (D-SD) today recognized the 376th anniversary of the National Guard and the South Dakota National Guard’s 150th anniversary with a Congressional Record statement. Johnson highlighted the history of the South Dakota National Guard and its service to South Dakota and the United States over the years.     

Full text of the Congressional Record Statement from Johnson below:

Mr. JOHNSON of South Dakota. Mr. President, I rise today, on the 376th birthday of the National Guard, to honor all those who have served in the National Guard and to pay tribute to the South Dakota National Guard, which this year celebrates its 150th anniversary.  The South Dakota National Guard has served in every major American conflict since the Civil War, in addition to helping countless communities recover from natural disasters and other emergencies. This June, South Dakotans participated in celebrations across the state to commemorate the Guard’s important milestone. 

The history of the South Dakota National Guard dates back to the early days of the Dakota Territory.  On January 27, 1862, the Guard first formed in Yankton, South Dakota, to protect settlers in the fledgling territory.  Since that time, the South Dakota National Guard has served our nation in every major conflict, sending units to the Spanish-American War, World Wars I and II, and Operations Just Cause and Desert Storm.  The Guard has also been called to aid in our country’s military efforts during the Mexican Border Conflict, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and peacekeeping missions in Bosnia and Kosovo.

Since the attacks of September 11, over 8,000 South Dakota guardsmen have served in Iraq and Afghanistan, and we honor the service of those guardsmen who have made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty.  As the father of soldier in the National Guard, I personally understand the sacrifices these servicemembers make and the burdens placed on their families during deployments.  I know our entire nation shares in my gratitude for their service.

When disaster strikes, the South Dakota National Guard comes to the aid of our state and nation.  Throughout its history, the men and women of our Guard have battled floods, fires, blizzards, tornadoes and a host of other disasters.  Last year, when flooding from the Missouri River threatened communities along its banks, guardsmen were there to shore up levees, pile sandbags and help citizens prepare for the worst.  When hurricanes Katrina and Rita devastated states along the Gulf Coast, units from the South Dakota National Guard were deployed to help the region recover. 

The Guard personnel from the Mount Rushmore State represent the best South Dakota has to offer.  They have consistently served our state and country with resolve, compassion and honor.  On the occasion of the South Dakota Guard’s 150th anniversary observance, please join me in commending Guard personnel for their great service, both to the citizens of South Dakota as well as to the nation.  I applaud their willingness to answer the call to duty.
