Closing the Congressional Office in Beeville 2012

Updated 16 hours ago · Taken in Beeville, Texas
After all of the goodbyes were said and the packing was done, it was time to close the Congressional District office in Beeville. Due to the changes in the Congressional district lines, district 15 has moved a bit to the west of Beeville. I made some very good friends throughout the years and together we have made progress on so many levels and I am proud of our accomplishments. It has been a great pleasure to have served the residents of the counties of Bee, Goliad, Jim Wells, San Patricio, Refugio and Dewitt. I want to thank the people who have supported me and the members of my Beeville office staff. My district director Sylvia Ramirez, my Asst. District Director Chris Garcia and my staff assistant Belinda Flores have done an outstanding job. I also want to thank my former District Director Judy McAda who also worked side by side with so many of you in the northern part of my district. It has been a pleasure to have been your U.S. Representative. I do hope to see you all again. Thank you again and God Bless you all.

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