Fiscal Cliff Update; Liberty Memorial WWI Museum; Farm Bureau Award
December 17, 2012

Newtown, Connecticut

The tragedy in Connecticut Friday morning shocked us all, and it is difficult to comprehend how anyone could carry out such a heinous act. My heart breaks when I think about the innocent victims who had their entire lives ahead of them, and what their Moms, Dads, and families must now go through during this Holiday time we normally associate with joy, love and being with family.
There is much to be learned about the circumstances surrounding Friday's tragic events. There are little words that can be given to comfort the families of the children lost, but I offer my full and heartfelt condolences to all those who lost a loved one that Friday morning, and I know they and their families will remain in our thoughts and prayers.

Speaking On CNBC About The Fiscal Cliff

I spoke on CNBC last week about the great need for Congress to arrive at a long-term solution to our country’s rapidly approaching fiscal cliff deadline. I hear from business owners throughout the 3rd District over and over again that they want certainty and as much economic predictability as possible. That means no more short-term, band-aid legislation. We need to take this opportunity to make significant changes about how we spend money as a country, and ensure we leave the country in better shape for future generations.
I joined the CNBC show “Power Lunch” last Tuesday to speak about the fiscal cliff. Click here, or on the picture above, to watch my full remarks.

National WWI Museum at Liberty Memorial

Last week, the House passed the Frank Buckles World War I Memorial Act, H.R. 6364. This legislation would designate the National World War I Museum at Liberty Memorial in Kansas City as the National World War I Museum and Memorial. The centennial anniversary of the Great War is approaching, and there is no better place in the country to memorialize and honor the brave men and women who served our country in WWI than the Liberty Memorial Museum in KCMO. I thank my friend and colleague, Rep. Emanuel Cleaver II from Missouri, for his leadership on this legislation, and as a co-sponsor, I will continue to work to ensure this bipartisan legislation becomes law. The bill now moves to the Senate.
Click here, or on the picture above, to watch my House floor remarks recognizing the importance of passing the Frank Buckles World War I Memorial Act. To read a complete history of Kansas City's National World War I Museum at Libery Memorial, click here.

KFB “Friend of Farm Bureau” Award

I was honored to receive the “Friend of Farm Bureau” Congressional award from the Kansas Farm Bureau (KFB) last week in Washington. This recognition is given each session of Congress to Members who support legislation important to agriculture and rural areas. Kansas City has deep roots in agriculture, and much of our local economy depends on its success. Farming and ranching are tremendously important to the Kansas economy.
I grew up on a Kansas farm, and the values my parents and grandparents taught me on that farm remain firmly with me today. Thank you to the Kansas Farm Bureau for this award and, more importantly, thank you for your leadership in our state on behalf of farmers and ranchers. Presenting the award was Terry Holdren, KFB General Counsel, in my Washington, DC office.

Northeast Johnson County Chamber Breakfast

I joined several Kansas state legislators at the Northeast Johnson County Chamber of Commerce Legislative Preview Breakfast in Mission. We discussed the most recent updates on the fiscal cliff situation in Washington, and how a long-term solution is needed before January 1st.
Thank you for letting me join you for breakfast. I appreciate the feedback I received.

Bell Ringing at Mission Hy Vee

I had the privilege joining David Perryman and help the Salvation Army by ringing a bell at the Mission Hy Vee. I enjoyed speaking with folks who came up to say hello to David and I, and also donate to the Salvation Army. I encourage everyone to take the opportunity around the Holidays to donate some time in the service of others.
Thank you, David, for all that you do to serve others, and living a life of generosity.

University of Kansas Hospital Recognized

The University of Kansas Hospital received designation last week as an Advanced Comprehensive Stroke Center. This prestigious designation makes the University of Kansas Hospital the only Advanced Comprehensive Stroke Center in the Midwest, and one of only five such centers in the entire country. This is a tremendous recognition and it once again highlights the work and dedication of the staff, who are able to treat the most complex strokes, as well as the top quality care at KU. Rock Chalk Jayhawk!
To read more about the Advanced Comprehensive Stroke Center designation at the University of Kansas Hospital, click here.

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Fact of the Week:

According to the Congressional Budget Office, raising taxes next year on the top 2 percent income earners will only bring to the federal government roughly $50 billion, or approximately 5 percent of next year’s total federal government deficit.

New Washington, DC Office

We've moved offices in Washington, DC. We're still in the Cannon House Office Building. My new office number is 215, and our office phone number remains the same, (202) 225-2865. If you have a tour or will be in Washington, DC for meetings, we're right across the hall from our old office location. We apologize for any inconvenience. 

Upcoming Community Staff Office Hours

My staff can assist you from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday in my Overland Park office. They can help with any issues or concerns, as well as to provide assistance with federal agencies and programs including, Veterans' Affairs, Medicare, Social Security, Passports, and Visas.
If you are unable to visit my office, please consider coming to the following location at the specified time if it is more convenient for you:
January 16, 2013
Downtown KCK Library Audio/Visual Auditorium
625 Minnesota Avenue,
Kansas City
4:00-5:00 p.m. CST
February 5, 2013
South Branch Library Study Room
3104 Strong Avenue,
Kansas City
12:00-1:00 p.m. CST

Votes From Last Week

I voted "Yes" on H.R. 6190, The Asthma Inhalers Relief Act. This legislation directs the Administrator of the EPA to allow remaining inventories of over-the-counter CFC epinephrine asthma inhalers to be sold. Under current EPA regulations, inhalers containing chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) have been banned since December 31, 2011. H.R. 6190 would forbid the EPA from taking enforcement action against distributors or sellers on the basis of any federal law. According to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, to date, no over-the-counter replacement is available, and an estimated 1.7 to 2.3 million asthma sufferers in the U.S. relied on this medication before the ban went into effect. A 2/3 majority vote was needed to pass this bill, and it failed 229 - 182.
I voted "Yes" on H.R. 4053, The Improper Payments Elimination and Recovery Improvement Act. This legislation aims to intensify efforts to identify, prevent, and recover payment error, waste, fraud, and abuse within Federal spending. H.R. 4053 passed 400 - 0.

The House Schedule for This Week

This week, the House will consider a number of bills under suspension of the rules. The House will not adjourn the 112th Congress until action has been taken to avert the fiscal cliff.
On Monday, the House will meet at noon for morning hour and 2:00 p.m. for legislative business.
On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, the House will meet at 10:00 a.m. for morning hour and noon for legislative business.
On Friday, the House will meet at 9:00 a.m. for legislative business.
A weekend session is possible, and therefore last votes for the week are not yet known.
Additionally, we expect to consider a conference report for the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013, and a number of other expiring provisions of law are also possible.

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215 Cannon HOB
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Phone: (202) 225-2865
Hours: Monday-Friday
9:00AM -6:00PM EST
Overland Park
7325 W. 79th St.
Overland Park, KS 66204
Phone: (913) 621-0832
Fax: (913) 621-1533
Hours: Monday-Friday
8:00AM -5:00PM CST