The Two-Way

Former President George H.W. Bush In Hospital()  

Former President George H.W. Bush in September at the Ryder Cup golf match in Medinah, Ill.

Bush, 88, was admitted the day after Thanksgiving. He's being treated for bronchitis and could be released this weekend, a spokeswoman says. "This is not a life-threatening illness," she adds.


It's All Politics

Why Dividends, Capital Gains Are Big Part Of Fiscal Cliff Talks()  

The tax code has long favored investment income over the money you get in your paycheck. But today's rates on dividends and capital gains are especially low, dating to tax cuts installed under President George W. Bush. And they're one target in the talks to avert a so-called fiscal cliff.


It's All Politics

Consolation Lunch? Romney Visits Obama()  

President Obama hosts Mitt Romney today for their first post-election visit. Yes, Obama did say that he hoped to "get ideas with him and see if there's some ways we can potentially work together." But is cooperation with a former political rival after such a bitter campaign really possible?


It's All Politics

In Fiscal Cliff PR War, Obama Seeks Help From A Public Already Leaning His Way()  

President Obama speaks Wednesday while meeting with citizens at the White House. Obama called on Republicans to halt an automatic tax hike for middle-class Americans.

November 28, 2012 In Washington's latest game of chicken, President Obama is recruiting voters who see things his way to provide an edge in his quest to get congressional Republicans to accept tax increases on the nation's wealthiest. His newest weapon? A Twitter hashtag.


It's All Politics

Hispanic Caucus Rejects Republican Immigration Bills()  

Sen. Robert Menendez, D-N.J., and 20 House members make up the Congressional Hispanic Caucus. Here, Menendez speaks in September in Sayreville, N.J.

November 28, 2012 The coalition of Hispanic lawmakers say new legislation should require illegal immigrants to register with the federal government, undergo a criminal background check, learn English and pay taxes as conditions for obtaining legal status and eventual citizenship.


It's All Politics

Roughing Up Rice: GOP Senators Play The Personal And Political()  

U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice leaves a meeting with Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, on Capitol Hill on Wednesday.

November 28, 2012 History suggests that Susan Rice will be confirmed, if nominated for secretary of state. But some Republicans may be focusing on her statements about Benghazi to discredit the Obama administration. Here's a look at that possibility, and what else might be part of the Capitol Hill wrangling.


Who Is Susan Rice?()  

Ambassador Susan Rice speaks at U.N. headquarters on April 14.

November 28, 2012 Rice is young, ambitious and accomplished, with an eye on becoming secretary of state. But she is now embroiled in a lingering controversy over what she knew and what she said in the days after September's attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya. A look at Rice's career.


The Salt

Milk: Symbol Of Purity, Symbol Of Conflict()  

European dairy farmers spray police officers with milk during a demonstration outside the European Parliament in Brussels on Monday.

November 28, 2012 Our complicated relationship with milk may make images of this week's EU dairy farmers' protest more powerful than, say, if they sprayed police with water. For much of human history, says historian Deborah Valenze, we've wavered between reverence and revulsion for the stuff.


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Of Top Taxpayers, 1 In 5 A Small Business Owner


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Senate Committee Approves Stricter Email Privacy


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