Congressman Rivera Condemns Attacks on U.S. Consulate in Libya and U.S. Embassy in Egypt

Washington, DC- Congressman David Rivera released the following statement condemning the terrorist attacks on the American Consulate in Libya that killed four Americans, and on the American Embassy in Egypt.

“My thoughts and prayers are with the families and loved ones of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith  and the other two Americans who lost their lives while serving our country as the result of this terrible act of violence.

“The armed assault and firebombing of the American Consulate in Benghazi and the aggressive protest at the American Embassy in Cairo are unjustifiable and inexcusable. 

“As we have done in the face of terrorist attacks throughout our nation’s history, America must stand strong.  We have nothing to apologize for, and those who perpetrated these attacks must be held accountable. 

“America is the single greatest force for freedom and prosperity the world has ever known, and the actions of a radical few will not change that.”