Congressman Rivera Honored as "Guardian of Small Business" by National Federation of Independent Business

Sep 13, 2012 Issues: Economy and Jobs

Washington, DC- The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), the leading small and independent business association in the United States, named Congressman David Rivera a “Guardian of Small Business” this week for his outstanding voting record on behalf of America’s small business owners in the 112th Congress.  Congressman Rivera earned a perfect score of 100 percent based on his votes on key small business issues in the House of Representatives.

“I am honored to be recognized by a great organization like the NFIB that dedicates itself to creating a better atmosphere for small and independent businesses—the backbone of America’s economy.  I believe that Congress’ goal should be to create an environment where businesses of any size can grow and prosper.  In the House of Representatives we are working to give small and independent businesses the confidence and access to resources they need to start up, grow and succeed.”

Congressman Rivera was presented the award by NFIB President and CEO Dan Danner at a ceremony on Capitol Hill.

“The record shows that Congressman Rivera is a true champion of small business, having stood strong on the key small business votes in the 112th Congress,” Danner said.  “This award reflects our members’ appreciation for supporting the NFIB pro-growth agenda for small business.”

Click here to see how Congressman Rivera and other members of Congress voted on key small business issues.