
Farmer Style (Gangnam Style Parody)

ThePetersonFarmBrosThePetersonFarmBros·21 videos
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Published on Dec 4, 2012

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A parody music video by The Peterson Farm Bros (Greg, Nathan, and Kendal Peterson) that promotes agriculture! Please share this video with your friends and remind them to thank a farmer for their food!

Words by: Greg Peterson
Music by: PSY
No copyright infringement of original song "Gangnam Style" by PSY was intended.

Thanks to our younger sister Laura for helping us film!

We are the Peterson Farm Bros, and we're farming and we grow it
We love agriculture, and we want the world to know it
Farming is a way of life with many different flavors
Being stewards of the gifts God gave us

Out here on the farm,
We're running green John Deere Tractors
Out here on the farm,
We work in many weather factors
Out here on the farm,
We're working hard to raise your food
Out here on the farm. On the family farm.

Agriculture, is so important to me, (and should be to you) HAY!
It feeds the world and will never ever cease to be, We need to eat!
We all need farmers to provide us with our food, food, food, food!

Workin' farmer style.
Farmer Style
Work, work, work, work, working farmer style

Haaaaaaay, for my cattle
Work, work, work, work, working farmer style
Haaaaaaay, from the field
Work, work, work, work

Farmers are working harder than you might imagine
But that is just because we have a job that is our passion
We will work sunup to sundown time and time again
As if working for the Lord and not for men

Out here on the farm
We get away from lights of cities
Out here on the farm
The countryside is nice and pretty
Out here on the farm.
We work together as a family.
Out here on the farm. On the family farm.

Agriculture, is so important to me, (and should be to you) HEY!
It feeds the world and will never ever cease to be, We need to eat!
We all need farmers to provide us with our food, food, food, food!

Workin' farmer style

Hay, hay, hay, hay
Is what we feed our cattle
So they grow big and strong
And then become the food that keeps us living nice and long.
Our crops like corn and wheat
Help make diets complete
Without the farmers working
We would all be starving
You know what I'm saying?

Workin' farmer style

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey

Hey, thank the farmers!
Hey, for your food!

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  • Stephanie Cazares

    Very talented in making the video that is a very I added it to my favorites


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  • ladislao ortiz

    sorry but haven't seen any of your vids showing you could do better.


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    in reply to jommmis1(Show the comment)
  • Lone000Star

    that was wonderful music! =O 


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    in reply to rhcp5351(Show the comment)
  • Lone000Star

    lol Thanks farmers! =D


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  • storme45able

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  • Brianna Wezyk

    Gangam style + farming = awesome video = press like


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  • Grnvolpe

    Needs more bacon


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