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    Pentagon begins planning for massive budget cuts

    WASHINGTON (AP) — The Defense Department has begun planning for the roughly $500 billion in personnel and program cuts over a decade that will be needed if Congress and the White House fail to reach a deal that would avoid the double hit of tax hikes and automatic spending reductions dubbed the "fiscal cliff."

    Department spokesman George Little said the cuts would be "devastating to our national defense."

    As the White House and members of Congress continue to wrangle over how best to find as much as $1.2 trillion in savings over the next 10 years to avert the fiscal cliff, Little said the Pentagon started more detailed discussions this week on how to slash 9.4 percent of its budget across the board.

    He said cuts that deep could force the department to throw out its new military strategy, and cut weapons and technology programs, and it could hamper the department's ability to provide for its troops and their families.

    He added that the department also is beginning to figure out how it will prepare and inform about 3 million military, civilian and contract workers about the cuts, if they occur.

    For months, Pentagon officials have insisted they were not planning for the massive budget cuts that would automatically kick in after the first of the year if the White House and Congress doesn't strike a deal. But with less than a month to go and no deal in sight, those evaluations have begun in earnest.

    According to guidance sent out by the White House Office of Management and Budget, the Pentagon will have to slice nearly 10 percent off more than 80 accounts, including more than $4 billion off Air Force aircraft and maintenance, $2.1 billion off Navy shipbuilding; $6.7 billion off Army operations, $3.2 billion off health programs and $1.3 billion out of the Afghan security forces funding.

    About $55 billion of the $500 billion in cuts would come in the first year.

    The Pentagon would have some flexibility in deciding how to find the money in each of those broad categories; for instance officials could leave the aircraft carrier fleet intact and take the money out of other types of ships in the pipeline.

    If the White House and lawmakers are able to avoid the fiscal cliff, the military still likely will be looking at as much as an additional $10 billion to $15 billion in cuts in projected defense spending each year for the next decade. It's a prospect that Republicans recognize is the new reality, with wars in Iraq and Afghanistan ending and deficits demanding deep cuts.

    Already this year, the Pentagon revamped its military strategy as part of last year's deficit-cutting law that ordered an initial $487 billion in spending cuts over the next 10 years.

    A proposal that House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, and other Republican leaders sent to the White House this week calls for cuts of $300 billion in discretionary spending to achieve savings of $2.2 trillion over 10 years. The blueprint offered no specifics on the cuts, although the Pentagon and defense-related departments such as Homeland Security and State make up roughly half of the federal government's discretionary spending.

    "Not too devastating," said Sen. John McCain of Arizona, the top Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee.

    "My job is to stop sequestration," McCain said, using the budgetary term for the automatic cuts.

    Pentagon spending still has its congressional protectors, especially with job-producing weapons, aircraft and ships built in nearly every corner of the country. In the past decade, the base defense budget has nearly doubled, from $297 billion in 2001 to more than $520 billion. The amount does not include the billions spent on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    The cuts Obama and Congress are talking about would be to projected spending that envisioned Pentagon budgets rising to levels of more than $700 billion a year in a decade. Tea partyers and fiscal conservatives recently elected to Congress have shown a willingness to cut defense, traditionally considered almost untouchable.

    "We understand that in getting to an agreement that drives down the debt ... that there are going to be cuts," said Rep. Austin Scott, R-Ga., president of the 2010 freshman class in the House. "Making cuts strategically makes sense. Doing it through sequestration does not make sense.

    Any deal between Obama and Boehner that avoids the fiscal cliff and reduces the deficit will still face some resistance among rank-and-file lawmakers over defense cuts, especially in the House. The reductions will be particularly hard for GOP lawmakers who were counting on Mitt Romney to win the White House and try to reverse the cuts in defense.



    • eduardo  •  13 days ago
      Anyone who has been in the military or government contracting sector will tell you about the appalling levels of waste they have seen. Time to take away the blank checks and make them operate on a tight budget like everyone else.
    • Marc  •  13 days ago
      Bring on the Cuts , I'm getting tired of being threatened
    • fenchel  •  13 days ago
      Panetta and the Defense department are sending up false balloons when it comes to defense cuts. First and foremost, the defense department should bring all US troops stationed on foreign soil back to the USA. There is absolutely no need for America to defend any other country in the world. Let them pay for their own defense with their own money and their own soldiers. Secondly, force congress to stop funding programs that the military doesn't want but happen to be in a certain congressman's district. We need to cut all the congressional pork from our expenditures. Thirdly, each and every program, not only in the defense department but thru-out government at all levels, federal, state, county & local, needs to be reviewed and eliminated if it no longer serves its purpose. Finally, America must resign from the UN, NATO, the World Bank and the IMF, all worthless organizations that no longer serve their original purpose as well as stop all aid to foreign countries until the USA has completely eliminated its debt. Which politician or president would like to argue with the above?
      • J. 13 days ago
        Marinewife....don't forget quick access to Iran.
    • Paul  •  13 days ago
      Stop nation building in foreign countries, stop fighting other peoples wars, stop ALL foreign aid and then we can rebuild America, fund social security and medicare and continue to have the best military in the world.
    • John Boles  •  13 days ago
      Get the plan for cuts in order , cut out the waste , time is ticking .
    • Nini  •  13 days ago
      Saving #1 : Stop being the Police of the World
      Saving #2: Stop paying other countries like Egypt,Israel , Afghanistan etc
    • Amy and Patrick  •  13 days ago
      You can cut into fat 2 or 3 times before you get into real meat or hit bone.
    • David  •  13 days ago
      Close some of those military bases in other countries!!!! Why do we need one in Germany? Thought the war was over 60 years ago!!!!!
    • Shorecorruption  •  13 days ago
      Some of the cuts should come out of congressional pockets.
    • Religionizkrap  •  13 days ago
      Close all overseas bases,Bring our guys home,Gut the waste of the Pentagon/Defense budget.Have Iraq pay the $3 trillion bush blew on his little misadventure to give Iraq to Iran.Far too much waste in Defense.Just prior to 911,Rumsfeld( Even tho I think he needs to be tried for War Crimes) said that they Pentagon/Defense could not account for $2.3 TRILLION dollars.WTH?? That was 01' prior to bushes 48% increase to those departments.Gut em',,Make them accountable
    • Nascar101  •  13 days ago
      Eisenhower when in office warned of the Military complex as being an out of control entity. He also stated that left unchecked they would ruin this country financially.

      They work for the American people not the other way around. They were created to protect America not the rest of the world. They current spend 1.4 trillion a year not the 780 billion reported. It is time to put the total government budget expenditure on the books for all to inspect. The expenditures did not stop 9-11-2001. More of these expenditures will not make any safer in the future. We could protect our ports and border against our current enemy for .05% of this military budget. The military was built for a Cold War that no longer exist. The current military makes America more unsafe. As to American job tied to this complex. Let just change what they manufacture. The oceans are rising. I would put them to work on shoreline defenses against global warming. This would be using American tax dollars on something constructive. The problem of the east coast and gulf could then be address as holland.
    • TIM  •  13 days ago
      Why do I feel I'm in the cross hairs when I see a General's name in building towns?
    • Michael  •  13 days ago
      How about looking for that 2 TRILLION Dollars the Pentagon LOST, which #$%$ Chaney admitted the day before 9/11/2001?
    • Suno  •  13 days ago
      Rank..Country.........Spending($Bn)...%GDP..World Share %
      1.......United States.....711.0................4.7............41...............
      • buster 13 days ago
        and are healthcare is right up there also ,, something is terribly wrong with all the greed
    • Don't Care Anymore  •  13 days ago
      I say lets jump over the cliff,most working or non working people would never know it happened,the politicians are the one's afraid..
    • Daniel  •  12 days ago
      cut 10% of military and 15% off everything else. no pay for politicians until debt is paid.
    • smatry pants  •  13 days ago
      Stop giving billions of tax dollars to countries and let them fend for theirselves. Many would stab us in the back first chance they get with one hand while holding out the other for are billions.
    • Drunken Joe Biden  •  13 days ago
      Better start at the top. I spent more than two hard decades earning what I've got and I intend on keeping it no matter how I have to get it...
    • NancyAnn  •  13 days ago
      Can I say "why did you wait so long?"...if there was room to make those cuts they should have made them already.
    • James  •  13 days ago
      Panrtta, begins plans for massive budget cuts, And his own pay raise!!
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