
The 69 Most Mouthwatering Ryan Gosling Moments Of The Year

Presented in timeline form, here's every single delicious Ryan Gosling moment from 2012. posted

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The 69 Most Mouthwatering Ryan Gosling Mom...
Matt Stopera

1. Our beautiful journey begins on the second of January when Ryan made his 2012 debut at an airport.

Source: FameFlyNet

2. Always careful of blinding the world with his beauty, Ryan covered his gorgeous face with a magazine.

Source: FameFlyNet

3. That same day he would peak out from behind the magazine...

Source: FameFlyNet

4. ...and give us this full frontal shot.

Source: FameFlyNet

5. What a wonderful New Years gift.

Source: FaameFlyNet

6. On the third of January, Ryan went to a gym, shoelace blowing in the wind.

Source: FameFlyNet

7. He would leave the gym, hours later, hair tousled and completely barefoot. It was incredible.

Source: FameFlyNet

8. On the seventh of January, Ryan returned to that gym.

Source: FameFlyNet

9. When he left, Ryan again gave the pavement a taste of his feet.

Source: FameFlyNet

10. The pavement couldn't have asked for more.

Source: FameFlyNet

11. On the eighth of February, Ryan bestowed upon us a red tank top.

12. Then, on the fifteenth, Ryan flexed his right forearm.

13. The next day, he ate an apple.

14. It is now March. On the twenty-ninth, he blessed these people with his presence.

15. *Amen*

16. On the third of April, he saved a life.

Source: @pennyred

17. On the tenth, he walked down the street with a brown paper bag.

Source: FameFlyNet

18. Then, on the fifteenth, Ryan awarded us with a bicep flash.

19. Needless to say, it was a wonderful spring.

Then it was May.

20. The tenth was a particularly rough day. On the positive side, the "Gangster's Squad" trailer was released.

21. But then this happened.

Source: FameFlyNet

22. And the world weeped.

Source: FameFlyNet

23. Lots and lots of weeping.

Source: FameFlyNet

24. We dealt with that for weeks, until the twenty-ninth when Ryan rode his motorbike. Sensing our pain, he rode sleeveless.

Source: FameFlyNet

25. It is now June. On the first, Ryan came out of a van.

Source: FameFlyNet

26. He rolled a bike away.

Source: FameFlyNet

27. And that was that.

Source: FameFlyNet

28. On the second, he was back doing what he does best: looking flawless in airports.

Source: FameFlyNet

29. But then rjkasdfkl;aslfpoqiwer8-9poiwfkpjqwer

Source: FameFlyNet

30. nfaosdnfoasnonononooasndfoasjdflkanonononoansdf;liasdf;lkfasdf8asfdupoisdfpoias80-dfa9f98asdf

Source: FameFlyNet

31. On the sixth, the bleeding continued flaksjdfjklasdf;lkas;ldfljkasdlk;f

32. But on the eighteenth, this video was uploaded to Youtube, providing a much-needed distraction for all the pain we had endured.

Source: youtube.com

33. It is now July. On the twelfth, Ryan took out the trash.

34. And then posed.

36. Then, on the twenty-third, Ryan did this and God smiled.

Source: AKM - GSI

37. It is now August. On the third, Ryan left an airport in New Orleans.

Source: FameFlyNet

38. On the twenty-first, Ryan filmed "Gangster Squad."

Source: FameFlyNet

39. He drove a car...

Source: FameFlyNet

40. ...and walked...

Source: FameFlyNet

41. August was a good month.

42. September started out gloriously with another trip to the airport.

Source: FameFlyNet

43. Ryan introduced the world to his box.

Source: FameFlyNet

44. Then, on the seventh, Ryan made his only red carpet appearance of the year at the Toronto Film Festival.

Image by Mike Cassese / Reuters

45. He waved...

Image by Mike Cassese / Reuters

46. ...and laughed in the face of peasants.

Image by Mike Cassese / Reuters

47. It was looking like a great night.

Image by Sonia Recchia / Getty Images

48. A really great night.

Image by Sonia Recchia / Getty Images

49. Until this happened.


Image by Sonia Recchia / Getty Images

50. Then, on the twenty-sixth, Ryan was filming a movie.

Source: AKM - GSI

51. It was hard to watch.

Source: AKM - GSI


Source: AKM - GSI


Source: AKM - GSI

54. September basically really fucking sucked.

Source: AKM - GSI

55. But then, as he had done earlier in the year, sensing our pain, on the thirtieth, Ryan waited in a line.

56. And pulled up his pants. It was a nice day.

57. We are now in October.

Source: AKM - GSI

58. October is always a beautiful month.

Source: AKM - GSI

59. Like really really beautiful.

60. On the twenty-seventh, Ryan went to Texas to support a blind football league. He is a true humanitarian.

61. October was great.

Source: AKM - GCI

62. We're now in November.

63. Realizing his inferiority, Michael Fassbender gave a massage to Ryan Gosling.

Source: sipse.com

64. Then November 25 sucked.

65. It was basically the worst.

66. The twenty-eighth of November was better.

67. And on the thirtieth, Ryan moved some boxes.

68. No complaints here.

69. Then, in December, Ryan received a phone call from God.

God: Thank you for 2012.
Ryan: You're welcome.

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    5 Responses So Far

    • rolor   The 69 Most Mouthwatering Ryan Goslin... and thinks it’s Win & LOL  a few minutes ago
    • Emilie D.   The 69 Most Mouthwatering Ryan Goslin...  about 15 minutes ago
    • janeller2 thinks The 69 Most Mouthwatering Ryan Goslin... is Win & LOL  about a half hour ago
    • athompson94   The 69 Most Mouthwatering Ryan Goslin... and thinks it’s Cute, Win & LOL  about a half hour ago
    • Ali Wherewithall   The 69 Most Mouthwatering Ryan Goslin... and thinks it’s Fab, Win & LOL  about a half hour ago
    • lesleyh5   The 69 Most Mouthwatering Ryan Goslin... and thinks it’s Fab, Win & LOL  about an hour ago
    • MR thinks The 69 Most Mouthwatering Ryan Goslin... is Cute, LOL & Win  about an hour ago
    • anonymous thinks The 69 Most Mouthwatering Ryan Goslin... is LOL  about an hour ago
    • becke   The 69 Most Mouthwatering Ryan Goslin...  about an hour ago
    • theridingwriter   The 69 Most Mouthwatering Ryan Goslin...  about an hour ago
    • Julesb210 thinks The 69 Most Mouthwatering Ryan Goslin... is Win & LOL  about an hour ago
    • zeep   The 69 Most Mouthwatering Ryan Goslin... and thinks it’s Fab  about an hour ago
    • katik thinks The 69 Most Mouthwatering Ryan Goslin... is LOL  about an hour ago
    • lindseyk4
      an hour ago

      For the record, #60 was a charity event for the Texas School for the Deaf. True humanitarian, either way. Gos Bless.

    • suemacdonaldk   The 69 Most Mouthwatering Ryan Goslin...  about an hour ago
    • kristinjunky thinks The 69 Most Mouthwatering Ryan Goslin... is LOL  about an hour ago
    • Lulu5   The 69 Most Mouthwatering Ryan Goslin... and thinks it’s Win & LOL  about 2 hours ago
    • vanessas14   The 69 Most Mouthwatering Ryan Goslin... and thinks it’s LOL  about 2 hours ago
    • pagesixxlover   The 69 Most Mouthwatering Ryan Goslin... and thinks it’s LOL & Win  about 2 hours ago
    • Deb H thinks The 69 Most Mouthwatering Ryan Goslin... is LOL  about 2 hours ago
    • jime   The 69 Most Mouthwatering Ryan Goslin... and thinks it’s Win  about 2 hours ago
    • fernandor5   The 69 Most Mouthwatering Ryan Goslin... and thinks it’s Win & OMG  about 2 hours ago
    • camilap   The 69 Most Mouthwatering Ryan Goslin...  about 2 hours ago
    • stephr4 thinks The 69 Most Mouthwatering Ryan Goslin... is LOL  about 2 hours ago
    • yttek thinks The 69 Most Mouthwatering Ryan Goslin... is Cute, Win & LOL  about 2 hours ago
    • Liz J.   The 69 Most Mouthwatering Ryan Goslin... and thinks it’s LOL  about 2 hours ago
    • eoinos thinks The 69 Most Mouthwatering Ryan Goslin... is LOL  about 2 hours ago
    • krishnab thinks The 69 Most Mouthwatering Ryan Goslin... is Win & LOL  about 2 hours ago
    • jenniferl52 thinks The 69 Most Mouthwatering Ryan Goslin... is FTW  about 2 hours ago
    • kainoar thinks The 69 Most Mouthwatering Ryan Goslin... is Win & LOL  about 2 hours ago
    • cmonster11   The 69 Most Mouthwatering Ryan Goslin... and thinks it’s LOL & Fab  about 2 hours ago
    • eyleendenissem
      3 hours ago

      thank you for sparing us the sight of her STUPID IDIOT FACE

    • eyleendenissem   The 69 Most Mouthwatering Ryan Goslin... and thinks it’s Win, LOL & Cute  about 3 hours ago
    • gummehz thinks The 69 Most Mouthwatering Ryan Goslin... is LOL  about 3 hours ago
    • d6666   The 69 Most Mouthwatering Ryan Goslin... and thinks it’s Fab, Win & LOL  about 3 hours ago
    • HereForTheLulz   The 69 Most Mouthwatering Ryan Goslin...  about 3 hours ago
    • isabliss   The 69 Most Mouthwatering Ryan Goslin... and thinks it’s Win & LOL  about 3 hours ago
    • gcsapo thinks The 69 Most Mouthwatering Ryan Goslin... is LOL  about 3 hours ago
    • m30wtr0n thinks The 69 Most Mouthwatering Ryan Goslin... is Win & LOL  about 3 hours ago
    • Andrew Gauthier thinks The 69 Most Mouthwatering Ryan Goslin... is Fab, Win & LOL  about 3 hours ago
    • Laura Cristina   The 69 Most Mouthwatering Ryan Goslin... and thinks it’s LOL & Win  about 3 hours ago
    • jr77 thinks The 69 Most Mouthwatering Ryan Goslin... is Win  about 3 hours ago
    • brettkarolyne thinks The 69 Most Mouthwatering Ryan Goslin... is LOL  about 3 hours ago
    • Tutty thinks The 69 Most Mouthwatering Ryan Goslin... is LOL  about 3 hours ago
    • NeonAngles thinks The 69 Most Mouthwatering Ryan Goslin... is Win & LOL  about 3 hours ago
    • Ziggster   The 69 Most Mouthwatering Ryan Goslin... and thinks it’s Win  about 3 hours ago
    • asi4k
      3 hours ago

      Omg love it, especially the captions

    • asi4k   The 69 Most Mouthwatering Ryan Goslin...  about 3 hours ago
    • ashtonw3   The 69 Most Mouthwatering Ryan Goslin... and thinks it’s LOL  about 4 hours ago
    • kleibran thinks The 69 Most Mouthwatering Ryan Goslin... is Win  about 4 hours ago
    • gabriellel6
      4 hours ago

      I believe I read this exact article in a discarded diary in an abandoned asylum. Borderline bat-shit-crazy stalker stuff.

    • mxdxh
      6 hours ago

      this is wonderful. but i dont know who hairy feet is… ):

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