Bankrupt Hostess requests $1.8 million in executive bonuses

Congresswoman Pingree says request is another slap in the face to laid-off workers

Congresswoman Chellie Pingree had harsh words for a request from the private equity fund controlling Hostess Brands to pay company executives $1.8 million in bonuses. The company plans to ask a bankruptcy judge today for permission to pay the bonuses, saying they are needed to keep executives on the job.

Go here to read an article about the request

"They should be ashamed to ask for bonuses for executives who just drove a company out of business," Pingree said. "And the idea that they have to be paid extra just to stay on the job while 500 people in Maine and 18,000 people around the country don't even have a regular paycheck because of poor management practices is outrageous," Pingree said.

"It's another slap in the face to the men and women who worked so hard for that company and are now without a job," Pingree said.

Just before declaring bankruptcy for the second time in eight years on Jan. 11, Hostess increased its CEO's compensation by 300% and raised other executives' pay up to 200% while demanding lower wages from workers and shortchanging employee pension funds of $8 million a month in payment obligations. 

Pingree said again today that she's hopeful that the Biddeford Hostess facility will be bought and reopened as soon as possible with management that has actual experience in the baking industry, rather than on Wall Street, in place.

"That plant in Biddeford is one of the more modern and efficient facilities in the company.  They have had an excellent workforce and I hope we see some new management in there soon so they can get back to work," Pingree said.