Saturday, October 10, 2009 

The comedy of Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize

Who knew? But that's what just happened, POTUS Obama won the most politicized prize on the planet (Hat tip: Hot Air):
The stunning choice made Obama the third sitting U.S. president to win the Nobel Peace Prize and shocked Nobel observers because Obama took office less than two weeks before the Feb. 1 nomination deadline. Obama’s name had been mentioned in speculation before the award but many Nobel watchers believed it was too early to award the president…

The Nobel committee praised Obama’s creation of “a new climate in international politics” and said he had returned multilateral diplomacy and institutions like the U.N. to the center of the world stage. The plaudit appeared to be a slap at President George W. Bush from a committee that harshly criticized Obama’s predecessor for resorting to largely unilateral military action in the wake of the Sept. 11 terror attacks.

Rather than recognizing concrete achievement, the 2009 prize appeared intended to support initiatives that have yet to bear fruit: reducing the world stock of nuclear arms, easing American conflicts with Muslim nations and strengthening the U.S. role in combating climate change.

“Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world’s attention and given its people hope for a better future,” Thorbjoern Jagland, chairman of the Nobel Committee said.
Naturally, one can only wonder, what did he do to deserve this so-called prize? Easy. He represents everything that the pretentious politicians of Norway hold dear in their leftist elitism. The Financial Times practically wonders what the whole point of the prize is. Indeed, there isn't any. It's just a whole farce, and this year may be the one where people wake up to understand that.

Update: here's more on how the MSM - even them - are startled and skeptical about Obama's winning the pretentious prize.

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Friday, October 09, 2009 

Hany Saqr of Noor Mosque is Muslim Brotherhood leader

The Jawa Report (via Atlas Shrugs and Jihad Watch) has info that tells that the imam in Ohio named Hany Saqr, one of the leaders of the Noor Islamic Cultural Center, where Rifqa Bary's parents went, is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood. Another reason why that community is dangerous for Rifqa to be sent back to.

Update: Saqr also had a Hamas bagman named Ismail Elbarasse working for him.

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Thursday, October 08, 2009 

Where the blood libel elements originated

Jonathan Rosenblum writes about why incitement is a serious matter, and provides some info on where Sweden got its blood libel ingredients from:
Ever wonder where the report claiming IDF soldiers kidnap and kill Palestinians in order to harvest their organs for transplants originated? Palestinian Media Watch provides the answer. It was lifted in toto from the December 24, 2001, edition of Al Hayat Al Jadida, the official Palestinian Authority newspaper.

Donald Bostrom, the reporter for Sweden's Aftonbladet who disseminated this fabrication, has said of his handiwork, "Whether it's true or not, I have no idea. I have no clue." Given his indifference to truth, what further "scoops" can we anticipate from Bostrum? Again, Palestinian Media Watch provides the answer.

Here are just some of the charges one could have read in the official Palestinian press or heard from leading Palestinian Authority officials in recent years: Israel will pay NIS 4,500 to any Palestinian who can prove he is a drug addict; Israel produced and distributed to Palestinians 200 tons of drug-laced bubble gum designed to destroy the genetic systems of Palestinian youth; it also distributes carcinogenic food and fruits for Palestinian consumption and children's games that beam radioactive x-rays. And don't forget the HIV-infected Jewish prostitutes whom Israel unleashed on Palestinian youth. Or Suha Arafat's accusation to Hillary Clinton that Israel poisons Palestinian wells.

As the above accusations make clear, demonization of Israel is alive and well in the Palestinian Authority. In every agreement since the onset of Oslo, the Palestinians have solemnly pledged to end the incitement against Jews and Israel in the Palestinian media and to purge it from Palestinian textbooks. And each such undertaking has been promptly ignored.

THE FAILURE to curb incitement has been so constant, so long-standing that it barely elicits a yawn today. But that apathy reflects a profound misunderstanding of the significance of that incitement.

Shimon Peres once remarked, "I don't care what the Palestinians say, only what's written in the agreements." But what the Palestinians say to one another, and particularly what they teach their children, is far more important than what's written in peace agreements.

Incitement and demonization are not just one more treaty violation. They reflect the failure of the Palestinians since the beginning of Oslo to create a constituency for peace with Israel, to educate the Palestinian population to the idea of living side-by-side with a Jewish state or to make clear that peace will also require concessions on the Palestinians' part.

That has never happened. Even worse, there has been no education to accept the existence of Israel in any borders or to renounce once and for all the dream of throwing all the Jews into the sea.

The Palestinian Authority has gone out of its way to make heroes of the most vicious terrorists - not exactly the way to encourage thoughts of reconciliation and peace. Mahmoud Abbas sent his warmest congratulations to child-murderer Samir Kuntar, upon his release from an Israeli jail, and commissioned festive celebrations in honor of Dalal Mughrabi, the mastermind of the 1978 Coastal Road Massacre in which 38 Israelis were murdered.

At the first Fatah Conference in two decades last month, the young and old guard competed as to who could be more intransigent with regard to peace negotiations with Israel, according to the Jerusalem Post's Khaled Abu Toameh. The resolutions passed included demands that Israel accept the "right of return" for all 1948 refugees and their descendants and hand over to the Palestinians all Jewish neighborhoods built in Jerusalem since 1967.

Other resolutions by the conference accused Israel of having murdered Yasser Arafat, urged exploration of a strategic alliance with Iran, and called for the upgrading of the status of the Aksa Martyrs Brigade, the Fatah militia most involved in anti-Israel terror. For good measure, Muhammad Ghaneim, an extreme hard-liner who opposed the Oslo Accords, was the top vote-getter for the Fatah Central Committee and is now Abbas's heir apparent.

The effect of decades of incitement to destroy Israel is fully reflected in Palestinian polls. A June 5-7 poll by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research found that three-quarters of Palestinians reject any possibility of reconciliation with Israel in this generation, even if a final peace agreement were signed and an independent Palestinian state created.
So now we know where the blood libel bizarrity began: it was with the PLO, which countries like Sweden so blatantly embrace. And it goes without saying that their ignorance/embrace of Fatah/PLO's incitement is exactly why they keep up with it.

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Bribe-taking policeman indicted

An Arabic border policeman has been caught taking bribes and helping smuggle Arabs into Jerusalem:
Ibrahim Ghanem, a 26-year-old border policeman from Sajur, was indicted on Thursday on suspicion of smuggling illegal Palestinian workers through a security checkpoint under his command on the northern outskirts of Jerusalem in exchange for bribes and various benefits.

Police claim Ghanem smuggled more than 100 illegal workers into the country without any of them undergoing a security check.

The charge sheet filed by the police's Internal Investigations Unit on Thursday includes 14 charges, including accepting bribes, aiding illegal aliens, fraud and unlawful transport.

Three residents of east Jerusalem were also indicted in the case.

In some cases, Ghanem allegedly smuggled 40 illegal workers at a time, and received NIS 50 for each man. He is also accused of giving smugglers sensitive information, such as the license plate numbers of Border Police vehicles, and warning them about patrols to catch smugglers and illegal aliens.

Police also claim Ghanem disrupted their investigation by erasing the numbers of the smugglers with whom he worked from his cell phone. According to the indictment, Ghanem also gave one of his accomplices his ID card, which was taken from him by police during the investigation.

Police claim Ghanem also received benefits, and relayed false reports to his superiors about routine inspections intended to catch illegal workers, which were supposedly carried out at the checkpoint.

Ghanem is also suspected of arms trafficking.

The prosecution has filed a request that the four suspects remain in custody until the end of the legal procedures against them.
What this tells is that even here, Muslims who work in police and army jobs could be dangerous.

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Sweden is supporting the biased Goldstone report

And if anything else that makes this bad news, they're currently holding the rotating 6 month role as head of the EU council. From the Jerusalem Post:
Sweden supports the Goldstone Commission's report into Operation Cast Lead, the country's foreign minister, Carl Bildt, said Thursday.

Bildt told reporters in Stockholm that South African judge Richard Goldstone was a person with "high credibility" and "high integrity" and that his report carries weight. He said the probe, which alleged that both Israel and Hamas committed war crimes during last winter's Israel offensive against Gaza, is worthy of consideration.

He added the right place for deliberations about the report was the UN Human Rights Council.

Earlier Thursday, Bildt told Swedish Radio that Israel made "a mistake" by not cooperating with the probe, which he called "independent" and "serious."

Sweden currently holds the rotating 6-month presidency of the European Union.

An Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman called Bildt's remarks "disappointing," and said they demonstrated his "lack of reading comprehension skills," since anyone who read the report would know that it was biased.

The UN Security Council on Wednesday rejected Libya's request to hold a special session on the Goldstone report, but agreed to advance its periodical meeting on the Middle East to October 14 and focus on the war crimes allegations. The meeting was originally scheduled for October 20.

Most of the council's members were against discussing the report until the UN Human Rights Council reached a joint agreement on its recommendations on the topic.

In a surprise move earlier Wednesday, the UN Security Council met behind closed doors at the behest of Libyan diplomats, who requested an emergency session to discuss the report. The request - supported by Palestinian officials - upsets a fragile agreement achieved less than a week ago at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva which delayed action on the Goldstone Report until at least March.
Absolutely disgusting. "High integrity"? Something Bildt definitely doesn't have. And neither of these two disgraceful thugs have credibility either. Disappointing is what describes those UN thugs all.

Lesson of this: don't buy any Volvos, Saabs or Scanias!

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Obama endangers free speech

Robert Spencer writes on Human Events about how Obama's administration has been sucking up to the worst of the UN:
The Obama Administration has now actually co-sponsored an anti-free speech resolution at the United Nations. Approved by the U.N. Human Rights Council last Friday, the resolution, cosponsored by the U.S. and Egypt, calls on states to condemn and criminalize "any advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence."

What could be wrong with that? Plenty.

First of all, there's that little matter of the First Amendment, which preserves Americans' right to free speech and freedom of the press, which are obviously mutually inclusive. Any law that infringed on speech at all -- far less in such vague and sweeping terms -- would be unconstitutional.

"Incitement" and "hatred" are in the eye of the beholder -- or more precisely, in the eye of those who make such determinations. The powerful can decide to silence the powerless by classifying their views as "hate speech." The Founding Fathers knew that the freedom of speech was an essential safeguard against tyranny: the ability to dissent, freely and publicly and without fear of imprisonment or other reprisal, is a cornerstone of any genuine republic. If some ideas cannot be heard and are proscribed from above, the ones in control are tyrants, however benevolent they may be.
Read the rest. I think there's serious need for discussion in Congress about this.

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Wednesday, October 07, 2009 

5 foolish Somali terrorists captured after mistaking French navy ship for commercial

Somali jihadist pirates return to the news with the following:
PARIS (AP) - Somali pirates in two skiffs fired on a French navy vessel early Wednesday after apparently mistaking it for a commercial boat, the French military said. The French ship gave chase and captured five suspected pirates.

No one was wounded by the volleys from the Kalashnikov rifles directed at La Somme, a 3,800-ton refueling ship, French military spokesman Rear Adm. Christophe Prazuck said.

La Somme "was probably taken for a commercial ship by the two small skiffs" about 250 nautical miles (290 statute miles) off Somalia's coast, Prazuck said.

"They understood their mistake too late," he said.

One skiff fled, and La Somme pursued the second one in an hour-long chase.

"There were five suspected pirates on board. No arms, no water, no food," Prazuck said.
Uh, earth to AP, you might want to correct that likely miscontexting there. Those crappy pirates DID have arms in the form of Kalashnikovs.
France is a key member of the EU's naval mission, Operation Atalanta, fighting Somali pirates in the Gulf of Aden. It has aggressively tracked and caught suspected pirates and handed over at least 22 to Kenya. An additional 15 suspects were brought to France for prosecution after allegedly seizing boats belonging to French nationals.

President Nicolas Sarkozy called for tougher action against piracy last year after dozens of attacks.
Now, lock those pirates up and send them to a psychiatrist.

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We can't rely solely on government-funded housing

To begin this, here's an article about a new Jewish neighborhood in east Jerusalem that's being completed:
( Developers of a new Jewish neighborhood on privately-owned land in eastern Jerusalem plan to lay the cornerstone for the project Wednesday afternoon, ignoring U.S. President Barack Obama’s opposition to Jewish “settlers" in the area. Former Chief Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau and National Union Knesset Member Uri Ariel plan to be on hand for the ceremony which marks the development of 105 luxury units in Nof Tzion. A new Torah scroll also will be dedicated.

The project is located in the Jabel Mukabar neighborhood, home to several terrorists with Israeli identity cards who have carried out murderous attacks on Israelis, including the murder of eight students at the Merkaz HaRav yeshiva last year. Police are deployed to prevent violence that has spread throughout eastern Jerusalem this week.
Now it's great that a new neighborhood's been set up for Jews to live in east Jerusalem. But aside from that, note that these apartments were built upon privately owned land, surely as privately-bankrolled buildings too. It made me think: if Israeli society is to rebuild and make its presence clear throughout the country, surely privately funded land is the way to go? Because a lot of the building that many seem to be demanding be done appears to be government financed.

Well in all due honesty, should Jews have to rely solely on government funded housing? I'd think not, as that would be failing to take up the challenge of proving yourself capable of succeeding in capitalism. So maybe it'd be a good idea for Jews who want to build residences in Yesha and Jerusalem to start working on how to get private funding secured for these very purposes. Only that way will the Zionist movement succeed in really getting things done.



Evan Sayet discusses the Rifqa Bary case

Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs has been interviewed by political commentator Evan Sayet about the Rifqa Bary case, along with Robert Spencer and Nonie Darwish, and discuss what it tells us about the state of Islam in America today.

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Tuesday, October 06, 2009 

Is payment being withheld from US troops abroad?

Red Ink Texas (via Rhymes With Right) has a disturbing story about what appears to be US army soldiers deployed overseas who are not getting their wages paid. If this is true, someone's going to have to answer to that.

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Riots at Temple Mount and Shuafat

In the past 2 days, there were Muslim riots in Jerusalem circa the Temple Mount and the Arabic neighborhood of Shuafat, planned by the "peace partner" that goes by the name of Fatah (via Israel Matzav and Rick's Cafe American):
Police revealed Monday that officers had discovered wheelbarrows filled with bricks and heavy rocks on the Temple Mount on Sunday. The rocks were apparently prepared by Muslims who planned to use them against police and Jewish worshippers in case of a riot.

The discovery was one of the factors that led to the closure of the Temple Mount to Jews and to limited entrance to Muslim worshippers, police said.

Another factor was ongoing incitement from Muslim leaders, several of whom have accused Israeli Jews of planning to harm the Al-Aksa Mosque on the Temple Mount. On Sunday and Monday, Muslim leaders in Jerusalem and around the country called on young Muslims to “come and protect Al-Aksa.”

The call to protect the mosque from alleged Zionist plots spread quickly, and on Monday thousands of Muslims in Gaza, Judea and Samaria took part in solidarity rallies calling to protect Muslim control of the Temple Mount compound.

Between the incitement and the prepared rocks, police came to believe that rioters were planning more trouble, and that previous riots were not merely a spontaneous response to the presence of religious Jews on the Temple Mount, as Muslim worshippers had previously claimed.
And appallingly enough, we cannot expect any UN, Obama administration or EU officials to care. Come to think of it, we can't even expect any proper action back at home.

The riots are still continuing, and one of the masterminds is Ra'ed Salah (also via Rick's Cafe American and Yaakov Lozowick):
Salah told Haaretz on Monday that the clashes would last as long as Israel's "occupation" of the city and Al-Aqsa Mosque continued. He said the Israeli government must understand that using force does not grant it rights to Al-Aqsa Mosque or anywhere else in East Jerusalem, and that the key to achieving calm in the area is an Israeli "withdrawal." "No one has rights to the Al-Aqsa Mosque other than the Muslims. The mosque compound is Muslim, Palestinian and Arab, and Israel has no rights to the mosque or East Jerusalem," he said. Salah has been prohibited from entering the Temple Mount area for several months, and has been staying at a nearby residence while following developments. The Islamic Movement leader reiterated his call for Arabs within Israel's Green Line and in Jerusalem to protest beside the mount to "protect Al-Aqsa from the infiltration of extremist Jewish elements."
That man is simply dangerous, and should be banned from Jerusalem altogether for the incitement he's committing. Update: as a matter of fact, he now has been, but only for a month:
Sheikh Raed Salah, the leader of the Islamic Movement's northern branch, was banned from Jerusalem for 30 days on Tuesday after being arrested on suspicion of inciting the recent Arab riots in the capital.

The banning order was issued by the Jerusalem Magistrate's Court.

Salah was arrested in the Wadi Joz area of east Jerusalem, on a rooftop of a home where members of the movement's northern branch had congregated.


It isn't the first time Salah has landed himself in trouble with Israeli authorities.

In March this year, Jerusalem police arrested the fiery leader for assaulting police officers at an illegal east Jerusalem gathering.

In January 2008, Attorney-General Menahem Mazuz filed an indictment against Salah, charging him with incitement to violence and racism in a speech he made protesting the archaeological dig carried out at the Old City's Mughrabi Gate. During his sermon in Wadi Joz in February 2007, Salah had urged supporters to start a third intifada in order to "save al-Aksa Mosque, free Jerusalem and end the occupation."

In addition, Salah served a two-year jail sentence starting in May 2003 for a series of security offenses, including financing Hamas activities.
Well in that case, he should be imprisoned for life! He's been bankrolling terrorist gangs.

See also at Writing the Wrongs, and YnetNews (via Breaking Jewish News Updates).

Update: in related news, Mahmoud Abbas told Yemenite television that he fears a Jewish Jerusalem.

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Europe needs to exit from the EU

Melanie Phillips talks about the quagmire David Cameron has gotten himself into over his apparent support for the Lisbon treaty. Plenty of interest to read here, including the following:
Cameron says he wants to be in a European Union of nations trading with each other, not a political union.

But that’s not what the EU is. It’s a political project to create a unified superstate. And the momentum for that is unstoppable. If we don’t want to be part of that, then we have to come out of the EU altogether.

That’s why Boris Johnson, in a move as adroit as it was mischievous, was right to say that the Tories should offer the British people a referendum on coming out of the EU, whether or not the Lisbon treaty has been ratified.


Europe is not some marginal issue that belongs to a discredited and best forgotten past. It is the meta-issue, the one that underpins all other issues.

The British people know this. That is why 70 per cent want a referendum on the treaty. It’s why no fewer than 40 per cent want to come out of the EU altogether.
Spot on. What needs to be held, but isn't because of incredibly ignorant and selfish politicians, is a referendum on whether this or that country should exit the EU altogether. In its place, I would suggest, should rise a continental trade union that deals in imports/exports, but NOT an entity that's meant to rule the continent as a whole politically. Besides, what if, heaven forfend, the Russians ended up at the head of such an awful concept? Even Tony Blair would surely be hard pressed to compete with such badness.

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Rifqa Bary's brother bragged that he gave her foster care location to Muslim blogger-stalker

The Jawa Report has some very disturbing news: a source who knows Bary's family told them that her brother, Rilvan, repeatedly bragged about giving the info on her foster care location to a Muslim writer for the Examiner in San Francisco named Davi Barker. More about this here and here, and also here.

The source also added that Rilvan provided Barker with info about Rifqa's Christian associates in Ohio. Whether or not this is so, if he did do this, then the brother has committed a potentially criminal action, and come to think of it, Barker may have too. I should hope that this is going to be addressed in the further coming court hearings, and the brother will have to be banned from meeting with her again.

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Monday, October 05, 2009 

Britain goes insane against parakeets

Oh dear. Now some are turning against ring-necked parakeets, while others still are arguing racism and/or eco-xenophobia against these colorful birds! From the UK Telegraph (Hat tip: Moonbattery):
This week Natural England officially deemed the ring-necked parakeet as a pest, making it possible to shoot the birds without a licence.

However Dr Ian Rotherham, Director of the Environmental Change Research Unit at Sheffield Hallam University, said there is a danger that labelling parakeets as a "nasty alien" just because they are from abroad could be seen as a form of "racism" towards a foreign species.

"If there is a problem - for example with the birds taking fruit - then we have to take steps to deal with it. If you start to label it as alien then that is some sort of racism. Eco-xenophobia is the label I would use.

"I suspect there is an underlying view it is because they are alien, but it should be because they are a problem."

Matthew Frith, Deputy Chief Executive of the London Wildlife Trust, said parakeets were "as British as curry" and agreed it was dangerous to label the birds as a pest just because they are foreign.
What's this? Eco-xenophobia? Well there's a new one for you from that isle of madness. But really, I don't think these parakeets are a problem at all. The Brits must be just annoyed at the all the caw-caws they make, so they've gone batty! Of course, this is all they can concern themselves with, and not say, the human rights of Israelis, Christians, and such.

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Bombing the hand that feeds them

In Pakistan, a suicide bomber blew himself up at - guess where? - a UN office. From ADN Kronos (Hat tip: Jihad Watch):
Islamabad, 5 October (AKI) - By Syed Saleem Shahzad - At least four people died and five others were injured on Monday after a suicide attacker blew up his explosives at the offices of the United Nations World Food Programme in the Pakistani capital Islamabad.

Those killed in the blast include two Pakistani women identified as Farzana Barkat, an office assistant and Gulrukh Tahir, a receptionist as well as Boton Ahmed Ali, an Iraqi national and information and communication technology officer.

Pakistani national Abid Rehman, a senior finance assistance was also killed in the blast. All are WFP staff members.

There was no claim of responsibility for the attack, which appears to be a warning to the government about an upcoming military operation in the lawless South Waziristan tribal area in northwest Pakistan.

The blast took place outside the heavily fortified WFP offices in a residential area of the city near the home of Pakistani president Asif Ali Zardari.

The deputy Executive Director of WFP, Amir Abdulla, sent his condolences to the families of the victims, describing it as "a terrible tragedy for WFP, and for the whole humanitarian community in Pakistan."

"I wish to express my deepest condolences to the family, friends and colleagues of those dedicated WFP staff members who were killed or injured in this terrible attack," said WFP Executive Director, Josette Sheeran.

The neighbourhood has already been identified as a high-risk area after Pakistani interior minister Rahman Malik recently confirmed that it is home to almost all of the 200 Americans currently living in Islamabad.
Why are they living there at all? What is so great about a country like that, unless these Americans they say are living there happen to be of Pakistani descent?

The really sad part here is that the UN is unlikely to learn any lesson from this, that no matter how appeasing they are of terrorists, it will not get them to respect them in any way.

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Sunday, October 04, 2009 

Lisbon treaty will only destroy Europe

Is Europe not having enough problems already with terrorism lurking in the shadows? Now we find out that the Lisbon treaty, a potentially anti-democratic concept that could spell the end of the continent as we know it, may be on the verge of being certified, and worse, Tony Blair could become its president whom none may be able to vote for.

Why then is Ireland succumbing to this, a treaty that could destroy all they fought for in the early 20th century? I don't know, but one thing is certain: conservatives in Europe are going to have to unite if they want this to be made clearly public debate on TV and radio, one of the best ways to reject such destructive measures.

And I wouldn't be surprised if plenty of European residents would not want a politician as awful as Tony Blair to govern their lives!

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Michael Moore demonizes capitalism

Debbie Schlussel took a look at insane leftist Michael Moore's latest documentary, "Capitalism: A Love Story", and found it's just a whole lot of obscene leftist smears 'n screeds. Yuck, Moore is really that bad.

I guess that's why it's most fortunate that the movie has bombed at the box office (Hat tip: Macsmind).
"After a $57K per theatre average on 4 screens last weekend, the picture broke to a wider 962 locations with terrible results. The "documentary" only sold an estimated $1.3M in tickets to start the weekend, and it will finish at about $3.9M for a PTA of less than $4,000. That soft opening will almost certainly make Capitalism Moore's weakest-grossing movie since 2002's Bowling for Columbine ($21.5M domestic gross)."
Box Office Mojo (via Power Line) puts the current grosses at even less for now. I guess America has finally had enough of Moore. See this topic at Newsbusters, which tells how the AP Wire surprisingly enough took to fact checking the documentary and found as full of inaccuracies as many other films in his output.

Update: Wow. For someone who doesn't like capitalism, except when it serves his own personal needs, Moore thus had no problem using non-union labor for making his crappy documentary (via Michelle Malkin and Jammie Wearing Fool). What an utter hypocrite he is.

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Jewish chaplain in Afghanistan

Blackfive presents an e-mail they got from a rabbi US Navy chaplain who visited Jewish American soldiers stationed in Afghanistan.

I do hope that Jewish soldiers working in dangerous countries like that know to be careful of the Islamist threat. Even now, it's no doubt very dangerous for a Jewish soldier in the US Army to go around alone when you have savages waiting around the corner ready to commit cold-blooded murder.

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The only video of Anne Frank

A very surprising discovery, that there was one film recording, however brief, of the young girl who was a victim of the nazis during WW2.

Via The Jawa Report.

Update: here's an article about this from the National Post (via Power Line).

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American Indians for Israel

Uzi Landau, the Israeli infrastructure minister, recieved a visit from a Native American representative:
Virginia Native American leader Chief Annie Richardson met Sunday morning with Infrastructure Minister Uzi Landau, telling him that her organization, which represents dozens of Native American nations in North America, is behind Israel. She presented him with a traditional Native American headdress and a bow and arrow, as a token of the affection of the Native American nations for Israel.

"We believe that G-d has given you this land and we want you to fight for it," Richardson told Landau. The Minister thanked Richardson and presented her with his own gift – a collection of ancient Judean coins.

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For Rifqa Bary's sake, keep the heat on!

Atlas Shrugs brings the latest update on the Rifqa Bary case, an e-mail from Florida governor Charlie Crist's office:
Thank you for contacting Governor Charlie Crist

Thank you for contacting Governor Charlie Crist and sharing your concerns about Ms. Fathima (Rifqa) Bary. The Governor asked that I respond on his behalf.

Ms. Bary is safe and comfortable, currently living in a foster home. Her case is proceeding through the juvenile court system. Ms. Bary's court-appointed representative, known as a Guardian Ad Litem, has filed a Petition for Dependency, seeking to have Ms. Bary declared a ward of the State of Florida. Legal counsel from the Florida Department of Children and Families is present at every proceeding to protect the best interests of the child, and Governor Crist's General Counsel is closely monitoring the case.

At the most recent hearing, Judge Daniel Dawson ordered Ms. Bary and her parents to participate in mediation in hopes of reaching some understanding and agreement about this difficult situation. The mediation is scheduled for early October. Ms. Bary's parents have filed legal documents seeking to dismiss the Florida case and have proceedings moved to a court in Ohio. The motion is pending and the trial court has not made a decision.

Please be assured that Governor Crist and the Florida Department of Children and Families will take an active role to protect the best interests of Ms. Bary.

Thank you again for taking the time to contact Governor Crist.


Warren Davis
Office of Citizen Services
Here's the contact info again for the governor's office and FLDCF:

Governor Charlie Crist's office: Phone: (850) 488-4441, (850) 488-7146
Fax: (850) 487-0801

Florida Department of Children and Family:
George H. Sheldon, Secretary
1317 Winewood Blvd.
Building 1, Room 202
Tallahassee, Florida
Phone: (850) 487-1111
Fax: (850) 922-2993

Please keep up the fight for Rifqa's sake!

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