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  • Photo: Ariel Zambelich/Wired
  • The Next Big OS War Is in Your Dashboard

  • Monday, December 3
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  • There’s a largely covert war to the auto industry over the operating systems that will control the gadgets in and behind your dashboard. As in the smartphone biz, the battle line is between proprietary and open-source software.

  • EPFL-Facial-Recognition-Software-featured
  • Active Auto Safety Gets in Your Face

  • Monday, November 26
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  • Cars are getting smarter and beginning to react on their own, but the gray matter manning the helm is still the vehicle’s Achilles heal. So to really get inside a driver’s head, automakers are going through their faces, analyzing expressions …

ElsewhereWhat we’re reading
  • Uber Under Fire in MA

  • Summoning a taxi or car service with your smartphone feels like the future. City governments around the world can agree on that. But many of them are proposing new rules that would run Uber, one of the most prominent ride-requesting ...  More
  • Monday, December 3
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  • Our Highways Should Glow

  • The Dutch design firms Studio Roosegaarde and Hejimans Infrastructure just came up with a brilliant prototype for a "Smart Highway" that uses interactive lighting that adapts to driving conditions to make the roads safer.  More
  • Thursday, October 25
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