Senator Mark Begich

Senator Mark Begich


United States Senator from Alaska. Retweets, replies & follows ≠ endorsement

Alaska / Washington ·

N Korea's missile activity makes AKs missile defenses even more important.Thx AK Nat'l Guard@Fort Greely for keeping us safe&Happy Vet's Day

@ Eielson re.F16s.Need rigorous analysis ensuring affordable, feasible option in best interest of nat'l security before Congress considers

Great town hall today and good questions about gun rights - will always stand up for 2nd amendment rights.

They're BACK! After a year in Afghanistan, 's citizen soldiers of the Army National Guard are stateside.

I'm hosting a Veterans Town Hall this Saturday, 11/10 at 1:45 p.m. at Begich Middle School in Anchorage.

November is Native Heritage Month. There's a comprehensive listing of events taking place in Anchorage at .

Greeting Alaska Army Natl Guard soldiers returning from Afghanistan tomorrow in Indianapolis! Can't wait to welcome them home.

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