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Doug Bandow

Senior Fellow

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Doug Bandow is a senior fellow at the Cato Institute, specializing in foreign policy and civil liberties. He worked as special assistant to President Reagan and editor of the political magazine Inquiry. He writes regularly for leading publications such as Fortune magazine, National Interest, Wall Street Journal, and Washington Times. Bandow speaks frequently at academic conferences, on college campuses, and to business groups. Bandow has been a regular commentator on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, Fox News Channel, and MSNBC. He holds a J.D. from Stanford University.

Media Contact: 202-789-5200
To Book a Speaking Engagement: 202-789-5269

Books and Book Chapters

"Strengthening the All-Volunteer Military," Chapter 48 of the Cato Handbook for Policymakers, 7th edition.

"The Balkans," Chapter 56 of the Cato Handbook for Policymakers, 7th edition.

Korean Conundrum, by Ted Galen Carpenter and Doug Bandow (2004).

Tripwire: Korea and U.S. Foreign Policy in a Changed World (1996)

The Politics of Envy: Statism as Theology (1994)

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Cato Studies

"A Free Trade Agreement with South Korea Would Promote Both Prosperity and Security," Trade Briefing Paper no. 31, October 20, 2010.

"The U.S.-South Korea Alliance: Outdated, Unnecessary, and Dangerous," Foreign Policy Briefing no. 90, July 14, 2010.

"Avoiding Medicare's Pharmaceutical Trap," Policy Analysis no. 556, November 30, 2005.

"Don't Resurrect the Law of the Sea Treaty," Policy Analysis no. 552, October 13, 2005.

"All the Players at the Table: A Multilateral Solution to the North Korean Nuclear Crisis," Policy Analysis no. 478, June 26, 2003.

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Articles and Newsletters

"Should AmeriCorps Be Eliminated?," CQ Researcher, January 2012.

"What to Do About China?," Fusion Magazine, May 2010.

"Whoever Loses His Life For My Sake...," Townhall Magazine, April 2010.

"Promoting Long-Term Economic Growth: America and East Asia Working Together," International Journal of Korean Studies, Spring/Summer 2010.

"Dealing with Burma, a Potential Nuclear Power?," Nuclear Proliferation Update, April 2010.

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Opinion and Commentary

"North Korea's Rocket Man," American Spectator, December 13, 2012

"Time to End the Cuba Embargo," National Review (Online), December 11, 2012

"The Arab Spring Comes to Kuwait: Will Democracy Arrive and Liberty Thrive?," Forbes, December 10, 2012

"The Great Secession," American Spectator, December 10, 2012

"Ignore North Korea's Temper Tantrums," National Interest (Online), December 6, 2012

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Cato @ Liberty Blog Posts

"Democracy Versus Autocracy in Kuwait: Where Is Real Liberty?," December 4, 2012

"NATO and Turkey: Moribund Alliances, Military Snares, and Unnecessary Wars," June 28, 2012

"Pushing Ukraine Back to the Soviet Union?," June 12, 2012

"NATO Has Become a Form of U.S. Foreign Aid," May 17, 2012

"Law of the Sea Treaty: A Tool to Combat Iran, China, and Russia?," May 11, 2012

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"Does the Middle East Need U.S. Aid? Implications for Israeli Security and Prosperity," September 10, 2012 [Capitol Hill Briefing]

"European Integration: What's Gone Wrong?," February 21, 2012 [Policy Forum]

"What to Do about North Korea?," July 14, 2010 [Policy Forum]

"The Beijing Consensus: How China's Authoritarian Model Will Dominate the Twenty-First Century," April 6, 2010 [Book Forum]

"Money, Greed, and God: Why Capitalism Is the Solution and Not the Problem," November 4, 2009 [Book Forum]

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Speeches and Testimony

"All the Players at the Table: A Multilateral Solution to the North Korean Nuclear Crisis," Cato Policy Analysis no. 478, July 26, 2003.

"Wrong War, Wrong Place, Wrong Time: Why Military Action Should Not Be Used to Resolve the North Korean Nuclear Crisis," Cato Foreign Policy Briefing Paper no. 76, May 12, 2003.

"Demonizing Drugmakers: The Political Assault on the Pharmaceutical Industry," Cato Institute Policy Analysis no. 475, May 8, 2003.

"Bring the Troops Home: Ending the Obsolete Korean Commitment," Cato Institute Policy Analysis no. 474, May 7, 2003.

"Fighting the War against Terrorism: Elite Forces, Yes; Conscripts, No," Cato Institute Policy Analysis no. 314, April 10, 2002.

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Daily Podcast North Korea's Missile Launch (December 13, 2012) [Daily Podcast, 04:56]

Events War Generation: How Will a Culture of Permanent War Impact America's Future? with Thomas Duncan, Steven Kull and Malou Innocent (November 29, 2012) [Events, 01:27:40]

Media Highlights - TV Doug Bandow discusses the Syrian opposition meeting in Qatar on CTV (November 4, 2012) [Media Highlights - TV, 03:41]

Daily Podcast How Not to Deal with Iran (October 23, 2012) [Daily Podcast, 07:35]

Events Does the Middle East Need U.S. Aid? Implications for Israeli Security and Prosperity with Ian Vásquez, Robert Sauer and Corinne Sauer (September 10, 2012) [Events, 42:37]

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