Featured Events

January 23

Campaign Finance after Citizens United: What Happened? What Now?

Three years ago the United States Supreme Court handed down its decision in Citizens United. Later, lower courts followed Citizens United in deciding SpeechNow v. Federal Election Commission, the legal foundation for Super PACs. The nation has now experienced mid-term and president elections governed by these decisions. This conference will examine the consequences of Citizens United. Did anything change? Our experts will then turn toward the future and ask what policies should be enacted (or not) in light of experience and Supreme Court doctrine.

9:00–10:30 a.m. - Panel 1: After Citizens United: Did Elections Change?

Moderator: John Samples, Cato Institute

Robert Bauer, Perkins Coie
Bradley Smith, Capital University School of Law
Ray LaRaja, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

11:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. - Panel 2: The Future of Campaign Finance Regulation

Moderator: Michael Malbin, Campaign Finance Institute

Don McGahn, Federal Election Commission
Lawrence Lessig, Harvard Law School
John Samples, Cato Institute

November 28

Obamacare Is Still Vulnerable

Obamacare Is Still Vulnerable

December 5

Lessons from Colombia’s War on Drugs

Lessons from Colombia's War on Drugs

For more than 30 years, Colombia has been at the forefront of Washington’s international war on drugs. Cocaine production has fueled illegal armed groups and drug cartels whose wars against the government, Colombian society, and each other have cost the lives of tens of thousands of Colombians. However, since the implementation of Plan Colombia in 2001, violence has decreased significantly and the government has made great inroads in demobilizing or defeating the armed insurgencies. Drug production is nevertheless still high and much of it has been displaced to neighboring countries. The speakers will discuss the extent to which drug prohibition has fueled violence in Colombia, the effectiveness of interdiction and eradication efforts in tackling the illicit drug trade, and whether Colombia’s experience can be replicated in other countries such as Mexico.

This event is done in coordination with the Inter-American Dialogue.

Upcoming Events

January 17

Madmen, Intellectuals and Academic Scribblers

12:00pm Auditorium

January 29

The Libertarian State of the Union

12:00pm B-329 Rayburn House Office Building