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Reaction: Connecticut School Shooting

Multiple outlets are reporting that a shooter is dead.


A compilation of reports and reaction to the Sandy Hook School shooting.

Related Topics: Connecticut shooting, Newtown, Newtown Connecticut, Sandy Hook, School Shooting, and elementary school shooting


6:30 pm on Tuesday, December 18, 2012

According to WNBC the shooter was the son of a teacher. He killed his own mother, several other adults and even more children. This happened in an upscale suburnban town minutes from my sister's home. Very sad, and very close to home. Just recently my former high school got a state trooper on site full time during school hours... and this is also a rich, upscale town. Normally I support concealed carry by civilians but at schools it might not be the best idea. Maybe it is time for all schools to have a LEO or armed security guard on site. It won't stop all shootings but it would end them faster and save lives in the process.


Your Name

2:47 pm on Friday, December 14, 2012

Tim, how does one differentiate "Normally I support concealed carry by civilians"? After all was this not a citizen carrying a gun? this was a person like you, who believed in the right to access of firepower, look what came of it. Gun control, plain and simple, it's needed. There may have been a need for personal protection/food a couple of hundred years ago, but in this day, and age however there is no need for anyone other than law enforcement to own a weapon beyond a rifle for hunting or sport. Why does a civilian need anything high powered, military grade, or automatic? unless they are going off to war it's unnecessary. A sad day indeed.


Your Name

9:02 pm on Friday, December 14, 2012

If there had been gun control, he would have had a harder time getting access to several.



10:13 pm on Friday, December 14, 2012

This was a tragic day all around. I didn't want to make a political statement about gun control while those kids bodies still lie in that school but MSNBC and Mayor Bloomturd couldn't even wait 24 hours so here we are. I'm not suggesting we should have citizens (teachers or administrators) carrying concealed weapons. What I am saying is that law abiding citizens concealed carrying IS a crime deterrent. That scum bag in Aurora that shot up that movie theater for example... do you know why he chose that theater and not any one of the six others that were closer to his home? Because this one was the closest on that had "No Guns Permitted" signs posted. He knew his victims would be unarmed sitting ducks.



10:19 pm on Friday, December 14, 2012

We don't need gun control, we need criminal control. We need to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill, which early reports indicate this nut job was. These were NOT his guns. He cannot even legally possess a handgun in the state of CT. All three guns were legally owned and registered to his mother (who he murdered). We need to have a discussion about why she had these guns unsecured in her home knowing she had a mentally disturbed son. I don't have kids and I still keep my firearms locked up (yes easily accessible to me with my finger print). This is about INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY and NOT about STEALING MORE OF OUR LIBERTIES! Unfortunately, this woman was murdered but if the early reports are true, she bares some blame here. Every gun owner has a responsibility to secure their firearms.

Any by the way "Your Name" you should turn off MSNBC because they are firearm illiterates. The .223 Carbine Rifle that was used may "look scary" to you but it's NOT an automatic assault rifle. All automatic weapons are ILLEGAL to own without a Class 3 license from the ATF. This rifle was a semi-automatic (one shot her trigger pull, just like the 9mm handguns he had). It would have taken this lunatic some time to fire off 100+ rounds as was reported, with the weapons he had and the reloading he would have had to do.

I have a better solution that trying to ban civilian gun ownership which will never happen...



10:22 pm on Friday, December 14, 2012

I have friends in law enforcement and it's very common at any given time, even in smaller departments, to have one or more officers off work on a comp claim for minor injuries. Instead of having them sit at home and watch daytime TV, why not bring them back on light duty and station one at every K-12 school. Or even still, hire retired officers to do it. Schools are soft targets and this would at least be a start and I think it's something reasonable that both sides of the political aisle can agree on.



10:33 pm on Friday, December 14, 2012

I just re-read the first part of your comment.... you're a fool. I'm NOTHING like this scumbag and how dare you. I have no criminal record. I don't break the law. I respect life and I'm not mentally ill as this nutbag was. I think you should seek some counseling for yourself. Your comments are pretty sick. So there's no need for "personal protection" today? Really? Tell that to the citizens of Chicago or Washington, DC... BOTH cities that have banned gun ownership (prior to the "DC v Heller" ruling) and two of the most violent crime ridden cities in the nation. Why don't you move to one of those liberal utopias... or better yet, stick a sign on your front lawn indicating your house as a "gun free zone" and lets see how long it takes before you're a victim yourself!

Winifred Owen

2:26 pm on Friday, December 14, 2012

IMO, this is not "Albany Patch" material. It did not happen in Albany. The story is widely available via other media, so we are not dependent upon Patch for this information. Yet, I'm sure Patch will leave it up for days and days (if not weeks),and it will generate many hundreds of comments (which after the first dozen or so will be largely redundant and will begin to wander very far afield from the incident itself) from ALL over the region -- if not the entier nation. This is the kind of thing that makes Patch increasingly irrelevant as a LOCAL website. Some information and events may be relevant to a slightly broader regional Patch audience. This, sadly, is not one of them.


Jojo Potato

4:47 pm on Friday, December 14, 2012

I've noticed that Patch does this for stories that they think will get a lot of comments. I agree with you, if Patch wants to be hyper local, then make the comments only local. I'm posting on Walnut Creek patch, which is not at a ll local to this story. Peace out.


Dive Turn Work

7:07 pm on Friday, December 14, 2012

Winifred - One of the most accurate comments I've read all day.


6:02 pm on Friday, December 14, 2012

I think you should take this picture off. It's pretty disrespectful.


Mona Taplin

10:31 pm on Friday, December 14, 2012

It's gotten to the point where we can't go to a mall, movie and now even to school safely. I doubt if we will ever see gun control, because it's a hot political issue. Almost mmediately we will start hearing again that guns didn't kill. A "sick" man did. My heart aches for the loss of those young children and innocent adults who lost their lives.



10:41 pm on Friday, December 14, 2012

Mona, we have gun control. Look at the places with the toughest gun laws (Chicago and Washington DC), they are two of the most violent, crime ridden cities win the nation; two of the cities with the most gun violence. The CO movie theater shooter chose that particular theater, passing over six others closer to his home, specifically because it was posted as a "gun free zone". Banning guns just disarms law abiding citizens while emboldening criminals. So why not try something different? Why not address the breakdown of society... the glorification of violence in Hollywood movies, music, first person shooter games, etc. Why not address the problems of the mentally ill amongst us? How many guns were used on 9/11/01 when over 3,000 of out fellow citizens were killed? How many guns were used by Tim McVeigh in OK City? Evil is evil, plain and simple.


10:53 pm on Friday, December 14, 2012

Virgo and Winifred are on the right track. We need to radically improve the mental health system in this nation, and also require care in certain cases and this kid was one of those that gets through the cracks....and everyone suffers. Gun control will do NOTHING to stop these crimes.



11:27 pm on Friday, December 14, 2012

And one more thought while it's popped back in my mind... When the hell will the media stop giving these lunatics the media coverage they crave? If some nutjob who is out to kill himself anyway keeps seeing this as some sick, twisted way to "be remembered" they will do it. STOP GIVING THEM ATTENTION. FOCUS YOUR ATTENTION ON MOURNING AND REMEMBERING THE VICTIMS. Simply identify the scumbag murder as "SCUMBAG: AGE/RACE/GENDER"... NO NAME, NO PICTURE!!!



8:26 am on Monday, December 17, 2012

The media will stop when the public stops reading it. Just take a look - articles on violence & tragedy get the most the hits and garner the most comments by far. Stop blaming the media for giving folks what they 'want'.

Mona Taplin

2:05 am on Saturday, December 15, 2012

Without a question of doubt we need to upgrade our mental health systems. That's just one more of those long overdue needs. But I still favor gun control and strong enforcement of those laws already on the books. The lack of enforced gun control is exactly why this situation has gotten so far out of hand. Stiffer sentences for anyone caught with an illegal weapon,- and stiffer sentences for those gun owners who carelessly leave weapons easily available to others instead of securely locked away. I agree with a lot of what you said Tim, regarding movies and such. Believe it or not I have not seen a movie in years for the very reasons you gave. It seems like most movies are full of sex and/or violence and I just don't want any part of them. TV programs offer much of the same. Even comedy's are full of such baloney. This is what Americas children are being brought up on. Crimes are never the fault of the person who carries them out. Someone else has to be to blame. Mommy's and Daddy's who paddled a kids rear end,- somebody picked on them in school,- and the list goes on and on. The fact that they know the difference between right and wrong in most cases just doesn't count for anything anymore.


Brash Brazen

7:20 am on Saturday, December 15, 2012

If they started locking up all the crazy people with guns The Republicans wouldn't receive a single vote ! Better to have something popping into your mind than have someone popping a cap into your ass,eh Tim ? We don't need to take the guns away,we just need a mandatory minimum sentence of 20 years for any unpermitted possession or use of a firearm (unregistered,concealed,brandishing,illegal discharge,etc.) with absolutely no exceptions ! This way when facing twenty years the criminals will go down in a hail of gunfire while at the same time we take a significant number of NRA knuckleheads off the street for the better portion of their lives ! It's a win win situation as we can rid ourselves of the gunslingers & the guns they leave behind ! Encouraging citizens to leave their arsenals at home when they leave the house or face a lengthy jail term would certainly be a step in the right direction,but then again if you're right you must be wrong !!!!


7:17 am on Saturday, December 15, 2012

Wow are we going there already? I would like to look at out mental health care system. Maybe there is a connection between the lack of mental health care and gun violence. It has been cut back for the last 30 years and gun violens has gone up. Maybe a connection? This was/has to be mental illness that did this. I am not a gun owner but do support the right to have a gun.


Chris J Kapsalis

7:37 am on Saturday, December 15, 2012

Gun violence has not gone up. It has been consistent per 100,000 for a long time, spiking out now and then for who know what reason. It has actually been declining since about 1993 nation wide, which I know is no comfort when tragedies like these happen. But I agree. Health care usually covers mental health and we need to take this serious. Sometimes there are no waning signs, at least that we can see. Other times there are. We need a way to get as many of these time bombs out of society and into institutions. What could we do? Maybe enough incidents, signatures, a pattern of being very unstable and get them help. Protect us from them. There are some dangerous people walking around that people know are unstable for lack of a better word. There has to be a way, with enough evidence to remove them from society before they kill. A restraining order is a start, but really nothing, if you are lucky enough to even be granted one against someone who is continuously harassing you and mentally ill, angry, delusional, and capable of this kind of thing. I have no clue why some people are still allowed to be in our society , and not in an institution for all our safety. Our hearts go out to the families. This is horrible beyond words.


8:26 am on Saturday, December 15, 2012

We have a violence problem, we have a prescription drug problem, we have a mental illness problem, and yes, we have a gun problem. I doubt tackling any of these in isolation will solve the bigger problem or senseless murders.


Chris J Kapsalis

8:38 am on Saturday, December 15, 2012

I don't think anything is going to solve this problem, only help reduce it's occurence or number of deaths. And mental illness is not a soul reason imo to institutionlize someone. Or if they are an addict, but a pattern of violence, threats, stalking, harrassing, and other warnign signs need to be taken seriously.


8:35 am on Saturday, December 15, 2012

Love how Tim thinks MSNBC and the Mayor should have to wait 24 hours to talk about gun control after any shooting. It's right out of a bit that Jon Stewart just did.

It's so Fox News. You need to wait 24 hours to talk about gun violence after a tragedy but complain about waiting periods to buy actual guns.

As far as civilians being helpful in that situation, that's mostly bs. Imagine one yahoo in the theater who whips out his gun to stop the shooter when another yahoo thinks the second guy is the bad one. Meanwhile, jacked up testosterone types want the big prize of getting the original shooter and more innocents get caught in the crossfire.

This was yet another gun tragedy. Let us talk about it while still being respectful of those whose lives were lost.


Fred Eiger

7:08 pm on Monday, December 17, 2012

CIndy you are delusional. If a law abiding citizen had a concealed carry in that theater they could have taken out the shooter and saved lives. You obviously associated with timid and fey men who know nothing about guns. So please don't assume everyone is as stupid as those with whom you assoiciate.

Giorgio C.

9:13 am on Saturday, December 15, 2012

Albany Middle School had (still?) a policy where they prohibited students from participating in the graduation ceremony if they had some D's or F's during the most recent quarter, or something to that effect. The child was qualified to graduate, but was deemed unsuitable for the ceremony.

The Contra Costa Times reports that Hercules Middle-High School has a policy where they suspend a child for 3 days if they have skipped one class. These are examples of schools alienating our children, the very children that we need to try harder to help find their place in our society. Instead, we kick them out.

I did receive my teaching credential, but only taught for 3 years. During the credential program, I took one "Educational Psychology" course, but I do not recall discussion about the "misfit" or "socially awkward" child. What are the cardinal do's and don'ts with respect to ensuring no child ever feels alienated?

As someone who did not learn of their own learning impediment (Auditory Processing Disorder) until age 40, I now wonder how many kids are falling through the cracks, as the suspect is now being described as possibly having some sort of disability.

And what are our schools, as evidenced by formal teacher and administrator training, doing to help each and every child feel that our society values them? Our schools are a microcosm of society. This is where our children will learn if they truly belong and get the help they need.


Jessica Gardner

9:17 am on Saturday, December 15, 2012

This kid had parents with money and access to all the mental health treatment he needed.
Instead the mom had all these weapons maybe more in her house unlocked
Instead the family allowed him to roam around plotting his crimes
At least he had the decency to kill himself
Schools are breading grounds for bullies and drugs and weapons



8:30 am on Monday, December 17, 2012

Can we ask where you got all these 'facts? Your comment is so nasty and inaccurate - talk about spreading the hate. Shame on you!

Jessica Gardner

9:24 am on Saturday, December 15, 2012

The schools do a horrible job they only care about the ones who are mainstream if a student is being bullied or an out cast in this case they ignore them and leave them to fend on their own
The mom was no longer teaching or associated with this school
But he obviously had some deep seeded resentment towards it
Doesn't make what he did right
But until schools step up there will be more columbines text
It's the only way these people think to get their message out



9:55 am on Saturday, December 15, 2012

"Doesn't make what he did right "

Thanks for clearing that up... I was beginning to wonder.

James Nelson

5:40 am on Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Real Tragedy here isn't the Lives lost but how everything will go back to Normal within a few Months or even Weeks and our Society will once again continue our Complacent Ignorance on this issue.

It no longer matters who is behind it or why it happened, this is the new face of Danger within our Nation and it will keep happening regardless of any Actions taken to curb it. Yesterday it's Sandy Hook, next time it will be another School in some other State. The time for making Excuses is over, now is the moment when those with Power need to start making sweeping changes.


Chris Nicholson

10:13 am on Saturday, December 15, 2012

Apart from Random capitaliZation, what "sweEPing" changes would you proPoSe?


Mona Taplin

9:52 pm on Saturday, December 15, 2012

James, I agree wholeheartedly with every word you wrote except for one thing. The time to make sweeping changes is long overdue which will make it a whole lot harder, if not impoissible to correct. Another example of long overdue sweeping changes is illegal imigration. In fact the list of "long overdue's" is so long it's hard to see the end of it.


James Nelson

7:31 pm on Monday, December 17, 2012


Sorry, I don't get Patch Comment Notifications. Kind of have to be here at the right time or sift thru them all.

As someone who's lived thru a lot, do you see these overdue Items ever being Handled? I think some of it could be changed rather Quickly with the backing of Students Parents. Of course not every Parent cares, but there's many who do.

Everyone keeps talking about the 30 School Shootings since 1999, what about the ones before Columbine. School Shootings date back all the way to the 1960's, only then it was considered "Isolated". As time wears on, they have only Frequented and gotten much worse. Those in Government cannot keep ignoring the Issue and Making Excuses for why they choose not to tackle it.

What's the Body County gotta hit before it becomes a Priority.

Bernard Pech

10:14 am on Saturday, December 15, 2012

A PAC needs to be created to provide lots of reelection money to federal and state representatives who take a stand against handguns. The gun lobby needs to be defeated with facts: the rate of violent crimes in the US and Europe is not that different, but the rate of death is 22 times higher due to the difference in handgun laws.


Chris Nicholson

10:21 am on Saturday, December 15, 2012

If we just got rid of those pesky gun laws (e.g., 2nd Amendment), perhaps our murder rate would be as low as Mexico's, right?

Your stats and logic are bogus.



Chris Nicholson

10:27 am on Saturday, December 15, 2012

Note also that the homicide rate in Connecticut (3 per 100K) is 15% less than for Europe....


Bernard Pech

12:38 pm on Saturday, December 15, 2012

Comparative Death Rates and the Second Amendment by Roger Alford. Refer to:

"In 1995, the firearms death rate in the United States was 13.7 per 100,000. In comparison, the firearms death rates in countries that severely limit access to handguns were significantly lower. For example, in 1995, Canada had a firearms death rate of 3.9 per 100,000; Australia had a rate of 2.9 per 100,000; and England and Wales had rates of 0.4 per 100,000 (a factor of 34 against the US). One of the most glaring distinctions between these countries and the United States is the significantly lower incidents of lethal violence caused by handguns."


Bernard Pech

12:49 pm on Saturday, December 15, 2012


"The role played by firearms in homicide is fundamental and, while the specific relationship between firearm availability and homicide is complex, it appears that a vicious circle connects firearm availability and higher homicide levels. Firearms undoubtedly drive homicide increases in certain regions and where they do members of organized criminal groups are often those who pull the trigger."


Fred Eiger

7:49 am on Sunday, December 16, 2012

Please Bernard. Just because you are timid and weak, doesn't mean that other MEN are that way.


Chris Nicholson

1:54 pm on Saturday, December 15, 2012

Bernard: Are you confused or simply using the typical sleight-of-hand tactics of the anti-gun crowd? This thread is about mass murder by a crazed individual. Your original comment linked differential rates of violence to rates of death and claim a 22X higher stat for Europe versus the US due to gun policy. Bunk.

I quoted you statistics for homicide (violent death of others via all methods).

You quote back *firearm death* rates (NB: *homicide* (all causes) versus *gun deaths*). Most gun deaths are from suicide. Most homicides in the U.S. are from guns. "Assault weapons" represent a tiny component of gun deaths (even including all rifles, it is modest).

With more guns, you will see a greater share of all murders and suicides being done with guns. Duh.

All things being equal, will more guns and lax laws equal more gun deaths? Yes. Duh.

Will tighter gun controls lead to fewer homicides and suicides overall? Unclear, but probably by a small (but significant) amount.

There is legitimate debate to be had here, but deceptive hyperbole doesn't help your cause, IMHO.


Summer Hemphill

2:05 pm on Saturday, December 15, 2012

Just the thought of an angry crackpot like Fred Eiger having access to guns should be reason enough to tighten the guidelines for who can possess firearms ! It's not the "real men" shooting up elementary schools,it's the "timid & weak" like cowardly Fred who resort to mass murder on a weekly basis ! Just take a look at the brooding losers who commit these senseless acts & you won't find a single "real" man,just sick & twisted malcontents like Fred ! I'd surmise that the only reason Fred hasn't started shooting is that he's afraid of his own shadow & never sobers up enough to buy ammunition ! Fred is a danger not only to himself,but to every decent resident of San Leandro who believes in freedom & equality as well ! Fred Eiger is a shining example of everything that is wrong with America today & the frightening thing is that there are plenty more just like him armed,living next door & ready (like their guns) to go off at any minute ! Now that's really frightening !



2:27 pm on Saturday, December 15, 2012

I got news for you Bernard. If it were just the 9mm handguns, there wouldn't have been 27 dead and there would have been more injured survivors. It was that .223 carbine rifle that did the damage. Are you going to ban semi-automatic rifles as well?



2:29 pm on Saturday, December 15, 2012

Summer, since your so afraid of guns, I think you too should stick a "gun free zone" yard sign on your ftont lawn.


Summer Hemphill

3:00 pm on Saturday, December 15, 2012

I'm not afraid of guns,it's who has the guns that scares me !!! If they were only used for killing & maiming animals,personal safety & target practice like the NRA claims, America would be a safer place (except for animals).



7:34 pm on Saturday, December 15, 2012

"If they were only used for killing & maiming animals,personal safety & target practice like the NRA claims"

Citation, please.



7:53 pm on Saturday, December 15, 2012

And sure enough I was right... all 26 at the school were shot and killed with the .223 carbine rifle, not the 9mm handguns. So now what Bernard? How would getting of handguns have stopped this awful tragedy?



8:06 pm on Saturday, December 15, 2012

For the record Summer, although I am an NRA member I do not agree with their entire agenda. I support them because without them there would be no defense of our Second Amendment right against the gun grabbers. I don't think any gun control would have stopped this, however, I would think some reasonable measures should be implemented such as...

1. Limit all magazine/clips to 10 rounds maximum (like NY and CA already do)
2. Implement NY State style process for purchasing/owning/carrying handguns... NY requires a handgun permit (required permit application in person at county gov office). Applicant goes before judge who issues permit. A permit to purchase/possess is also a permit to carry concealed unless restricted by the judge. I went through this process to get my NY permit when I lived there. Having to appear in person might week out psychos.
3. Implement harsh penalties for gun owners who don't secure their weapons. Stolen weapons should be required to be reported to law enforcement immediately upon knowledge of loss.
4. Prohibit gun possession by anyone in a household where an occupant has been diagnosed with mental illness.
5. Lastly, and probably most controversial, get rid of unfair "may issue" carry laws where politicians and celebs with no gun knowledge get carry permits and responsible citizens cannot. Each state should have a fair, but thorough ccw process with background checks and I would add an in person psychological evaluation.


10:35 am on Saturday, December 15, 2012

Last comment for the day about this. Why can not we have a few days of deep thought before everyone starts to talk about this? The focus should be on the familys of the horrific tradgity and we should all reflect on it's aftermath. Then we can say our thoughts no matter how well or poorly they are said. “It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.” Mark Twain


Bea Lieberman

5:40 am on Tuesday, December 18, 2012

I think at issue is also what we don't do with our children and others when we see they are troubled. As a society, we need to invest in our children and in our citizens. We need not to starve public schools and social services, but provide adequate funds that will provide help those in need who can't help themselves. As a society, we could better support programs that provide treatment and hopefully reduce the number of untreated mentally ill that potentially threaten us all.



12:06 pm on Saturday, December 15, 2012


I just signed up to host a Candlelight Vigil to End Gun Violence.

Friday's school massacre in Connecticut is a national tragedy. This is the second mass shooting just this week and gun safety experts report that there have been 31 school shootings in the US since Columbine in 1999.

So on Saturday, December 15 at 5pm local time, we're standing together at candlelight vigils to say "Enough! No more gun violence." We'll gather at schools, parks, and other public locations to mourn, build community, and stand together for an end to gun violence.

You can sign up for the Candlelight Vigil to End Gun Violence I'm hosting, or to host your own, at:

Here are the details:

Paden Elementary School
444 Central Ave
Alameda, CA 94501
Saturday, 15 Dec 2012, , 5:00- 6:00 PM

I hope you'll sign up [and invite friends…].

Catherine Egelhoff


Leah Hall

12:36 pm on Saturday, December 15, 2012

Thank you for hosting this vigil at Paden Elementary School, Catherine.

As President Obama noted in his talk yesterday: these are our children, our teachers, and our neighborhoods.


3:29 pm on Saturday, December 15, 2012

Did he tearfully note the 16 year old American Citizen his drone killed ?

End Drone Violence.


The Countess Weighs in

5:46 pm on Sunday, December 16, 2012

WE get it K. You hate Obama. Think you can maybe NOT use this tragedy to draw attention to that fact?



8:36 am on Monday, December 17, 2012

There is always one loser in the crowd who will use any excuse - even the death of 20 six/seven year olds to try and promote their own person political agenda. How pathetic.


3:32 pm on Saturday, December 15, 2012

Did he tearfully note the 16 year old American Citizen killed by a weaponized drone ?

Not to mention all the children killed by drones - for NO reason.

End Drone Violence.


Michele Reese

11:10 am on Sunday, December 16, 2012

For the record, I do hate guns. And I will put a sign on my front lawn saying so. I don't believe I'm any safer if random criminals think I MIGHT have a gun. Frankly, random criminals aren't that bright. What I will do is participate in rational discussions about the issues. What I won't do is viciously and sarcastically attack people who hold opposing views on the subject. How can we heal and learn from tragedies like this if, right out of the gate, we hurl our preconceived notions and hatreds at each other? And, for the record, I'm glad the Piedmont Patch ran this story. We are a town very much like Newtown. I'm sure they have their Pumpkin Patches and Boy Scout Christmas Tree Lots as well. And now they are damaged in an inconceivable way. It breaks my heart.


Triple Canopy

1:31 pm on Sunday, December 16, 2012

The lawless will take note. Go ahead and advertise yourself as a potential victim.


11:30 am on Sunday, December 16, 2012

Anybody who thinks that access to guns doesn't cause more violence, or that completely eliminating them would help, should live in a country for a while where guns are highly restricted, in europe or even canada for example. There is no comparison per capita with our country (and I'm not talking about terrorism, just daily gun violence). I know that there are also cultural issues that makes this so and there have been some notable exceptions (norway) recently. But, if no guns are available, you aren't going to kill 26 people in a matter of minutes.


Bailey Lee

12:15 pm on Sunday, December 16, 2012

Really? This study in the Harvard Journal of Law and Policy Review doesn't agree with you.


Chris Nicholson

12:51 pm on Sunday, December 16, 2012

Janet: you are either confused or employing the Fallacy of Equivocation. More guns equals more gun homicide, but you suggest that more guns lead to more homicides (in general) and the available evidence simply does not support the notion that this causal relationship is material (as compared to the cultural/social issues you allude to).


(Note, as I have pointed out previously, that Connecticut's homicide rate is 15% less than Europe's)

Also, mass killings are a special, extremely small component of overall gun deaths.

Would I prefer a deranged person to have a kitchen knife versus a machine gun? Of course. But you are implicitly stretching this edge case beyond its usefulness in reasonable policy discussion.

In any case, the VAST majority of gun homicide (>80%) are with handguns which, barring Constitutional amendment, are not really "on the table" from a policy perspective.


Chris Nicholson

1:07 pm on Sunday, December 16, 2012

@Chris K: Please cite such "statistics."


Triple Canopy

1:36 pm on Sunday, December 16, 2012

"You aren't going to kill 26 people in a matter of minutes".

Really? Let's see... Al Qaeda killed over 3,000 Americans with box cutters... Libyan terrorists blew up Pan Am Flight 103 killing 259 people over Lockerbie, England.



8:40 am on Monday, December 17, 2012

You're right, Janet - I seriously doubt the shooter could have 'knifed' his way into the school - nor could have killed 26 with a knife (or baseball bat) without being stopped first..


12:55 pm on Sunday, December 16, 2012

Everyone knew if Obama won a 2nd term he'd go for the guns...and guess what...he's going for the guns.


Dive Turn Work

1:41 pm on Sunday, December 16, 2012

Everyone knows KFrances could turn a story about puppies for sale into some ridiculous, mind-numbing comment that actually makes people dumber for having read it.


The Countess Weighs in

5:47 pm on Sunday, December 16, 2012

Ww get it K. You hate Obama. Think you can maybe NOT use this tragedy to draw attention to that fact?
disgusting. the third time.



8:51 am on Monday, December 17, 2012

Crawl back under your rock. Even with your limited intelligence, you could make more of an effort to stay on point of the actual article. Pathetic.



9:23 am on Monday, December 17, 2012

"Everyone knew if Obama won a 2nd term he'd go for the guns...and guess what...he's going for the guns."

I have no doubt that the vast majority of rational Americans agree with the President's comments last on the other hand...


1:47 pm on Sunday, December 16, 2012

168 Children have been killed
by Drones just in Pakistan.


Chris J Kapsalis

1:56 pm on Sunday, December 16, 2012

I did not mean to delete that post. I meant to hit reply. Anyway, I have debated this topic before. I researched major cities in the world that do not allow guns. London. Toronto. Tokyo, and so on, then compared them to US cities with similar populations. The murder rates in these cities without guns ( or so many) have drastically lower murder rates. There are a few exceptions, but in general, the less guns the lower the murder rates. And accidental firearm deaths. In Chicago they enacted tougher gun control. Some US cities have tight gun control. But you have to leave the US to know the true numbers. There are still a lot of once legal guns in circulation. You can still drive and buy a gun. You can buy ammo. There are grandfather clauses and so on. It would take time for them to filter out of a place guns were recently legal. So it is not an instant lower murder rate . Look it up. I will have to go back and find my notes. It took a couple days of researching it to gather all the numbers. Don't shoot the messenger, the facts are plain to see. Outlaw guns murder rates go down, way down.


Chris J Kapsalis

2:00 pm on Sunday, December 16, 2012

Sorry, I just realized that was a poor choice of words. Don;t blame me, I am just saying what I found when I looked at crime stats and murder rates in relation to guns being legal or not. I am not for outlawing guns. I am for taking this seriously though and finding out how to , or help figure out how to stop this madness.



2:12 pm on Sunday, December 16, 2012

It's much easier to take away ALL the other rights when
you first take away gun rights.



2:13 pm on Sunday, December 16, 2012

Abortion 'rights' will be the least of anyone's concern.


James Nelson

12:59 pm on Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Those of you who LOVE Statistics and Voting Polls can check out this Series of Poll's TMZ put up the other day. nearly 200,000 Unique Voters (One per IP). Example on the Question "All schools should have metal detectors" out of 189,871 People, 66% say yes, while 34% say no.



3:18 pm on Sunday, December 16, 2012

Maybe Michael Chertoff can sell more of his TSA body scanner radiation machines
that are now being moved to non-human corridor airports - ie rural.


James Nelson

5:40 am on Tuesday, December 18, 2012


What's your Alternative to School Safety?

Nobody likes the Idea of Storm Troopers & Body Violation Technology present at Schools or anywhere for that matter but when these types of Attacks Continue on a Steady basis, do you blame people for wanting to be safe via any means necessary?

This is the Direction our Society has decided that it wants to go which in turn requires new Strategies and Tactics. I mean seriously, how many more people have to Die before these Incidents are taken Serious? Everybody joins the Band Wagon against Drones and other Ideas but then don't Offer any Viable Solutions themselves. Remember ours is FAR from a Perfect World.


3:50 pm on Sunday, December 16, 2012

and parents may want to check out how their newborn's blood is being stored indefinitely, used and misused since 1984... sold, can get a report from CA Dept of Health services or DHS.


Dive Turn Work

3:55 pm on Sunday, December 16, 2012

Are these quotes from your science fiction novels?


Chris Nicholson

4:00 pm on Sunday, December 16, 2012

I am a bit short of cash. Where can I sell or barter my DNA?


4:00 pm on Sunday, December 16, 2012

JN - Good point - all I'm saying is it's not going to be tanks rolling in to take away everyone's rights - it's more sophistitcated now than it was in Prague in 1968 - but the fundamentals are still the same. Government's sneaky now...


Dive Turn Work

4:07 pm on Sunday, December 16, 2012

I once ate at a Sneaky Pete's.


Dive Turn Work

4:08 pm on Sunday, December 16, 2012

Oh, God. What if they have my DNA now? It was a great chili dog, though. Well worth it.

Winifred Owen

11:02 pm on Sunday, December 16, 2012

My original point has now been proven. ;-)



12:06 am on Monday, December 17, 2012

The President immediately exploited this tragedy. A power GRAB.

How disgusting when he personally has ordered the drone killings and the exapnsion of drones.

On so many levels we can not trust this administration or the past several administrations.

The Newton School Tragedy is extremely sad & serious beause of the horrific tragedy itself and the horrific response by our government.

The World Bank/IMF/UN plans to take all guns. They are running the show.
They will now GRAB more power. The Constitution is fragile.



12:40 am on Monday, December 17, 2012

The President doesn't have to exploit this for political gain. He was just reelected and will not face the voters again. I didn't vote for the man, but I thought he came across as genuine and sincere in his speech. He eluded to "changes" that need to be made. You assume he means grabbing guns but he's get to push for gun control legislation. He's right though, we need changes both to gun laws (as I noted above) as well as changes in how we deal with the mentally ill living amongst us, as well as our culture in general. Now, we see everyone going to church and speaking of God, yet God cannot be mentioned in the classroom. Perhaps if we can't teach of God and faith, then just maybe it's time to accept what we've become and just have armed security or law enforcement at every K-12 school.



8:46 am on Monday, December 17, 2012

Not as fragile as your grip on reality, obviously.



9:58 am on Monday, December 17, 2012

Yes...they are going for the Constitution, as the drone program expands domestically they plan to strip civil rights:



10:25 am on Monday, December 17, 2012

Yes the President has nothing to lose now so he will enact many Executive Orders like NDAA....and follow the money/history of PsyOps operations:


Dive Turn Work

11:02 am on Monday, December 17, 2012

KFrances - Do you write for SNL because you are hilarious?

Keith Best

7:12 am on Monday, December 17, 2012

Blaming the guns in this is like blaming spoons, forks and knives for making Michael Moore and Rosie O'Donnell fat. Think about that.



8:47 am on Monday, December 17, 2012

Ridiculous the first time that was said and has not improved with age. ridiculous.

Bailey Lee

9:17 am on Monday, December 17, 2012

@James Nelson: Blood wine makes for good companions but poor warriors. After the fight is over, we drink!



10:49 am on Monday, December 17, 2012

i see no reason why huge magazines or automatic/semi-automatic weapons should be in the hands of citizens. these are weapons of war. if you want to protect yourself, get a hand gun. if you want to hunt, get a shot gun or a hunting rifle. the rest only serve to make us less safe. also, there should be a waiting period to buy any gun of any kind without exception. shameful that in this day and age there are still big loopholes in the law (ie, gunshows).

i realize that the above restrictions may not eliminate heinous acts such as we have just seen in connecticut, but i also believe overall we would be safer with rational limits on weapon ownership, and if we can in the process make it more difficult for evildoers we should at least try...


Chris Nicholson

12:12 pm on Monday, December 17, 2012

C5: most guns sold today are semi-automatic (one trigger pull, one shot). Even a revolver is one pull, one shot. I am not sure which guns you would allow.

Also, the vast majority (~80%) of gun murders are done with handguns, which you seem to approve of (although I don't know which kind--- single-shot Derringers?).

In terms of magazine capacity, the average number of shots fired in gun homicides is about four.

Who "needs" a semi-automatic .223 rifle with a 30 round magazine? No one.

But is that the right question? In general if you start with a bias for freedom (bolstered by a specific Constitutional right), shouldn't the question be: on what basis does society have a compelling interest to limit this right?

The available evidence suggests that banning high-capacity rifles has virtually no impact on homicide rates.

You really need to ban pistols and confiscate the existing "installed base" if you wanted to make a real impact on GUN homicides. Even then, evidence suggests that would-be killers will find other means (albeit less efficiently), so the decline in HOMICIDE would be much less than the decline in GUN homicide.

I just think it is important to separate the emotion from the facts in this debate.


Dive Turn Work

12:18 pm on Monday, December 17, 2012

We don't allow felons to own weapons. Perhaps we should ban people (parents) who live with mentally ill people who have a diagnosed propensity for violence or who are not responding to their medication (children) from owning weapons.

We decided felons pose too much of a risk to own a firearm. Perhaps individuals living with mentally ill people who have a propensity for violence pose too much of a risk to own a firearm.

It seems more reasonable to apply any bans to those people who pose a risk. Why punish the entire population?



1:17 pm on Monday, December 17, 2012

chris, i'm not a gun expert so got my definitions mixed up. it is multi-shot guns that trouble me, and large magazines. i guess semi automatic is still a single shot weapon...lesson learned.

as for the i said, i know you cannot rid society of real evil, but i do believe that to the extent we can make society somewhat safer by banning weapons of war in private hands, i'm all for that. not based on emotion, based on a pragmatic view of what might be doable from a policy standpoint but would be of at least some benefit. imo these weapons of war have no place in private hands and make society less safe, not more. imo


Chris Nicholson

2:16 pm on Monday, December 17, 2012

@DTW: Agreed on keeping guns from mentally troubled people, but I fear that it will be impossible to do view legislation. People have been adjudged to be "Mentally Defective" (legal term of art, I guess), are currently barred from gun ownership-- but that is a high bar. The challenge is denying guns to those who have a 1 in 1,000 risk of violence versus 1 in 100,000. How do you do that?

@C5: You are confused because the anti-gun folks intentionally obfuscate the facts. Most people who are anti-gun think that a semi-automatic "assault rifle" is a machine gun. The only meaningful definition of "assault rifle" is "a gun banned under anti-assualt rifle laws." It is a circular marketing term and says very little about the lethality of the gun in question compared to non-banned guns.


12:50 pm on Monday, December 17, 2012

I meant DTW - Are you a shill ? Many times shills will malign, berate, degrade to avoid the real issue.

Most commenters don't sarcastically humiliate, except Intolerant Collectivists with an Agenda. The focus of this tragedy by the Propoganda Media is immediately on gun control, autism and 'preppers' -

So we have Eugenics (Transhumanism) propoganda insighting fear about the disabled, hunters & preppers in one fell swoop right before Christmas. They will paint people as part of a hate group or a domestic terrorist.

We have real Authoritarians in charge now which somehow Collectivists think this is a good thing ?

Watch Chris Hedges about the NDAA. He is a Pulitzer Prize winning Journalist & he has said this is a predictable Authoritarian takeover.



1:49 pm on Monday, December 17, 2012

Alright, KFrances...I'll bite. Do you have any ideas to keep our communities safe from atrocities like these? Or are you only taking a defensive stance?



2:59 pm on Monday, December 17, 2012

The reality is we can not.
Criminals will get guns regardless of whether they are legal or not.
Why take guns from law abiding citizens ?
and they want hunting rifles.

As the U.S. expands drones, targets civilians, expands war, wages propaganda wars, covers up atrocities, kills Children with drones - why should they be allowed to take guns.

The Statistics show the comparative rare deaths by random violence compared to drowning, accidents, lightening - for now - I fear more big showy atrocities until everyone caves.

Because it's children & schools it strikes a bigger fear.

No gun law would have stopped this & the 2nd amendment was designed to protect citizens from an over reaching government which is a huge threat - historically this can
destroy a country & enslave people. The U.S. is not immune.


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