Chairman Dave Camp
  • In Case You Missed It...

    AARP lobbies against Medicare changes that could hurt its bottom line

    Dec 4, 2012-- As Washington debates whether to cut federal retirement programs as part of a deal to tackle the nation’s debt, one of the most powerful advocates for preserving them could have millions of dollars riding on the outcome. AARP, the highly influential lobby for older Americans, is fiercely opposing any Medicare or Social Security cuts and emphasizes that it is fighting for the good of its members. ... more

  • Press Release

    Camp Congratulates New Republicans on Ways & Means Committee

    Nov 30, 2012-- Washington, DC – Ways and Means Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI) issued the following statement today congratulating and welcoming the new Republican Members of the Ways and Means Committee: “The Members joining our Committee will bring valuable experience, expertise and energy to the Committee – all of which are welcome as the Committee continues its mission of creating the best possible climate for ec... more

  • The Tax Tracker

    President’s Plan: Unbalanced & Leads to More Unemployed

    Nov 30, 2012-- While President Obama campaigns in Pennsylvania today and makes another pitch to raise taxes by $1.6 trillion, he has still failed to put forward a “balanced” plan that includes significant spending reductions to deal with the fiscal cliff. The President’s continued focus on increasing tax rates is fast turning the fiscal cliff into a jobs cliff. In fact, manufacturers across the country are warni... more

  • In Case You Missed It...

    Durbin (Again) Denies Social Security’s Red Ink

    Nov 30, 2012-- Sen. Richard Durbin says that “Social Security does not add one penny to our debt.” That’s false. It was wrong 21 months ago, when Durbin said it once before, and it’s even more off the mark now. The federal government for the first time in its history had to borrow money in 2010 to cover Social Security benefits to retired and disabled workers — a trend that worsened in 2011 and will not change ... more

  • Press Release

    Camp Announces Release of the 2012 Green Book

    Nov 30, 2012-- Washington, DC – Today, Committee on Ways and Means Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI) announced the release of the 2012 version of the Ways and Means Green Book, which is officially titled "Background Material and Data on the Programs within the Jurisdiction of the Committee on Ways and Means." This document, prepared by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) under the direction of the staff of the Com... more

  • Press Release

    Camp, Baucus, Levin, Hatch Letter to Administration on Upcoming U.S.-China JCCT

    Nov 30, 2012-- House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus, House Ways and Means Committee Ranking Member Sandy Levin, and Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Orrin Hatch yesterday sent the following letter to the Administration ahead of next month's meetings of the U.S.-China Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade (JCCT): Dear Secretary Blank and Ambassad... more

  • In Case You Missed It...


    Nov 29, 2012-- Republican fiscal cliff negotiators are infuriated because they can't get the White House to propose serious spending cuts. They complain that behind closed doors the White House team and congressional Democrats want only one thing: higher taxes. The House Ways and Means Committee, run by Dave Camp of Michigan, issued a statement yesterday that said Democrats have proposed "nearly $5 in tax incre... more


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