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Contact: Laura Strange 202-225-6405
Latta Questions FCC Commissioners at Spectrum Law Hearing

Washington, DC, Dec 13 -

On Wednesday, December 12, the House Subcommittee on Communications and Technology held a hearing entitled “Keeping the New Broadband Spectrum Law on Track.” Congressman Bob Latta (R-Bowling Green) issued the following statement on the hearing: 

“With global mobile data traffic expected to grow at a rate of 15 times its current amount by 2017, it is crucial that more spectrum is brought to market to fuel this growth.  A strong national spectrum policy is imperative for the country’s ability to innovate and create jobs, and the incentive auction is a key component.  Success of the auction is critical for deployment of the public safety network, for making much-needed spectrum available for mobile broadband, and for the continued vitality of our nation’s broadcasters, and as the FCC develops its final rules for the auction, the agency must maintain an open and transparent process,” said Congressman Latta. 

The Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act, H.R. 3630, which was signed into law last year, included a section authorizing the Federal Communications Commission to conduct incentive auctions by incentivizing existing spectrum licensees to voluntarily relinquish spectrum in part or whole in exchange for a portion of the proceeds generated by the auction.  The law also establishes a nationwide public safety communications network with proceeds from the auction.  In 2011, Congressman Latta introduced H.R.1622, the Spectrum Innovation Act, which called for the incentive auction.

To view the hearing click here.


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