Rep. Scott Rigell

Rep. Scott Rigell


It is a privilege to serve and represent Virginia's 2nd Congressional District.

Virginia Beach, VA · http://Rigell.House.Gov/

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Congressman Rigell appeared on Fox Business News last night to make the conservative case for a ‘fiscal cliff’...

Teri and I join a grieving nation that is struggling to comprehend the senseless events unfolding in Connecticut...

I’ll be on with at 9:50 am to discuss our country’s fiscal situation. I hope you’ll tune in.

Happy 376th Birthday to the National Guard! As the oldest component of the Armed Forces of the United States, the...

Congressman Rigell welcomed Virginians for High Speed Rail and Hampton Roads for Rail to Washington on Wednesday.

I posted 4 photos on Facebook in the album "Virginia Beach Vision Annual Elected Officials Reception"

Teri and I are deeply grateful for the tireless service by our men and women in uniform. That service too often...

Teri and I are deeply humbled to be attending the Honor and Remember Gold Star Family event tonight. It’s always...

Teri joins me in wishing our friends and neighbors in the Jewish community a very Happy Hanukkah!

I posted 2 photos on Facebook in the album "Rep. Rigell Meets with the Virginia Association of Broadcasters"

Today I have the honor of participating in the inactivation ceremony of the USS Enterprise -- an historic symbol of America’s naval power...

Today I have the honor of participating in the inactivation ceremony of the USS Enterprise -- an historic symbol...

I welcome the Department of the Interior's announcement that the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management has announced a Proposed Sale Notice...

I welcome the Department of the Interior's announcement that the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management has announced...

I supported Governor Bob McDonnell’s request earlier this month that President Obama issue a Major Disaster...

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