Day 2: What is your favorite holiday recipe?

December 14th, 2012



Personally, warm gingerbread cookies and a cold glass of milk are enough to put me in the holiday spirit. But to others their favorite recipes are the ones that remind them of their families, or traditional dishes that they make every year. According to you all three popular recipes were Baked Macaroni and Cheese, Candied Yams and Potato Casserole, so here are the Food Network versions of these recipes. Eat, drink and be merry this holiday season!

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Weekly Top Shares, 12-13-12

December 14th, 2012


Embarrassing Photo Of Spurs Players Leaked
A few days after the San Antonio Spurs of the NBA were fined $250,000 by the league for sitting their star players during a big game, a not-so-flattering photo of two of those players emerged. The image, likely taken on Halloween, shows Spurs All-Stars Tim Duncan and Tony Parker pointing toy guns to the head of someone dressed up as NBA referee Joey Crawford, the same referee who once ejected Duncan while he was sitting on the bench. The generally mild-mannered Spurs seem to have gotten themselves embroiled in quite a predicament.

Video Game Awards 2012 Voting
It’s safe to say video game enthusiasts are quite opinionated, as is evident from the fact that one of this week’s top shares was the voting page for SPIKE TV’s Video Game Awards, specifically the “character of the year” award. The awards took place on December 7, with Clap Trap from Borderlands 2 taking home the top honors.


Social Media Report 2012
At each year’s end, market research company Nielsen issues a report on the state of social media from the previous year. This year’s report was a top share for this week, gathering nearly 16,000 shares through Facebook and almost 10,000 re-tweets. Follow the link and take a look through the 15-page report full of pretty charts, graphics and diagrams. Some interesting nuggets: visits to Pinterest increased over 1,000 percent from 2011 while visits to Facebook dropped slightly(3 percent); almost ⅔ of people ages 18-24 use social media from the bathroom; social likes are the most common action taken after seeing a social ad.

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey: Synopsis and Overview
Unless you’ve been living in a hobbit hole, you’re well aware (and presumably excited) that The Hobbit, Peter Jackson’s prequel to his Lord of the Rings trilogy, is coming out in theaters this week. Fans expressed their anticipation through thousands of online shares of the film’s Fandango page, which includes a synopsis and overview of the movie. The Hobbit’s Fandango page dwarfed (get it??) the pages of all other movies this week. We’re excited!

Here Comes the First Real Alternative to iPhone and Android
With a provocative headline like that, it’s no wonder this article was a top share for the week. But after reading what follows the headline, you’ll see just why so many users found this article fascinating. It looks at a Finnish mobile startup called Jolla (yo-lah) and its new mobile operating system, Sailfish. While on the surface the OS looks similar to those of market leaders Apple and Google, as the post discusses, it’s actually very different and in some ways better. But a new operating system alone cannot credibly challenge Apple and Google, writes Mashable, but a vastly different business model can. Jolla is going after the rapidly expanding Chinese market, aiming to capture the millions of first-time smartphone users who are not predisposed to Apple or Google’s operating systems and thus more willing to try out Sailfish. Whether or not Jolla succeeds is up for debate, but it’s undeniable that they’re onto something here.

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Weekly Top Shares, 12-07-12

December 7th, 2012


Jamie Foxx: ‘Our Lord and Savior Barack Obama’
During the recent Soul Train Awards, Oscar-winning actor Jamie Foxx asked the audience to, “give an honor for God, and our lord and savior Barack Obama,” a comment applauded by the audience in attendance and reviled by the conservative right. NewsBusters, a conservative site, posted a clip of Foxx’s remark and well over 4,400 comments followed, along with an editor’s note stating that, “Any vulgar, racist, offensive, or threatening comments will be removed with the guilty party banned.”

Are You Doing Pushups Wrong?
The answer, most likely, is yes. One of mankind’s most popular exercises is too often performed incorrectly, writes ThePostGame, which can lead to an achy back, sore shoulders and an ineffective workout. To help rectify, here are five mistakes most people make when doing pushups: 1) Your elbows are flared out, 2) Your hips are sagging, 3) You rely on gravity, 4) You’re not stretching your wrists, 5) You do incline pushups or knee pushups. Avoid these five mistakes and you’ll be less sore, more muscular and (possibly) happier.

The Daily Kos
The nineteen new Republican House committee chairmen are all white males
High-ranking folks within the U.S. government have traditionally been white men, though women and minorities have gained a higher profile in recent years. But, as the Huffington Post and The Daily Kos point out, when House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) announced the GOP House committee chairmen recently, a familiar trend emerged yet again: they’re all white men. Of the 19 House committee chairs, not one is a female or minority, which has already drawn ire from both aisles. It should be noted that since, Boehner has appointed a female to chair the House Administration Committee.
Men reveal the moves that make women swoon
In the 2000 chick-flick What Women Want, Mel Gibson has the benefit of being able to hear what women are thinking, which he of course uses to his advantage when trying to pick them up. Unfortunately movie magic is just that, and doesn’t translate into reality where men, as a group, often struggle when it comes to dating. To help the often helpless, asked a number of real-life guys what are some of their go-to moves that have proven effective. Thom from California says he’s found that subtly telling a women how attractive she is is a good way to go. Danny, a grad student from Pittsburgh, lets his date talk about herself a lot, which he says makes her happy and allows him to learn more about her. And Oliver from Connecticut advises guys make meaningful (but not creepy) eye contact with a date to show you’re paying attention.

Parents Name Their Newborn Daughter ‘Hashtag’
Celebrities give their kids the strangest names sometimes. Blanket. Pilot Inspektor. Moon Unit. The list could, and likely will, go on forever. But it’s not just celebrities that are setting their children up for bullying. Regular Joes are doing it too, as evidence by Hashtag, the name of a healthy 8-pound baby born late last month. The online community loved the story; this Mashable article was liked almost 23,000 times on Facebook and was shared 31,500 times. Remember that Seinfeld episode when George wants to name his baby “7?” It must have started a trend.

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