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European Agency for Safety and Health at Work

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Managing health and safety risks associated with maintenance

Jan 15, 2013

Maintenance is a high-risk activity. It is carried out in all sectors and all workplaces and involves a wide range of tasks, and consequently is associated with a great variety of hazards. Issues that have an impact on maintenance safety and more generally on safety and health at work include, among others, chemical safety and working with contractors.  


Motivating factors for workplace health promotion: literature reviews

Jan 08, 2013

Two new EU-OSHA literature reviews look at the factors motivating employers and workers to carry out and participate in workplace health promotion (WHP) activities. As people spend significant amount of time at work, workplaces can be an important setting for health promotion programmes, benefitting all – workers, companies and society. Read the literature reviews and their ...


Dear Visitors, Partners and Collaborators,

Dec 21, 2012

Season’s greetings and best wishes for 2013 from the Director and all the Staff of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work. May the Year 2013 be a year of personal happiness and professional success


International Migrants Day: migrants support European economies but face increasing OSH risks

Dec 17, 2012

While migrants provide a valuable source of both skilled and unskilled labour to many countries, they often work a lot of overtime and are in poor health,and thus are much more exposed to occupational injuries and diseases than other workers. In recent years, the employment rate of migrants in high-risk sectors has risen continuously, providing evidence that more adequate practical solutions ...


In Focus

Healthy Workplaces Campaign 2012: Working together for risk prevention

Join our major Europe-wide activity for raising awareness in occupational safety and health.

The current Healthy Workplaces campaign focuses on management leadership and worker participation.

Napo: Safety with a smile

Meet the ordinary worker who became a movie star.

Napo is the hero of an animated world of work whose silent movies speak to adult and young workers alike.

ESENER: European Survey of Enterprises on New and Emerging Risks

Find out how managers and workers’ representatives across Europe are managing health and safety risks at their workplaces.

OiRA: Online interactive Risk Assessment project

Discover our cost-free web application that allows a growing network of partners to develop tailor-made risk assessment tools for micro and small enterprises.

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