
Can You Still Crowdfunding Pioneer Slumps Under APM

Crowdfunding has skyrocketed in the past couple of years as entrepreneurs bypass traditional keepers of the purse and instead appeal to individual donors to help get their projects off the ground -- and journalists have taken notice. Dogged by a lack of jobs and slumping wages, writers, producers, photographers and other content creators have joined the fray. As a result,... more »

From Idea Lab

10 Things to Know Before Raising an Angel or Seed Round

Idea Lab is a group blog of Knight News Challenge grant winners.

Underwritten by John S. and James L. Knight Foundation

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How 6 New Tools Change the Equation for Writing and Self-Publishing Your Book

When writers first exchanged pen and paper for word processing systems we didn't realize how firmly it put us on the path toward self-production and self-publishing. The jury's still out on whether the creative process was altered for better or worse. Marshall McLuhan, an early media pundit, recognized back in 1962 how "the divorce of poetry and music was first... more »


Must Reads

Daily Must Reads, December 19, 2012

The best stories across the web on media and technology, curated by Leandro Oliva. 1. How does Wikipedia deal with a mass shooting? (Nieman Lab) 2. Fox's bloody t-shirt: Newtown images show risks of automated ads (paidContent) 3. Facebook prepares to bring video ads to news feed, aims for TV dollars (Ad Age) 4. Am I the product? users react to Instagram's terms of service...

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Must Reads

Journalism and Digital Education Roundup, Dec. 18, 2012

The best stories across the web on journalism and digital education. 1. College students to tweet even more in class as social media becomes a major (Fast Company) 2. New online learning tool brings 'the crowd' into homework assignments (MIT) 3. The newsonomics of college news innovation (Nieman Lab) 4. Higher education: our MP3 is the MOOC (The Guardian) 5. Google launches journalism fellowship...

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Must Reads

Daily Must Reads, December 18, 2012

The best stories across the web on media and technology, curated by Leandro Oliva. 1. In real-time journalism, declaring what you won't report can be just as important as what you will (Poynter) 2. Instagram says it now has the right to sell your photos (CNET) 3. Towards fewer apps: How Google Maps threatens Yelp, Waze, and Foursquare (PandoDaily) 4. The future of streaming video...

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Social Networking

How The #Newtown Tragedy Unfolded on Twitter via Andy Carvin

Andy Carvin calls himself an "oral historian" and created a new genre of news coverage by blanketing Twitter during the Arab Spring and RT'ing and crowdsourcing the news as it spread on social networks. When the Newtown massacre happened last Friday, Carvin was covering it once again as the news broke, which led to mocking criticism of Carvin by media...

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Media Usage

With Small Kids: Consider a Media Blackout During a Crisis Like Sandy Hook

Helping your children deal with the horror at Sandy Hook Elementary last Friday -- and other crises that play out over national news -- may just mean turning off, shutting down and going offline for a bit. Very little about this generation of young children's near-constant exposure to direct and passive media seems simple, but this much is clear: It...

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Must Reads

Daily Must Reads, December 17, 2012

The best stories across the web on media and technology, curated by Leandro Oliva. 1. It's not Twitter -- this is just the way the news works now (GigaOM) 2. A local crisis meets the global social web (BuzzFeed) 3. Disruptions: Instagram testimony doesn't add up (Bits Blog) 4. Buffeted by the web, but now riding it (NYT) 5. 'Quartz' grows roots in social,...

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Giving the Gift of E-Reading: New Developments in E-Book Giving and E-Reader Cozies

If you thought e-books, e-readers and tablets dominated the last holiday season, you haven't seen anything yet. For one, this year it's easier than ever to give e-books as gifts, and, thanks to a recent partnership with Kobo, it's now even possible to support your local independent bookseller while giving them. And, according to the catalogs piling up in my...

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Your Take

Poll: Which Do You Prefer: E-Books or Printed Books?

The reading public is torn now. There is the undeniable convenience of e-books, downloaded at the click of a button; and you can load dozens of them onto one small lightweight device. But who can deny the pleasure of unplugging completely from technology and enjoying a print book at a cafe, at the beach or on a comfortable sofa? You...

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This Giving Season, Why You Should Donate to Non-Profit News

If you believe in non-profit journalism, it is time to support it. And if you support non-profit journalism it's time to go public with that support. The end of the year is a hugely important time for non-profit fundraising -- many organizations raise major portions of their budget between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day. This year may be even more...

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Special Series: Beyond the Book 2012

There's nothing like giving the gift of reading. And, it used to be that there was one means to that end: Buy a book at a bookstore, perhaps inscribe it, wrap it up and give it. But today, the gift of reading can mean so much more than a wrapped-up book. Today, the literary giver is lost in a sea...

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Featured Comment

"Gatekeeping: The fence is gone but millions of people continue to walk through the places where the gates used to be. And yes, there are new gates being created. So there is still a role for gatekeepers. And there are many other new roles emerging in the digital age."

Eric Newton
Beyond Gingras: Tech Innovation Alone Will Not Democratize Media