Paul Ford

Paul Ford

@ftrain Brooklyn, New York, USA
(1974– ) Writer, editor, programmer. Contact if you spot a typo.
Text follow ftrain to 40404 in the United States
Paul Ford
@ very recently * 2.
Paul Ford
@ Something resume. I remember getting stiffed by the client at the end. Finder?
Paul Ford
@ We blew it today. This is like two old drunks who want to fight and end up crying together. Cuteness ruins everything.
Paul Ford
Paul Ford
Paul Ford
All plots for all stories ever (and not Propp) by @ at @
Paul Ford
@ @ @ I've needed a cigarette for years.
Paul Ford
My postmodern chickens have come home to roost.
Paul Ford
@ No need to be nice. Looking back a year later I see WWIC a muddle--who's the "audience?" Who is the "creator?"
Nat Torkington
@ @ Fair point with the list, but I think 'entitlement' kicks in w/ gap btw rhetoric and reality of seller-buyer relationship
Paul Ford
@ Oh God, or sounds from Fish Disks.
Paul Ford
Well sure, @. But I was looking forward to a Sunday Twissing match.
Paul Ford
@ @ Yah, but the sense of entitlement is real (I share it!) and affects how things are made. Privileges = responsibilities.
Paul Ford
@ Oh yes. Or if it had had one of the line-and-circle "extras" demos.
Paul Ford
@ The sound effects made me sad.
Paul Ford
@ @ @ And that's true. It's written with a bias for creator over audience which will soon look old-fashioned.
Paul Ford
@ @ @ Yes, that is what the piece argues, at length.
Paul Ford
@ I guess I should have checked with you first, eh?
Paul Ford
never grep the cat
Paul Ford
@ Thank you very much.