Big Unions Keep Shrinking, Losing in the Midwest

Unions spent millions trying to remove Scott Walker from the Wisconsin Governor's office in 2012, but that wasn't their only expensive failure in the region. In Michigan, national unions spent $23 million trying to force collective bargaining rights into the state's constitution. 5 Dec 2012, 10:59 AM PDT

Charities Lobby Congress to Save Tax Deduction

Today, churches, museums and other nonprofits are going to Washington D.D. to protect the tax deduction they so desperately depend on. They know how serious the Obama Administration is about taking them out; Steve Taylor, senior vice president at United Way Worldwide, said, “Over the last three years, I’ve never been more worried than I am now, partly because Congress is under enormous pressure to find new sources of revenue.” Sure, Congress. 5 Dec 2012, 10:53 AM PDT

Conservative Reps: Boehner Planning Tax Hikes

Two conservative members of Congress who were booted from powerful House Committees by the Republican leadership said House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and the House Republican leadership are set on passing major tax increases to avert the so-called fiscal cliff. 5 Dec 2012, 8:43 AM PDT

New GOP Committee Chair Open to Gas Tax Hike

Apparently, a narrow election loss is all you need to convince GOP Leadership that taxes are too low. President Obama won reelection by a smaller margin than his first victory, yet it was enough to upend a foundational principle of the modern Republican party. Today, incoming House Transportation Chair Rep. Bill Shuster said the increasing the gas tax is something "we need to look at." 5 Dec 2012, 8:11 AM PDT

Rep. Hensarling Throws Boehner Under Bus on Conservative Purge

A spokeswoman for incoming House Financial Services Committee chairman Rep. Jeb Hensarling told Breitbart News on Wednesday that her boss had nothing whatsoever to do with the conservative purge of his committee. Hensarling is slated to take over as the committee’s chairman next Congress. 5 Dec 2012, 8:09 AM PDT

Bush says immigrants fill gap in labor market

As the U.S. debates immigration policy, former President George W. Bush says it should "do so with a benevolent spirit and keep in mind the contribution of immigrants." 5 Dec 2012, 5:37 AM PDT

Senate passes $631 billion defense bill

The bill would provide some $526 billion for the base defense budget, $17 billion for defense programs in the Energy Department and about $88 billion for the war in Afghanistan. House and Senate negotiators must reconcile their competing versions of the bill in the next few weeks. 5 Dec 2012, 5:32 AM PDT

Aides: Warren to go on Banking Committee

The decision will be made in January after the new Senate convenes. The Democratic caucus has the final say on committee assignments but rarely disputes the recommendations made by Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada. 5 Dec 2012, 5:28 AM PDT

Deal reached in LA, Long Beach port strike

Leaders of the 800-member International Longshore and Warehouse Union Local 63 Office Clerical Unit reached a tentative accord late Tuesday and the clerical workers were to return to work Wednesday, the Los Angeles Times reported. 5 Dec 2012, 5:24 AM PDT

Dem Senators to Strip Gun Rights from Military Vets

Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) hopes to stop a major defense spending bill in its tracks now that Democrats have added an amendment that allows them to take away the guns of certain military veterans. But Democrats like Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) shamelessly support the amendment, dismissing Coburn's concerns altogether. 5 Dec 2012, 4:58 AM PDT

Report: Ryan, Rubio Plan Party Future 2016

The young guns in the GOP are ready to take over. Two of the stars of the party, Paul Ryan and Marco Rubio, attended a dinner honoring the late Jack Kemp, and both addressed remarks to the audience. Ryan addressed the issue of Republicans being perceived as indifferent to some segments of the population, indirectly dealing with the fallout that accompanied Mitt Romney’s remarks that noted 47% of the nation’s population are exempt from income taxes. 5 Dec 2012, 4:53 AM PDT

Christian Groups Join to Support Tech-Savvy Professionals

There is a growing Christian tech-savvy population that is looking to join with like-minded Christians to promote their businesses. In Manhattan, the Faith and Tech meetup group and Redeemer Presbyterian Church support Christian entrepreneurs and startup companies. 5 Dec 2012, 3:44 AM PDT

Chicago Teachers Union VP Busted Participating in Midwest Marxism Conference

While a guest on a local Chicago radio show, Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) VP Jesse Sharkey was questioned over his recent participation in the Midwest Marxism conference and refused to answer why he was there and what relationship the Chicago Teachers Union has with the conference and sponsoring organization, the International Socialists Organization. Sharkey, who was documented by Breitbart News attending the Marxist conference at Northwestern University last month, appeared caught off-guard and struggled to respond to the question. 4 Dec 2012

Belcher Teammates Refuse to Blame Guns

Unlike columnists like Jason Whitlock and sports anchors like Bob Costas who have denounced guns as a result of Kansas City Chiefs linebacker Jovan Belcher’s murder-suicide, some of his teammates aren’t joining with the chorus of anti-gun advocates who are using the incident to vilify gun ownership. 4 Dec 2012

House GOP Leaders Purged Conservatives Using Secret Criteria List

House Republican leaders used a secret criteria list to decide which conservatives to purge from powerful House committees, Breitbart News has learned. As this time, it appears they will keep the criteria list hidden from the public, too. Spokespeople for members of House GOP leadership have refused to discuss details about the list on the record with press. 4 Dec 2012

Armey Receives $8 Million in FreedomWorks Exit

Eased out with an $8 million payout provided by an influential GOP fundraiser, former Republican House Majority Leader Dick Armey says he has left a conservative Tea Party group, FreedomWorks, because of an internal split over the group's future direction. 4 Dec 2012

House GOP Not Consulted on Boehner's Budget Proposal

The controversial budget proposal submitted by House Republican leadership, and summarily rejected by the White House, was never presented to the GOP caucus in the house according to Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX). "The caucus was not consulted on the proposal, I wish we had been" Gohmert told Breitbart News on Capitol Hill this morning. The controversial budget proposal submitted by House Republican leadership, and summarily rejected by the White House, was never presented to the GOP caucus in the house, according to Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX). morning. 4 Dec 2012

Defense Contractors: Tax Hike 'Must' Be Part of Any Deal

One negative consequence of a government spending trillions of dollars it doesn't have is that lots of people have a stake in that spending. Any attempt to curtail that spending is met with ferocious lobbying and howls about the "end-times" approaching. So too with defense contractors, whose executives convened a press conference yesterday asserting that Congress simply must raise taxes to avert looming defense cuts. 4 Dec 2012

Top Five 'Fiscal Cliff' Offers The GOP Must Make

Thankfully, though, Obama declared Boehner's offer so ridiculous it's not even worthy of a counter-proposal. What Boehner should do now is turn Obama's response into an opportunity. Start with a very public revocation of his "reasonable" offer and immediately follow it up with the kind of offer that might shift the debate off of where it is now -- where we have no chance of winning -- and on to ground where we have a chance. 4 Dec 2012

Rep. Brady: Put Social Security on the Table

Democrats want negotiations over the future of Social Security to be discussed at a later time, but Congressman Kevin Brady, who is a senior member of the House Ways and Means committee, says now is the time for the President to put Social Security on the table. 4 Dec 2012

Philadelphia Prepares Lower Tax Penalties to Help Deadbeats Pay Up

In a move only liberals could think up, the city of Philadelphia is preparing to lower tax penalties for tax delinquents, hoping they will finally ante up. The city is short hundreds of millions in back taxes, but certain experts say that the tax penalties make it less likely that deadbeats will rectify their breaches. 4 Dec 2012

Heritage Foundation To Boehner: You Can't Be Serious

Analysts from the Heritage Foundation, a center-right think tank, on Tuesday said the House Speaker John Boehner's (R-OH) counteroffer to President Barack Obama's proposal to avert the fiscal cliff was a "dud," "beyond disappointing," "bad policy," and blistered the House Republican leadership for not even wanting to fight for permanent reforms to entitlements even in private, behind-the-scenes negotiations. 4 Dec 2012

Planned Parenthood Celebrates 12 Adoptions in 7 Years

Planned Parenthood of Indiana recently highlighted their success in facilitating adoptions with a statement on their website which read "we’re proud to announce that since 2006...PPIN has paved the way for at least 12 successful adoptions." 4 Dec 2012

Another Chicago Dem on Trial for Corruption

The combative Cook County commissioner stands accused of diverting more than $225,000 from campaign coffers to feed a casino-gambling habit and for other personal use without reporting it. Jury selection began Monday, and opening statements are expected later this week. 4 Dec 2012

Governors ask for flexibility in fiscal cliff deal

A bipartisan group of governors says they sought assurances from President Barack Obama that any cuts in spending to address the looming "fiscal cliff" would not shift the financial burden onto states. They say they want flexibility from the federal government on mandated programs to allow them to do more with less. 4 Dec 2012

C-SPAN Must Broadcast the Fiscal Talks

The news is awash with developments surrounding attempts to avert the fiscal cliff. Offers/Counter offers, mockery, indignation, adjective-laden press releases and ominous threats from talking heads dominate the news cycle. Let's cut to the chase. 4 Dec 2012

Cutter: Obama Campaign Never Claimed 'Bain Was Bad'

President Barack Obama's deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter continues to insist that the Obama campaign was not making an argument that "Bain [Capital] was bad," even though a pro-Obama super PAC essentially accused Mitt Romney of being responsible for a woman's death. 4 Dec 2012

DeMint Blasts Boehner's '800 Billion Tax Hike'

The DC political world thrives by obfuscating and making things seem more complicated than they actually are. The entire government edifice is built on buzz-words and euphemisms intended to obscure that's happening. When Speaker Boehner promotes a Democrat-inspired "balanced approach" that increases federal revenues he's doing one very simple thing; he's raising taxes. 4 Dec 2012

Clyburn: Michelle Obama Should Run for Office

As speculation ramps up about what First Lady Michelle Obama will do after President Barack Obama's presidency, Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC) believes she should run for office. Clyburn said Michelle Obama is "exactly" what Washington needs. 4 Dec 2012

Small-bore proposals to help avert fiscal cliff

Sure the rich may have to pay more in taxes. But a "fiscal cliff" budget deal could mean pain for nearly everyone else, too: higher airline ticket prices, for example, an end to Saturday mail delivery, fewer food stamps and lower farm subsidies. 4 Dec 2012

GOP: Party of Slightly Fewer Tax Hikes

For most of my adult life, there has been one thing I could rely on with the Republican Party; they weren't going to raise my taxes. Sure, President George H.W. Bush did it in 1990, but his shock reelection loss quickly taught the party a lesson. Tax policy was one clear issue advantage the GOP had over the Democrats. Yesterday, Speaker Boehner released a Democrat-inspired "fiscal cliff" offer that finally surrenders this advantage. The GOP is now the party of "slightly less tax hikes." 4 Dec 2012

Environmentalists Blockade Themselves Inside Keystone Pipeline

On Monday, environmental activists protested the Keystone XL pipeline expansion in East Texas by physically going into the barrels and, "using a blockading technique never implemented before," locking themselves between two barrels of concrete "located twenty-five feet into a pipe segment waiting to be laid into the ground." 4 Dec 2012

Dick Armey Resigns from FreedomWorks

In a surprise move, former House Republican Majority Leader Dick Armey has resigned as chairman of FreedomWorks, the conservative Washington based group that has been strongly identified with the Tea Party movement. 4 Dec 2012

White House Won't Counter Boehner's Fiscal Proposal

It is becoming clearer and clearer that Barack Obama wants America to charge over the fiscal cliff so he can indict Republicans later. After House Speaker John Boehner submitted the Republican proposal, senior administration officials blustered that Boehner’s proposal wasn't serious enough to merit a counter-proposal. 4 Dec 2012

Exclusive - Boehner: 'Unreasonable' White House Passing up 'Middle Ground Offer'

Today, House Speaker John Boehner offered a counteroffer to the White House’s insulting fiscal cliff offer, which would have increased taxes by $1.6 trillion, raised spending, and indefinitely suspended the debt ceiling. Boehner’s offer would have included $800 billion in new tax revenue from closing loopholes and limiting deductions, and reduced the deficit by $2.2 trillion overall by implementing spending cuts and entitlement reforms. The White House immediately rejected the offer. 3 Dec 2012

Huelskamp Rallies House Republicans to Reaffirm Anti-Tax Pledge

While several House Republicans have publicly stated they’ll break a promise to not raise taxes amid the fiscal cliff negotiations, Kansas Republican Rep. Tim Huelskamp has a different idea. He wants Republicans to join him in proclaiming reaffirmed commitments to the Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) pledge against tax increases. 3 Dec 2012

Thought of the Day: US Births, Positives Outweigh the Negatives

In the long term, as John Maynard Keynes once wrote, we are dead. But it is also true that over the long term economic growth depends upon on an expanding population. Historically, the United States has been unique among developed countries in the West in maintaining birthrates in excess of what’s needed to prevent the population from declining. An abundance of births has provided the fundamentals needed for long term economic growth. 3 Dec 2012

Boehner Makes 'Cliff' Counter-Offer; White House Immediately Rejects

To avoid the so-called "fiscal cliff, this afternoon House Speaker John Boehner offered a proposal that would reduce the deficit by $2.2 trillion over the next ten years. $800 billion would come from tax reform (closing loopholes, etc.), with the rest coming from different forms of spending cuts. 3 Dec 2012

GOP issues new 'fiscal cliff' offer to Obama

House Republicans on Monday proposed a new 10-year, $2.2 trillion blueprint to President Barack Obama that calls for increasing the eligibility age for Medicare and lowering cost-of-living hikes for Social Security benefits 3 Dec 2012

LA Mayor Warns over Week-Old US Trade Hub Strike

Los Angeles mayor Antonio Villaraigosa has called for round-the-clock bargaining to end the strike at the ports of Los Angeles and nearby Long Beach, where strike action began last Tuesday. 3 Dec 2012

Obama Cuts Campaign Ad to Push Tax Hikes

If the recent election taught us anything, it's that Barack Obama certainly knows how to campaign. While to many of us his speeches were full 0f seemingly small-bore issues like Sesame Street and contraceptives, these turned out to be perfectly calibrated to appeal to low-information voters. He is continuing this successful approach with the negotiations over the "fiscal cliff." He's even cut a campaign-style ad making his case for tax hikes. 3 Dec 2012

Adelson spent $150 million on US elections: report

The $150 million figure -- given by the Huffington Post, citing Republican fundraisers -- is three times more than the $54 million previously disclosed, and 50 percent more than the $100 million Adelson once said he was prepared to spend. 3 Dec 2012

Cuomo Asks White House, Congress for Sandy Aid

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is asking the Obama administration and congressional leaders for quick action in approving tens of billions of dollars to help his state recover from Superstorm Sandy, one of the Northeast's most destructive storms. 3 Dec 2012

Stocks edge lower after weak manufacturing report

U.S. manufacturing declined in November, the Institute for Supply Management reported. The ISM's index fell to 49.5 from 51.7 a month earlier, below the 51.2 reading forecast by analysts. Any number below 50 on the scale means that manufacturing is contracting. Businesses expressed concerns about the "fiscal cliff," a series of sharp government spending cuts and tax increases scheduled to start Jan. 1 unless an agreement is reached to cut the budget deficit. 3 Dec 2012

Obama’s Arrogant Overreach—and the Republican Opportunity

In the “fiscal cliff” negotiations, the Republicans are in desperate need of a game-changer. That is, the current dynamics in Washington DC are so bad right now for Republicans that they are likely to go ofIf Obama is seen as a fellow who wants to move the economy to a better place by raising taxes on the Koch Brothers, he will win. But if Obama is seen as an arrogant and unconstitutional power-grabber, he will lose. f a political cliff. 3 Dec 2012

US Manufacturing Shrinks to Three-Year Low

U.S. manufacturing shrank in November to its weakest level since July 2009, one month after the Great Recession ended. Worries about automatic tax increases in the New Year cut demand for factory orders and manufacturing jobs. 3 Dec 2012

Give Us Your Guns, We'll Give You A Flu Shot

These insultingly low prices for guns are indicative of the insultingly silly practice of buying back guns to begin with -- especially when one considers that most guns in buy backs are simply destroyed. It's another misdirected way of seeing guns as the problem, instead of understanding that the real problem lies with the criminal who misuses a gun. 3 Dec 2012

Gohmert: The True Meaning of 'Fair Share'

Since he first took office in 2008, President Barack Obama has been relentless in his cry for all Americans to pay their “fair share” of taxes, without ever once giving the specifics of a tax plan that would truly create a “fair share” tax system. 3 Dec 2012

Former FCC Chair to Cell Companies: No First Amendment for You

Tech companies spend trillions of dollars to build and maintain, expand and improve their Internet networks. So it is disturbing when a democrat former Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman dismisses the notion that these companies exclusively own these networks and that their First Amendment rights are flexible. 3 Dec 2012

Democrats Winning Technology Battle over GOP

Last week, at the post-election Harvard Institute of Politics conference, Republican campaign managers intensely took notes as Obama's top campaign operatives explained some of the technology, data, and metrics the campaign employed to run circles around Mitt Romney's operation. 3 Dec 2012

Virginia's Ken Cuccinelli: 'Conservatism Isn't Dead'

Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, who will most likely be the Republican Party's nominee for governor in 2013, spoke at the Virginia GOP Advance on December 1. His message: Virginia had an opportunity to show the nation that "conservatism isn't dead" and warned conservatives not to fall into the trap of thinking they had to adopt liberal policies to win elections. 3 Dec 2012

CA Residents Protest Alleged Chinese 'Maternity Hotel'

On Saturday, Chino Hills, California residents protested an estate that they claim is being used by pregnant Chinese nationals as a "maternity hotel" so they can give birth to their children in the United States. Their children would consequently receive U.S. citizenship and all the benefits associated with it. 2 Dec 2012

Black NY City Council Candidate Slurs Jews

Thomas Lopez-Pierre, an African-American candidate for a seat on the City Council in New York City’s 7th Council District said he was opposed to the candidacy of his Jewish opponent, Mark Levine, whom he called a “White/Jewish candidate” who was trying “to sneak into office like a thief in the night.” 2 Dec 2012

Harvard's Latest Addition: the S&M Club

Harvard University is famous for its secular leftism, and now they have approved a student organization which will give Leftists (who do champion the counterculture) a club where they can indulge their fantasies: the Harvard College Munch for Bondage/Discipline/Sadism/Masochism. 2 Dec 2012

Allen West: 'Lincoln Only Served One Term in Congress, Too'

On National Public Radio last Friday, former Rep. Allen West (R-FL) explained his future role in politics. “Look,” said West, “you know, God closes a door so that he can open up greater doors. I will continue to, you know, stand up and fight for this country. That’s my goal. I have two daughters, 19 and 16, and I want to make sure that they grow up in a great America that provides them all the opportunities that it provided to their mother and father.” 2 Dec 2012

Jerry Brown Opposes Privately-Funded Raise for UC Berkeley Chancellor

California Gov. Jerry Brown is fine with endless public expenditures of taxpayer cash. But when it comes to private donations, Brown is putting his foot down. The new University of California Berkeley chancellor, Nicholas B. Dirks, is all set to receive a $50,000 raise over his predecessor. The money will come from private donations. 2 Dec 2012

Reid Attempts Inside Straight for Casinos on On-line Poker

Well, the inclusion of Harry Reid should give Americans a clue as to whose interests are really at play in the passage of this bill. If Harry Reid's ideas become law, and one set of regulations governs, with only online poker being allowed, large corporations will be able to quickly snap up the lion’s share of the gaming, with most of those corporations being casinos headquartered in Harry Reid's home state of Nevada. 2 Dec 2012

Boehner to Geithner on Fiscal Cliff Proposal: 'You Can't Be Serious'

House Speaker John Boehner says he was "flabbergasted" when Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner pitched the White House plan to save the nation from the "fiscal cliff." Boehner tells "Fox News Sunday" that after Geithner briefed him privately on Thursday, he looked at Geithner and said, "You can't be serious." Boehner called it "silliness" that the White House was, among other things, asking Congress to give up its power to set the nation's debt limit. 2 Dec 2012

No US budget deal without tax hikes: White House

Lead White House negotiator Timothy Geithner insisted Sunday there would be no deal to avert the "fiscal cliff" unless Republicans allowed tax rates on the wealthiest Americans to rise. 2 Dec 2012

ObamaCare's Menu Labeling Regs Hike Costs and Stifle Creativity

For the pizza industry, the new regulations require cumbersome and costly menu boards that must contain calorie information for each variety of whole pizza that is prepared in the restaurant. Ironically, however, customers of many pizza establishments will never even see the elaborate menu boards, which could cost about $5,000 per location, since most generally call in a delivery order without ever stepping foot inside the restaurant. Increased costs for menu boards are likely to be passed on to customers. 2 Dec 2012


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