Bynum Feeling Better, On The Way Back?

HANG TIME HEADQUARTERS – Stop now if you’re a Philadelphia 76ers fan tired of reading encouraging reports about Andrew Bynum and his potential return to action.

But if you’re still a believer in the power of the big man and what he could do for the Sixers, this might be the stocking stuffer that’ll make your Christmas. Bynum, strictly an observer so far this season due to knee issues, seems to be feeling much better these days and is potentially on his way back sooner rather than later, per Bob Cooney of the Daily News.

Apparently seeing his old teammates from Los Angeles boosted Bynum’s spirits a bit over the weekend:

Former teammates made their way into the Sixers locker room before the game after the media was cleared, probably stopping by to see their former running mate.

“Winning championships there was fun,” said Bynum. “But obviously my time there is done. Health is the main concern with me now. I don’t regret anything. Personally, they traded No. 1 (him) for No. 2 (Dwight Howard) and that is what happened. I think Dwight is a great player and has to get accustomed to playing and not touching the ball on every play.”

While Bynum has done nothing more than observe during his time here, he appears to be itching more than ever to get back on the floor. His doctor’s visit on Thursday will go a long way on letting everyone know how soon that is to happening.

“I think I could do wonders for this team because right now we don’t have a lot of post threat and that would help free up a lot of our guys from the outside – knock down shooters and Jrue and Evan are playing a lot with the ball right now so it would be good to join them and Thaddeus, also.

“The update is that I’m feeling much better. From the beginning of this year, the state of the injury when I see the doctor hopefully I’ll be cleared for impact. Only the left knee (is hurting) the right knee is fine.”

Fine, so the news isn’t all good if Bynum’s left knee is still hurting. Still, the Sixers could know as soon as Thursday when they’ll have Bynum back in action. He’ll need time to get in game shape and get up to speed as quickly as possible to help out a Sixers team that has lost three straight and is fighting to stay at .500 or better right now.

If the Sixers want to stay in the playoff mix they’ll need a boost. And an inspired and reasonably healthy Bynum could be exactly what they need to get them back on track.


  1. B-Ball4Life says:

    Unfortunately Andrew Bynum is still very immature.
    When he´s at his best he´d definitely help Philly alot.
    But at the moment there are at least 5 Centers in the East (Chandler, Lopez, Horford, Bosh, Noah) that will dominate him right now even Hibbert is better.
    But anyway good luck Philly!

  2. [...] Dwight Howard, Los Angeles Lakers, Philadelphia 76ers, Philadelphia Daily News, Sekou Smith / No Comments [...]

  3. [...] Bynum Feeling Better, On The Way Back? « | Hang Time (blog)HANG TIME HEADQUARTERS – Stop now if you're a Philadelphia 76ers fan tired of reading encouraging reports about Andrew Bynum and his potential return to action. But if you're still a believer in the power of the big man and what he could do for the …NBA: Los Angeles Lakers win second straightSan Jose Mercury NewsSunday's NBA CapsulesStatesman JournalAndrew Bynum: Kobe stunted my playESPNBleacher Report -SportingNews.comall 573 news articles » [...]

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