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Finding Aids to Collections in the Archive of Folk Culture


Compiled by: Margie Crawford
Series Editor: Ann Hoog

Revised: December 2012

For additional information about Archive of Folk Culture collections, contact the Folklife Reading Room. To request copies, see our webpages regarding audio materials and photographic materials. Please refer to the AFC and/or AFS numbers when requesting information. All indications of time duration listed in this finding aid are estimates.

AFC 1939/007: Alan Lomax Collection of Michigan and Wisconsin Recordings
Two hundred fifty 12-inch discs of field recordings of instrumentals, songs, and stories, and interviews. Includes lumbering songs and stories, Paul Bunyan stories, sea songs, ballads, fiddle tunes, Irish-American songs and tunes, blues, humorous and popular songs. Recorded in Michigan and Wisconsin by Alan Lomax, August 10-November 1, 1938 for the Archive of Folk Song, Library of Congress. The collection includes one-half linear inch of cards, correspondence, lists, and notes. [catalog record]

AFS 2252B-2258: Seven discs containing 24 Hungarian instrumentals and songs with interviews, recorded in Detroit, Michigan, August 1938. (1 hour; preservation tape LWO 4872 reel 144A)

AFC 1940/001: W.P.A. California Folk Music Project Collection, 1938-1940
Two hundred and thirty-nine 12-inch discs from the California Folk Music Project, a field survey of instrumentals, religious services, and songs recorded in northern California by Sidney Robertson (Cowell), November 1938-March 1940, under the joint sponsorship of the Music Department of the University of California at Berkeley, the Library of Congress, and the Works Progress Administration (W.P.A.). The collection includes 168 photos, and 4 linear feet of correspondence, fieldnotes, musical and textual transcriptions, and scale drawings of musical instruments. [catalog record] [online presentation]

AFS 4269A-4273B2: Five discs containing 18 Hungarian songs sung by Mary Gaidos and group, recorded in Oakland, California, December 31, 1939, and January 3, 1940. (48 minutes; tape copy on LWO 4872 reel 292)

AFC 1951/046: Cooperative Acquisitions Project / Folk Music of Hungary
Thirty-six discs of Hungarian folk music transferred to Music Division from Cooperative Acquisitions Project, pre-1950s. No list of contents. (AFS 10,299-10,334) (preservation tape LWO 5111 reel 296B-299A)

AFC 1959/012: Austrian Academy of Sciences Phonogrammarchiv Collection
Eight 5-inch tapes of dance tunes, instrumentals, interviews, songs, and a wedding in the Croatian, German, and Hungarian languages. Recorded at various locations in Austria. Received on exchange from the Phonogrammarchiv der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, June 1959. The collection includes 1/4-linear inch of lists. (includes AFS 11,581-11,588) [catalog record]

AFC 1965/007: Béla Bartók Recordings of Folk Music of Hungary
One 7-inch tape containing 12 instrumentals and songs recorded originally on cylinders in Hungary by Béla Bartók, 1910s. Donated by John Vinton, who obtained it from the Hungarian Academy of Science, Budapest, fall 1964. (10 minutes; LWO 4609) (includes AFS 12,307) [catalog record]

AFC 1975/022: National Folk Festival, 1954
Two 10-inch tapes of the 20th National Folk Festival, including dances, instrumentals, and songs from American Indian, Anglo, Cuban, German, Hungarian, Jewish, Mexican, and Philippine American traditions. Recorded by the Voice of America in St. Louis, Missouri, April 8, 1954. The National Folk Festival sponsored by St. Louis Globe-Democrat. [catalog record]

AFC 17,509B: One tape containing a czardas (a national folk dance of Hungary) performed by the Hungarian Hall Dancers of St. Louis, Missouri.

AFC 1976/011: Pekka Gronow Collection of Ethnic Music
Two 7-inch tapes of dance tunes, humor, and songs, mostly immigrant and non-English language material, from 78 rpm commercial recordings of Armenian, Finnish, German, Greek, Hawaiian, Hungarian, Italian, Irish, Lithuanian, Polish, Romanian, Serbian, Sicilian, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian, and Yugoslavian material. (AFS 18,000-18,001) [catalog record]

AFC 1976/016: Archive of California and Western Folklore Recordings
Six 7-inch tapes of Anglo-American ballads, songs, and tales recorded in Tennessee by Jerome Walker, 1961; songs sung in Dutch, English, German, Hungarian, and Spanish recorded in California by Norine Dresser, spring 1970; and German instrumentals and songs recorded in California by Eileen Marrison, 1971. The collection includes 6 pages of lists and was obtained from the Archive of California and Western Folklore, University of California Los Angeles. [catalog record]

AFS 18,076A24-29: One tape containing 6 Hungarian songs sung by Julia Friedman Ruby and Rose Marie Herzog Blumstein, recorded in Los Angeles, California, by Norine Dresser, spring 1970. (6 minutes; LWO 8886 reel 3A)

AFC 1980/028: Katalin Kiss-Balazs / Hungarian Song Project
One audiocassette of 32 Hungarian songs sung by Katalin Kiss-Balázs of the Kódaly Center of America, West Newton, Massachuttes. The songs are from Békés, Somogy, and Tolna counties of Hungary, Bukovina and Csik counties of Romania, and Nyitra county of Slovakia. The collection includes 1/4-linear inch of musical and textual notations and was donated August 1980. (AFS 20,097) (47 minutes; LWO 16,762; tape copy on RWA 597B)

AFC 1980/039: Carter Inaugural Concert Duplication Project
Seven 10-inch tapes of instrumentals and songs performed by several ethnic ensembles. Recorded at the Jimmy Carter Inaugural Concerts, National Visitors Center, Washington, D.C., by the Smithsonian Institution, January 18, 1977.

AFS 20,262B4-10: One tape containing Hungarian instrumentals and songs from the Transdanubia region of Hungary and from the Transylvania region of Romania, performed by the Hungaria Folk Dance Group of New York City. Featured are the citera, duda, köcsőg duda, and kűrt. (20 minutes; RWA 112B)

AFS 22,562-22,566: Stephen Erdely / Folksinging of the American Hungarians Collection
Five 10-inch tapes of Hungarian folk and popular songs, instrumentals, interviews, and stories recorded in Cleveland and Shaker Heights, Ohio, by Stephen Erdely, 1961-65. The collection includes 1/2-linear inch of correspondence, lists, and logs. (10 hours; RWA 7789-7793)

AFC 1981/018: Ethnic Broadcasting in America Collection
Eighteen 7-inch tapes, 2 5-inch tapes, and 117 audiocassettes Two 5-inch tapes, 18 7-inch tapes, and 117 cassettes of a survey of ethnic radio broadcasts recorded for the Ethnic Broadcasting in America Project of the American Folklife Center, Library of Congress. Recorded mostly off the air by Elena Bradunas, Theodore Grame, Alan Jabbour, and Wolfgang Fleischhauer at various locations in the United States,1977-1979. The radio broadcasts include contemporary, popular, and folk music; community news and announcements; advertising; comedy; news; sports; politics; paid political ads; and religious broadcasts, with hymns, gospel music, sermons, church services, and masses. The collection includes Theodore Grame's Ethnic Broadcasting in the United States and 9 1/2 linear inches of correspondence, manuscript material, and tape logs. [catalog record]

AFS 23,047-23,048: Two audiocassettes containing a Hungarian program on KTYM, Inglewood, California, April 22, 1978. (1 hour; RYA 2912-2913)

AFS 23,079: One audiocassette containing a Hungarian program on WHBI, New York City, New York, March 18, 1978. (30 minutes; RYA 2938)

AFS 23,099: One audiocassette containing a Hungarian program on WMZK, Detroit, Michigan, August 4, 1978. (55 minutes; RYA 2957)

AFS 23,106: One audiocassette containing a Hungarian program on WNIB, Chicago, Illinois, June 10, 1978. (30 minutes; RYA 2964)

AFS 23,149: One audiocassette containing a Hungarian program on WZAK,
Cleveland, Ohio, May 30, 1978. (30 minutes; RYA 2997)

AFC 1984/025: Guszti Janossy / Janossy Family Scrapbook
Two scrapbooks (3 linear inches) of genealogical materials and newspaper clippings concerning the Janossy family, a Hungarian immigrant musical family.

AFC 1987/044: Ujstilus / Hungarian Tanchaz Music Collection
One audiocassette of Ujstilus, an Hungarian dance music ensemble. Recorded on an unknown date. (1 hour)

AFC 1990/012: 1990 Neptune Plaza Concert Series Collection
Twelve 10-inch and 3 7-inch tapes, 15 audiocassettes, and 2 videocassettes of dances, instumentals, interviews, and songs performed as part of the 1990 Neptune Plaza Concert Series, sponsored by the American Folklife Center. Recorded at the Library of Congress, April-September 1990. The collection includes 5 linear inches of ephemera, notes, photos, and slides. [catalog record] [finding aid]

AFC 1990/012: SR10-11: Two tapes containing a concert of Hungarian instrumentals and songs from the Bihar and Délalfőldi regions of Hungary and the Transylvania and Gyimes regions of Romania, performed by Életfa of New Jersey, June 21, 1990. Featured are the brácsa, doromb, tekerő, violin, and ütő gardon. (1 hour and 5 minutes)

AFC 1990/012: V1: One videocassette of excerpts from the Életfa performance.

AFC 1990/012: Folder 10: Concert flier autographed by the performers, unsigned fliers, concert log (logger unknown), press releases, news clippings, and promotional materials.

AFC 1990/012: Folders 11-14: Four black-and-white 35mm contact sheets (108 images) and 7 8 x 10 black-and-white photoprints. Photographer unknown.

AFC 1993/001: Ethnic Heritage and Language Schools in America Project Collection
Twenty-four 5-inch tapes, 60 7-inch tapes, and 288 audiocassettes from the Ethnic Heritage and Language Schools in America Project, a survey of twenty-three ethnic schools from 22 ethnic groups. Recorded at various locations throughout the United States by Elena Bradunas and twenty-three fieldworkers, April-July, 1982, sponsored by the American Folklife Center. The collection includes 14 2/3 linear feet of correspondence, fieldnotes, final reports, key contributor forms, news clippings, publications, references to curriculum materials, references to donated photographs, slide and photo logs, sound recording logs, and transcripts of audio recordings. [catalog record] [finding aid]

The following includes documentation from the Hungarian Alumni Association's Saturday classes and kindergarten, recorded in New Brunswick, New Jersey, April 24-June 8, 1982.

AFS 23,494-23,508: Fifteen cassettes containing recordings of the classes. (15 hours; RYA 4499-4513)

AFC 1993/001: Boxes 8-9: Two boxes containing 17 pages of correspondence, 197 pages of curriculum reading materials and a box of alphabet cards, 345 pages of educational curriculum kits, 34 pages of fieldnotes, 78 pages of final reports, 15 pages of graduation program pamphlets, 62 pages of handouts, 55 pages of Hungarian schools/network materials, 12 pages of supplementary materials, 10 textbooks, and 11 yearbooks.

AFC 1993/001: Box 26: One box containing 5 envelopes (61 images) of color slides photographed by Peter Basa and Frank Deák, Jr.

AFC 1993/001: Box 30: One hundred eight pages of published materials (newspaper clippings, pamphlets, etc.

AFC 1993/001: Box 33: One box containing a 3-ring notebook of 25 black-and-white and 71 color photographs from the 1970s.

AFC 1995/001: 1995 Neptune Plaza Concert Series Collection
Ten cassettes and 16 videocassettes of dances, instrumentals, and songs performed as part of the 1995 Neptune Plaza Concert Series, sponsored by the American Folklife Center. Recorded at the Library of Congress, April-September 1995. The collection includes 5 linear inches of contact sheets, diskettes, ephemera, notes, and photos. [catalog record] [finding aid]

AFC 1995/001:V5: One videocassette of a concert of Hungarian dances, instrumentals, and songs from Hungary and Transylvania, Romania, performed by Méta of Budapest, Hungary, with the Tisza dance ensemble of Maryland, July 20, 1995. Featured are the bögő, brácsa, cimbalom, duda, furulya, and violin.

AFC 1995/001:V6: One videocassette of a segment from a WJLA-TV news program featuring the Méta concert.

AFC 1995/001: Folder 14: Concert fliers, news clippings, concert log by Dave LaSalle and Wendy DeBano, and promotional materials on the Méta performers.

AFC 1995/001: Envelope 4: One sheet of black-and-white 35mm (24 images) of the Méta concert. Photographed by Craig Hobson.

AFC 1995/001: Folder 15: One black-and-white 35mm contact sheet (24 images) and six 8 x 10 black-and-white photoprints of the Méta concert, photographed by Craig Hobson. One 4 x 6 black-and-white photoprint, (publicity-photographer unkown).

AFC 1995/008: Judit Elek / Maramaros (Transylvanian) Chasidic Folk Music Collection
One linear inch of ephemera, musical scores, and transliterated Yiddish/Hebrew and Yiddish/Hungarian translations of Chasidic song texts documenting a collection of Chasidic music made by Miksa Eizikovits in Maramaros, Romania, 1938-39. The collection includes 1 audiocassette containing Chasidic instrumentals and songs performed by Laszlo Melis in Budapest, Hungary, September 1993 (19 minutes). Compiled by Judit Elek, Budapest, Hungary, 1993.

AFC 1996/054: Delibab Ensemble (Hungarian) / Test Recording Audiocassette
One audiocassette of recording of the Delibab Ensemble. Recorded prior to 1996.

AFC 2000/015: Andriy Milavsky / Cheres Collection
One videocassette entitled Cheres: A Carpathian Folk Ensemble, featuring the group Cheres performing folk music of the Carpathian region, specifically Ukraine, Romania, Hungary, and Moldova, as well as Gypsy and Jewish tunes. Cheres was founded by Andriy Milavsky in 1990 and performs primarily in the New York City area. Produced in New York City with some clips from the Ukraine. The collection includes 2 publicity photos and 5 pages of correspondence, a biography of the group, a log, and a concert flier.


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