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Finding Aids to Collections in the Archive of Folk Culture


Series Editor: Ann Hoog
Revised: November 2012

For additional information about Archive of Folk Culture collections, contact the Folklife Reading Room. To request copies, see our webpages regarding audio materials and photographic materials. Please refer to the AFC and/or AFS numbers when requesting information. All indications of time duration listed in this finding aid are estimates.

AFS 22,185:  Karl Signell / "Music in a New World" Collection
One audiocassette of excerpts of interviews, narrations, songs, and stories, including examples of Afro-Cuban, Bosnian, Thai, and Turkish music, recorded at various locations by Karl Signell, February-April, 1981. Includes the music and stories of recent immigrant groups in the United States. Assembled as a preview of the "Music in a New World" series for National Public Radio. The collection includes 20 pages of correspondence and descriptions. (10 minutes; RYA 2526)

AFC 1998/001: Joel Martin Halpern Collection
Sixteen boxes of manuscripts, 45 sound recordings, 2526 graphic materials, and 8 moving images related to the anthropological field work in the Balkans, primarily among the Serbs; and among Laotian, Vietnamese, and Inuit ethnic groups. The collection includes abstracts, published and unpublished articles, brochures, coding instructions, curricula vitae, exhibit catalogs, logs, periodicals, and other manuscript material. Collected and donated by Joel Martin Halpern and Barbara Kerewsky-Halpern, 1950-2000. [catalog record] [finding aid]

AFC 1998/001: Folder 98: One folder containing The Thin Veneer: The Peoples of Bosnia and their Disappearing Cultural Heritage (Exhibition Catalogue). Amherst: University Gallery, University of Massachusetts (April 13-June 7, 1997): 16. The exhibition was guest curated by Walter Denny, Department of Art History, University of Massachusetts and Joel Martin Halpern, with the curatorial assistance of Roxanne Stanulis.

AFC 1998/001: Folder 164: One folder containing 130 photocopies of photographs of Bosnia -- Doboj, Zepce, Odzak,Tesanj, Maglaj; Vojvodina: 1930s-60s.

AFC 1998/001: Folder 167: One folder containing 136 photocopies of photographs of former Yugoslavia-Zupca (Bosnia village): 1962.

AFC 1999/030: Denise Bowles-Johnson, Elizabeth Kostova, Vlasta Maric, and Laura Olson Collection of Central Bosnian Music
Twenty-eight cassettes forming a study entitled "Non-Professional Music in Central Bosnia, 1989: Singing and Instrumental Music in Village, City, and Church Contexts." The cassettes are copies of their original fieldwork tapes. Recordings include an Orthodox Mass from Sarajevo, a Serbian Orthodox Mass, a Catholic Velika Gospa (holiday Mass), a Serbian wedding party, recordings by Ivanka Ekmecic, Emsura Hamzic-Sladoje, Miko and Bosa Lohinski, the Kovvaljesko family, Drogomir Nakaradic, Mara and Marta Miskovic, Muharem Skrozo, and others. Recordings are from Sarajevo, Zeleznik, Ozren, Medakovo, Jevadije, Mostar, Omanjska, and Novi Milianovci. The collectors were interested in creating a sampler of non-professional music-making, with an emphasis on vocal music, in Central Bosnia and to learn repertoire for performance by Rozmarin, a singing ensemble in the U.S.


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   November 14, 2012
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